Justice Barret and Justice Thomas how us that this truly is a great and wonderful country...


Diamond Member
Jul 19, 2014
Andrew Klavan pointed this out in his podcast........he makes the point at the 5:40 mark...

A Constitution, written over 240 years ago, when women did not have the ability to vote, and black human beings were held in slavery....to be later held as slaves by the democrat party..........a Woman, sworn in by a black man, who are now both Justices on the highest court in the land......?

This truly is a great and wonderful country............

Not exactly.
Look, I know at the root of this that everybody wishes that there would be unity, that we could just put all this stuff aside and canā€™t we all just get along? Canā€™t we just find whatever we have in common and build on it? Thatā€™d be great, but there isnā€™t anything we have in common, folks. Thatā€™s why I keep saying these people have to be defeated every chance there is to defeat them. . .
. . .
Look, folks. I know what I just said sounds really, really drastic and radical. And Iā€™m not talking about every Democrat out there. Iā€™m talking about the leaders of the radical left who are pushing all of this stuff on college campus, who are getting everybody else revved up and angry and so forth. We face a political opposition which does indeed want to tear down this country as founded and start anew. And they are the people running and leading the Democrat Party now.

And if you disagree with me, I want to hear it. You tell me, find for me, I would love to know what it is, an area of commonality about life in general. What do we have in common? ā€œWell, we want a great future for our kids, Rush.ā€ Yeah. Well, thatā€™s pretty generic. But tell me how it is that they are going about trying to achieve that.
I know it hurts, but even Limbaugh realizes that things are never going to be the same as what you are thinking . . .
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Andrew Klavan pointed this out in his podcast........he makes the point at the 5:40 mark...

A Constitution, written over 240 years ago, when women did not have the ability to vote, and black human beings were held in slavery....to be later held as slaves by the democrat party..........a Woman, sworn in by a black man, who are now both Justices on the highest court in the land......?

This truly is a great and wonderful country............

The Dumbocrat Party, who claims they support Black people, tried to destroy Clarence Thomas when he was appointed to the Sup Ct. More hypocrisy.
Andrew Klavan pointed this out in his podcast........he makes the point at the 5:40 mark...

A Constitution, written over 240 years ago, when women did not have the ability to vote, and black human beings were held in slavery....to be later held as slaves by the democrat party..........a Woman, sworn in by a black man, who are now both Justices on the highest court in the land......?

This truly is a great and wonderful country............

This Dude is hilarious!!!

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