Just to clarify: Justice Thomas is a black hero and an American hero

The fact that he offered the lone dissent doesn’t make him wrong, you moron.
Of course it doesn't make him wrong. But I got to tell you something, Clarence Thomas is a long way from John Marshal Harlen. Now quick, run to google, or your mommy, and find out who John Marshal Harlen was and in what case he was the lone dissent.

Hell, there is Thomas's dissent. As if would actually read it. But if you want to play, you pick a contention of Thomas that you think reflects just how smart he is.

Look, the DA dismissed 41 of 42 black jurors when the population of Mississippi was 18% black. Just doing the numbers with some significant rounding using these assumptions. Chance of being black, one in five, chance of getting dismissed from the jury by defense or the prosecution, 1 in 5. Hell, I don't know, maybe the prosecutor wasn't very good at math, or more to the point, statistics. And Thomas probably can't even do Calculus. Show me you got a couple of brain cells. Using those assumptions, what is the likelihood that 41 out of 42 black members of the jury pool would be dismissed? I already have the equation in my head. Hell, I got the answer so I will give you a hint, probably better chance of winning the Mega MIllions AND the Powerball in the same damn week.
He's a scumbag. Period. Just like Kavanaugh. Scumbags shouldn't get to sit on the highest court in the land. He didn't pass the moral character test.
The moment the Anita Hill accusations surfaced, his nomination should have been pulled. And yes, I blame Joe Biden and Ted Kennedy directly for Thomas's confirmation.
He's the black guy that white people like to point to that makes them feel like they can support because he doesn't have much in the way of sympathy or empathy for the people that make up his race.
In other words, he agrees with their views of most black people.

I can disagree with the rulings until the cows come home with Roberts, Barrett, Gorsuch, and even Alito. But I never once questioned their moral character to be able to sit on the bench.
Thomas and Kavanaugh..don't make the grade.
Same thing with Biden and Tara Reade who filed a complaint at the time of the assault, right?
The fact that he offered the lone dissent doesn’t make him wrong, you moron.
FUCK IT, I will give you the numbers. The chance that dismissing 41 of 42 potential black jurors was legit is 2.3 out of 10,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000. Now, let's play another game demonstrating how stupid you are, what is that number called. LOL, everyone of my kids could have told before they were ten.
To claim that Justice Thomas is anything less than a hero to America and to the cause of black people in America is simply racial bigotry.

He is a serious scholar. He is a wise and prudent jurist. He inherently fair. He may be one of the best Justices our SCOTUS has ever had.

He doesn’t buy into the racist divisiveness which many black racists seem to crave. So many of the latter seek to denigrate this great man. But, of course, their contentions are bullshit.

The Britannica article about Justice Thomas confirms that he was shaped in part by the racial prejudice he and others suffered. But unlike some of today’s black race hustlers, Thomas was more rational and consistently conservative. Even his opposition to affirmative action was a reflection of his desire to protect the interests of black Americans.

Clarence Thomas | Biography & Facts
A black hero to who? White racist.
Very little evidence to back this up. And Reade didn't help herself by changing her story.

Thomas and Kavanaugh are still scumbags. :)
She filed a complaint after Biden fingerfucked her AND she told her friends and family. Anita NEVER told a fucking soul until Biden forced her to testify
HAVE NOT liked him from his conformation hearing forward, poor judgment calls,
then tack on the The Anita hill deal & now free money? & his extra tacky wife

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