Just How Human Was Jesus?


Tommy Vercetti Fan Club
Jul 17, 2013
Jesus didn't sin. The Bible is pretty clear on that point. Well, every human being sins, right? That's the whole point of Jesus' existence and self-sacrifice to Himself, to absolve humans' sins.

Now, if Jesus didn't sin, just how human could Jesus have really been? If Jesus wasn't human, then what was the point of living as a human, especially since Jesus wouldn't have gotten the whole experience?
Jesus didn't sin. The Bible is pretty clear on that point. Well, every human being sins, right? That's the whole point of Jesus' existence and self-sacrifice to Himself, to absolve humans' sins.

Now, if Jesus didn't sin, just how human could Jesus have really been? If Jesus wasn't human, then what was the point of living as a human, especially since Jesus wouldn't have gotten the whole experience?

Really? he healed on the sabbath. The dead are unclean, he raised the dead.
The biggest lie is telling people you never lie, and the biggest sin is making an image of a man and telling people that icon never sined.
The only person deemed perfect would be the false messiah, warns the OT.
Ezekiel 28:14-15 (used to warn about Lucifer) aka son of "perdition" (to fall to the pit)-Acts 2:27 & 1 Peter 3:19.
This perfect image of a man is called
anointed(christ) cherub(guardian=Nazarene in Hebrew).
Only a false image made to be an impersonation is fallaciously and arrogantly
portrayed as sinless to sell divinity and impose authority through such lie.
The kicker is most Christians will admit the founding church fallaciously created Marycs immaculate image yet become suddenly naive and blind when seeing the same image created for the Jesus image.
But what I mean is how can we say Jesus/God lived as a man when He/They didn't really live as a man?
Because the adversary (Rome was the adversary at the time) is called the father of all lies. They did this to many cultures in order to be authority over them and collect (harvest) seed money their religions potentially could bring in.
Jesus was created in a book...He is in their own word the logos or word... There was nothing human about this image accept the stories made up about him from previous myths and snippets attraibuted to him by some previous individuals if people cant see this then they are too blinded by the lies Rome told about this carefully crafted image....Sometimes the truth hurts nut it is for each individual to figure this out for themselves....
Jesus is God. He took on a human body but remained divine.
Jesus couldn't even save himself. And apparently there's no mention of soap in the bible either. Or deodorant. Or toilet paper. Or clean underwear. Or...
Jesus couldn't even save himself. And apparently there's no mention of soap in the bible either. Or deodorant. Or toilet paper. Or clean underwear. Or...
Jesus sacrificed himself.
Jesus didn't sacrifice himself.
According to the NT Jesus willingly comitted suicide and that is a sin.
Unless you believe it wasn't willing and God forsaken him as he cried out to that fact, but then that would crush your Jesus was a god argument, in which would prove him to be Lucifer the fallen one for claiming to be a god.-Ezekiel 28
That's called check mate, because no matter how you weasle your character through these issues he's outted for what he is, the great lie and sin.

Jesus would have loved watching the moonshiners on TV,
as he was a bootlegger turning water into wine and all=sin.
You claim Jesus is God then he committed the sin of incest impregnating his mother.
Jesus stole roles of the Evening Star, thus was the thief of the NIGHT=SIN OF THEFT.
Jesus trashed the Temple trade section in overturning the tables which was normal practice during high holidays to have trade in non holy areas for accomadating and serving the huge flow of people coming into town. In fact if you think about the story (stolen from the Yehuda the Galuonite story) is Romes clever way of telling you through this icon they were turning the tables on Jerusalem's holy Temple and Jewish worship through their son of Baal (morning star) and their new imposter temple in Rome.
Which brings us to why he had to be considered the sacrafice and die.
1)it makes an excuse as to why their man-god character would not save himself and be so non powerful that he would die.
2)in the Canaanite dying god mythology
of Athtar the Fierce, for those who don't know, it is known as the dying god mythology whereby the son called
morning star, must die to surpass his father Baal on the throne.
Jesus claimed tobe the fallen morning star (lucifer) in Rev 22:16.
Jesus didn't sacrifice himself.
According to the NT Jesus willingly comitted suicide and that is a sin.
Unless you believe it wasn't willing and God forsaken him as he cried out to that fact, but then that would crush your Jesus was a god argument, in which would prove him to be Lucifer the fallen one for claiming to be a god.-Ezekiel 28
That's called check mate, because no matter how you weasle your character through these issues he's outted for what he is, the great lie and sin.

Jesus would have loved watching the moonshiners on TV,
as he was a bootlegger turning water into wine and all=sin.
You claim Jesus is God then he committed the sin of incest impregnating his mother.
Jesus stole roles of the Evening Star, thus was the thief of the NIGHT=SIN OF THEFT.
Jesus trashed the Temple trade section in overturning the tables which was normal practice during high holidays to have trade in non holy areas for accomadating and serving the huge flow of people coming into town. In fact if you think about the story (stolen from the Yehuda the Galuonite story) is Romes clever way of telling you through this icon they were turning the tables on Jerusalem's holy Temple and Jewish worship through their son of Baal (morning star) and their new imposter temple in Rome.
Which brings us to why he had to be considered the sacrafice and die.
1)it makes an excuse as to why their man-god character would not save himself and be so non powerful that he would die.
2)in the Canaanite dying god mythology
of Athtar the Fierce, for those who don't know, it is known as the dying god mythology whereby the son called
morning star, must die to surpass his father Baal on the throne.
Jesus claimed tobe the fallen morning star (lucifer) in Rev 22:16.
You are obviously only interested to insulting the teachings of the Bible. I'm following the teaching from Matthew to not throw pearls to pigs. Good bye.
Then you wouldbe admitting the NT is an insult on the OT.
The fact you knowingly and willingly set high Lucifer kbowing full well you were warned about the first fallen messiah means ypu are insulting the religion you are twisting from.
For that, it is I who rebuke you!
Then you would be admitting the NT is an insult on the OT.
The fact you knowingly and willingly set high Lucifer knowing full well you were warned about the first fallen messiah means you are insulting the religion you are twisting from, even daring to call us pigs like we are back in Germany.
For that, it is I who rebuke you!
Jesus didn't sin. The Bible is pretty clear on that point. Well, every human being sins, right? That's the whole point of Jesus' existence and self-sacrifice to Himself, to absolve humans' sins.

Now, if Jesus didn't sin, just how human could Jesus have really been? If Jesus wasn't human, then what was the point of living as a human, especially since Jesus wouldn't have gotten the whole experience?

What you should be concerned about is your own sin, not the sin of others. Seek to save your own soul instead of worrying about how many dinosaurs were aboard the ark, or how Moses parted the sea. Put your mind on the prize.
And even the Atheists wish you'd read the OT. Not the corrupt NT version of the old texts, but the Tanakah version.
You obviously never read Ezekiel28 warning you of your son of perdition.
Well, every human being sins, right?

ignorance is a crime ...

the Parable of Noah - The Triumph of Good vs Evil is the goal set by the Almighty that humanity must accomplish for Admission to the Everlasting.

irregardless the desert religions, their scriptures the Triumph against sin is the sole agenda for mortals to accomplish Immortality.


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