Platinum Member
While all Justices and Judges, indeed all people have their biases, this strikes me as different and disturbing. Justices will typically make an honest attempt to balance their ideology with a sound application of the law and the constitution, even when that ideology shapes their perception and interpretation of the law
This however shows a blatant intent and desire to bend the law to the detriment of the LGTB community. I have to wonder why they hell they were there-rubbing elbows with vicious bigots - and engaged in such a public display of support for their hatful agenda.
Yes I know, Ruth Bader Ginsburg presided over same sex wedding so don't bother in invoke that. She was performing a public service in her capacity as a Justice. Again, this is different . there was no need for it, it demeans the court and undermines any semblance of impartiality
Justices Alito and Kavanaugh Meet With Leader Of Anti-Gay Christian Hate Group
Here is more
World Congress of Families | Right Wing Watch
National Organization for Marriage | Right Wing Watch
This however shows a blatant intent and desire to bend the law to the detriment of the LGTB community. I have to wonder why they hell they were there-rubbing elbows with vicious bigots - and engaged in such a public display of support for their hatful agenda.
Yes I know, Ruth Bader Ginsburg presided over same sex wedding so don't bother in invoke that. She was performing a public service in her capacity as a Justice. Again, this is different . there was no need for it, it demeans the court and undermines any semblance of impartiality
Justices Alito and Kavanaugh Meet With Leader Of Anti-Gay Christian Hate Group
These people and organization are an anachronism that has outlived their uselessnessAfter a photo emerged of Kavanaugh and Alito meeting with Brian Brown, the president of the National Organization for Marriage (NOM) and the World Congress of Families, a Christian hate group, the justices are being asked to recuse themselves from LGBT rights cases
NOM advocates for what they claim is “traditional marriage,” and hope to take marriage rights away from same sex couples. The group’s president is Brian Brown, who boasted of a “great day at the US Supreme Court” when posting the contentious photo to his Twitter account on October 29.
Here is more
World Congress of Families | Right Wing Watch
The World Congress of Families mobilizes opposition to reproductive rights, LGBTQ equality, feminism and “gender ideology” in the name of the “natural family.” Participants in its global summits and regional gatherings share information and political strategies for mobilizing conservative culture warriors around the globe. WCF leaders are allied with right-wing authoritarian and nationalist leaders who promote “traditional values.”
National Organization for Marriage | Right Wing Watch
The National Organization for Marriage was launched in 2007 by Princeton University professor Robert P. George and conservative writer Maggie Gallagher to fight for Proposition 8, California’s ballot initiative banning gay marriage. It is currently led by Brian Brown, previously of the Family Institute of Connecticut. Especially under Brown’s leadership, NOM has expanded its mission beyond fighting marriage equality, working in opposition to LGBT rights abroad, transgender rights, nondiscrimination laws and adoption by same-sex couples. The Washington, D.C.-based group organizes the annual “March for Marriage” on the National Mall and coordinates an issue pledge for presidential candidates.