judge praises black murderer


Diamond Member
Sep 1, 2017
..yepperee--can't make this stuff up
''''''I have to tell you, I think in another lifetime, you would have been an outstanding lawyer,' Sisco said. '''
'...these judges are idiots
nice hair style--HAHAHAHAHHAHAHHAHAHAHAHA--WTF????!!!!!

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Quote from the Daily Mail birdcage liner:

The suspect's trial has been abundant with emotion from many sides, but his son's testimony weighs heavier than anything else.


In America once someone is convicted of a crime they are no longer a suspect
Ok. As I understand it the man acting as his own attorney did a good job challenging the evidence and cross examining the witnesses. Now for Harmonica this is proof of whatever. Wimpy Judges, Liberals. Who knows in his disturbed mind.

For those of us who have an IQ higher than the temperature of a room. Well that tells us a lot more.

The Man faced the Death Penalty. The very first appeal if he is convicted will be that he did not have adequate representation. In other words the Defense left a lot of stones unturned and did a bad job. The Judge saying what she did after the conviction did two things. One. Acknowledge that the guy did what he could with the evidence against him. Which wasn’t much. Two. Weaken the argument that it was a poor defense.

The Prosecutor who will have to answer the claims of inadequate defense will quote that on the first page of his response.

Of course Harmonica hasn’t considered that. Harmonica doesn’t realize the Judge just took the first appeal off at the knees. So now unless the Lawyer assigned to the appeal can find a procedural error the odds of another trial being ordered just dropped dramatically. After all the Judge praised him for a well conducted defense.
Ok. As I understand it the man acting as his own attorney did a good job challenging the evidence and cross examining the witnesses. Now for Harmonica this is proof of whatever. Wimpy Judges, Liberals. Who knows in his disturbed mind.

For those of us who have an IQ higher than the temperature of a room. Well that tells us a lot more.

The Man faced the Death Penalty. The very first appeal if he is convicted will be that he did not have adequate representation. In other words the Defense left a lot of stones unturned and did a bad job. The Judge saying what she did after the conviction did two things. One. Acknowledge that the guy did what he could with the evidence against him. Which wasn’t much. Two. Weaken the argument that it was a poor defense.

The Prosecutor who will have to answer the claims of inadequate defense will quote that on the first page of his response.

Of course Harmonica hasn’t considered that. Harmonica doesn’t realize the Judge just took the first appeal off at the knees. So now unless the Lawyer assigned to the appeal can find a procedural error the odds of another trial being ordered just dropped dramatically. After all the Judge praised him for a well conducted defense.
So your IQ is 74??

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