SOS....Blacks Don't Like The Virdict So They Break And Steal Some Shit


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Articles: As St. Louis Erupts, Democrats Own It

This is what Democrats want everywhere in America.

September 18, 2017
As St. Louis Erupts, Democrats Own It
By Peter Barry Chowka
Once again, big city Democrat politicians have failed us. A deep societal wound was opened this past weekend in the Show Me State, with Ferguson, the false clarion call of “Hands Up Don't Shoot,” and the Black Lives Matter marches all still fresh in our memories, another. The acquittal on Friday of a white cop on trial for murder for fatally shooting a black man in 2011 after a high-speed chase was immediately met with demonstrations and violence including attacks on police, property, and the media. That was predictable, but what was equally and sadly on display were incendiary comments by local elected Democrat officials up and down the line that appeared to add more fuel to the already volatile fire in the streets.


On the streets of St. Louis Sept. 16, 2017

As the story reached national media prominence last week, the bare outlines of the 2011 case were repeated again and again, without much attention to the important context or additional details. The origins of the current story – trial, acquittal, and unrest – date back to December 20, 2011, when several St. Louis police officers reportedly observed 24-year-old African-American, Anthony Lamar Smith, who had a long criminal record, engaged in a drug deal in a fast food restaurant parking lot.

When the cops attempted to question Smith, the suspect rammed one of the police cars with his sedan and then took off at high speed. The police gave chase and when Smith’s car was forced to a stop, Smith was approached by 31-year-old white cop Jason Stockley. Officer Stockley fatally shot Smith five times after, he said, Smith disobeyed his orders to put his hands up and instead appeared to reach for a gun. A handgun was found in Smith’s car after it was searched by Stockley.

A trial of Stockley for first degree murder did not take place until this year -- before a judge rather than a jury in a proceeding known as a bench trial. The 30-page decision issued by St. Louis Circuit Court Judge Timothy Wilson on September 15 found that the prosecution had not proven its case against officer Stockley (he has since left the St. Louis police department), who was acquitted. (The Daily Mail described Judge Wilson, 69, as “objective and well-respected by prosecutors and defense lawyers alike” who “has ruled both for and against police during his 28 years on the bench.”)

Immediately after Judge Wilson’s decision was announced, the protests that had been promised by Black Lives Matter and other “activist” groups began.

Also immediately, one politician after another weighed in. One of the first to comment was St. Louis’ liberal Democrat Mayor Lyda Krewson, whose home, notwithstanding her mealy mouthed comments attempting to placate the critics of the cop’s acquittal, was attacked and vandalized by “protesters” Friday night:

St. Louis Mayor Lyda Krewson said she was “appalled” at what happened to Smith and “sobered by this outcome. Frustration, anger, hurt, pain, hope and love all intermingle. I encourage St. Louisans to show each other compassion, to recognize that we all have different experiences and backgrounds and that we all come to this with real feelings and experiences.”

“Appalled” at the outcome of a careful, lengthy, and completely lawful judicial process by a respected judge that found the evidence for first degree murder lacking in what some observers said was a politically motivated prosecution of officer Stockley (who was forced to leave his job in 2013) in the first place.

Krewson wasn’t alone in throwing a sop to the mobs that would soon be taking to the city’s streets. Left wing Democrat U.S. Rep. Lacy Clay, an African-American, represents St. Louis city. Clay gained national attention last January when he hung a painting depicting police officers as pigs in a public space in the U.S. Capitol building and then doubled down to defend his action when it was challenged in court. Last Friday after the verdict, Clay said:

Justice has been cruelly denied for Anthony Lamar Smith's family and this community. I stand in total solidarity with them in expressing my absolute outrage at this verdict.

Clay went on to say:

Once again, another young black man dies at the hands of a police officer, with no consequences. . . We must demand changes in local law enforcement to ensure all lives are respected and honored. There is no coming back after a life is taken, only sadness. . . It is simply an honest statement of the ugly and very painful truth that in America, in 2017, some lives are still worth more than others.

Another black Democrat, Missouri State Sen. Jamilah Nasheed, tweeted this comment:

No verdict could bring back Anthony Lamar Smith. But this one lays bare the integrity and accountability missing from our justice system.

Yet another Democrat, City Treasurer Tishaura Jones, who is a candidate for St. Louis Mayor, commented that Judge Wilson’s

…decision leaves me with more questions than answers…. The ultimate measure of how our community deals with this verdict is not how quickly we are able to get back to business, but whether we implement policy change addressing injustice, racism, and inequality. We can no longer prioritize short-term order over long-term justice.

None of these politicians – in the midst of a volatile situation with various agitators having planned and threatened to take action – encouraged people to respect the integrity of the judicial system that had rendered a verdict in the case.

And so it goes. One of the few more moderate comments that could be found was one by Sen. Roy Blunt, R-Mo., who called the verdict “a difficult day” for the Smith family “and for all St. Louisans who sought a different outcome in this case. The response to this verdict will have a lasting impact not just on the community, but the country.” Blunt added that the right to protest is a protected right.

However, if this verdict is met with violence and destruction, it will do nothing but reignite the fear and anger that law enforcement and community leaders have worked tirelessly to address since Ferguson. If it is met with a renewed commitment to continuing the work that is needed to rebuild trust between law enforcement and those they serve, it will show the world how we, as Americans, move forward.

Various media accounts have documented the violent actions of demonstrators on each of the three days and nights since the verdict was announced last Friday morning. Among the reports: multiple businesses were damaged with their windows smashed; over a dozen police officers were injured, including one with a broken jaw caused by one of the many bricks thrown by demonstrators; the mayor’s house was attacked and vandalized; media representatives were threatened and attacked, including several reporting live on TV; and business activity and commerce took a hit when thousands of downtown workers were sent home on Friday for their own safety, several area malls were invaded on Saturday, and a Saturday night U2 concert was canceled. On Sunday, unrest and violence continued with “significant property damage.”


Cleaning up broken store window after Sunday’s demonstrations in St. Louis

The character of many of the people who turned out, or who traveled to St. Louis to join the action, was something to behold as the cable TV news channels carried extensive live coverage, especially on Friday night. Sean Hannity’s live Fox News program at 10 P.M. E.T. was interrupted by several “F bombs” and middle finger salutes as protesters appeared to take advantage of the opportunity to display their feral nature. One participant, interviewed by Fox News’ Mike Tobin, bragged that he was a three-time convicted felon, twice for heroin and once for assault.

Earlier on Friday, according to The Gateway Pundit:

Local [KTVI] FOX 2 reporter Dan Gray was covering the protests in downtown St. Louis. An angry protester in a Colin Kaepernick jersey started screaming at Dan Gray, the mob then pushed him out of the area and chased him down the street. Dan Gray got pummeled with water bottles as he fled the area!

In a tweet, Gray described it as “the scariest moment in my career.”


Reporter Dan Gray surrounded by demonstrators Sept. 15 before he was “pummeled with water bottles.”

During the week ahead now, demonstrations are likely to continue. An article largely sympathetic to the demonstrators’ point of view, published in The Blaze on Sunday, noted:

People are angry, so the protests will likely continue into this week and maybe longer as demonstrators demand answers.

In terms of demanding answers, it might help to start with disseminating more widely to the public some important information about the original case in 2011 that has not been easy to find in media accounts. For example, on September 15 the AP reported on the “different pasts” of Officer Stockley and suspect Smith (one had to go to the Kansas City Star to find this report):

Stockley, now 36, graduated from a Catholic high school in nearby Belleville, Illinois, then went to the U.S. Military Academy at West Point. After graduation, he served in Iraq, where he was injured and awarded the Army Bronze Star. Stockley joined the St. Louis Police Department in 2007. He resigned in 2013, about two years after the shooting, and moved to Houston.

Smith had a 1-year-old daughter when he died. His family has not disclosed much about him. Court records show he had a criminal record that included convictions for unlawful possession of a firearm and drug distribution. At the time of the shooting, he was on probation for a theft charge related to a 2010 crime in the St. Louis suburb of Ferguson. In 2013, the St. Louis Board of Police Commissioners reached a $900,000 settlement with Smith's family, ending a wrongful-death lawsuit filed on behalf of Smith's daughter.

More context like the above might have helped. As Fox News contributor and St. Louis resident Kevin Jackson said during a Fox News broadcast on Saturday:

The real tragedy is that Anthony Lamar Smith was dealing heroin and we act as if he’s Rosa Parks.


Shall we overturn the 14th Amendment and hold protected minorities to different legal standards?
BLM has said the violent agitators are not part of their movement and the violence is counter-productive.
I agree it is counter-productive and arresting the perps is appropriate. I also understand the black community's frustration here, though. The guy was unarmed and was shot five times. The justice system again absolved the cop from any responsibility, and there were valid questions.
I understand this is an old case and St. Louis is taking steps to improve its policing. But the justice system may be lagging behind?
It is NOT just black people causing trouble for no reason. They have a point to make.
The protests will not stop until blacks are treated fairly by both LE and the judge.
BLM has said the violent agitators are not part of their movement and the violence is counter-productive.
I agree it is counter-productive and arresting the perps is appropriate. I also understand the black community's frustration here, though. The guy was unarmed and was shot five times. The justice system again absolved the cop from any responsibility, and there were valid questions.
I understand this is an old case and St. Louis is taking steps to improve its policing. But the justice system may be lagging behind?
It is NOT just black people causing trouble for no reason. They have a point to make.
The protests will not stop until blacks are treated fairly by both LE and the judge.
You fail to mention that the soon to be corpse was reaching for a gun, which was found in the car, instead of putting his hands on the dash as instructed or that he had been in a high speed chase. Why omit those facts?
BLM has said the violent agitators are not part of their movement and the violence is counter-productive.
I agree it is counter-productive and arresting the perps is appropriate. I also understand the black community's frustration here, though. The guy was unarmed and was shot five times. The justice system again absolved the cop from any responsibility, and there were valid questions.
I understand this is an old case and St. Louis is taking steps to improve its policing. But the justice system may be lagging behind?
It is NOT just black people causing trouble for no reason. They have a point to make.
The protests will not stop until blacks are treated fairly by both LE and the judge.
He was a heroin dealer. He had a rap sheet longer then your memory. What the hell was lost?
The length of the arrest record of a violent criminal shot by the cops.

Is directly proportional to the amount of looting and rioting on his behalf by BLM. .... :cool:
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BLM has said the violent agitators are not part of their movement and the violence is counter-productive.
I agree it is counter-productive and arresting the perps is appropriate. I also understand the black community's frustration here, though. The guy was unarmed and was shot five times. The justice system again absolved the cop from any responsibility, and there were valid questions.
I understand this is an old case and St. Louis is taking steps to improve its policing. But the justice system may be lagging behind?
It is NOT just black people causing trouble for no reason. They have a point to make.
The protests will not stop until blacks are treated fairly by both LE and the judge.
You fail to mention that the soon to be corpse was reaching for a gun, which was found in the car, instead of putting his hands on the dash as instructed or that he had been in a high speed chase. Why omit those facts?
Yeah OldLady, why are you trying to deceive people? If you had a real argument, you wouldnt have to be dishonest. Why stand up for a heroin dealer who was reaching for his gun right before he was shot?
BLM has said the violent agitators are not part of their movement and the violence is counter-productive.
I agree it is counter-productive and arresting the perps is appropriate. I also understand the black community's frustration here, though. The guy was unarmed and was shot five times. The justice system again absolved the cop from any responsibility, and there were valid questions.
I understand this is an old case and St. Louis is taking steps to improve its policing. But the justice system may be lagging behind?
It is NOT just black people causing trouble for no reason. They have a point to make.
The protests will not stop until blacks are treated fairly by both LE and the judge.
You fail to mention that the soon to be corpse was reaching for a gun, which was found in the car, instead of putting his hands on the dash as instructed or that he had been in a high speed chase. Why omit those facts?
Yeah OldLady, why are you trying to deceive people? If you had a real argument, you wouldnt have to be dishonest. Why stand up for a heroin dealer who was reaching for his gun right before he was shot?
Not to mention ramming a cop car when they tried to arrest him and creating the danger to the public from the ensuing high speed case. The cop should have been given an award. Instead a political witch hunt trial ends up with the officer's deserved acquittal and the feral low lifes given an excuse to RIOT again.
BLM has said the violent agitators are not part of their movement and the violence is counter-productive.
I agree it is counter-productive and arresting the perps is appropriate. I also understand the black community's frustration here, though. The guy was unarmed and was shot five times. The justice system again absolved the cop from any responsibility, and there were valid questions.
I understand this is an old case and St. Louis is taking steps to improve its policing. But the justice system may be lagging behind?
It is NOT just black people causing trouble for no reason. They have a point to make.
The protests will not stop until blacks are treated fairly by both LE and the judge.
you and the protesters don't know CRAP!!!!!!!!!!!
Obama's DOJ didn't prosecute for lack of evidence.....
you and the protesters know less than the DOJ--so there was no reason to protest--none at all
until the black criminals stop committing crimes, resisting/attack the cops, they will keep being shot
he wasn't shot for being black--but for being a resisting criminal---you people must be SUPER stupid not to realize that
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Other than the blues/jazz (which whites play better anyway), has the ultimate crybaby race ever made any real contribution to American society? At least in this day and age, I can't think of a single positive thing crybaby-Americans have done for society.
There is nothing better for conservatives than this stuff on the TV a few nights per week several times/year..........assures a Trump re-election even if Trump went and bazooka'd a statue of MLK in the middle of Harlem. Nothing fucks up white folks more than seeing blacks do this jungle-land crap. Its like my friend always says, "******* gonna nig!!":coffee:

Lets face it.......after Ferguson and Charlotte, white folks in America said to themselves, "Fuck this........we elect a black guy twice and these people are still trying to establish the Congo in the heartland!". Trump rolls to landslide victory...................duh.:boobies::boobies::bye1:
Everywhere liberal scum politicians are in charge, this kind of shit is allowed to go on for days!

BLM has said the violent agitators are not part of their movement and the violence is counter-productive.
I agree it is counter-productive and arresting the perps is appropriate. I also understand the black community's frustration here, though. The guy was unarmed and was shot five times. The justice system again absolved the cop from any responsibility, and there were valid questions.
I understand this is an old case and St. Louis is taking steps to improve its policing. But the justice system may be lagging behind?
It is NOT just black people causing trouble for no reason. They have a point to make.
The protests will not stop until blacks are treated fairly by both LE and the judge.
Total liberal BULLSHIT!
BLM has said the violent agitators are not part of their movement and the violence is counter-productive.
I agree it is counter-productive and arresting the perps is appropriate. I also understand the black community's frustration here, though. The guy was unarmed and was shot five times. The justice system again absolved the cop from any responsibility, and there were valid questions.
I understand this is an old case and St. Louis is taking steps to improve its policing. But the justice system may be lagging behind?
It is NOT just black people causing trouble for no reason. They have a point to make.
The protests will not stop until blacks are treated fairly by both LE and the judge.
You fail to mention that the soon to be corpse was reaching for a gun, which was found in the car, instead of putting his hands on the dash as instructed or that he had been in a high speed chase. Why omit those facts?
A gun that did not have the guy's fingerprints on it, strange to say, only the cop's. The cop said he was going to shoot the fucker. And he did.
All those things are important, too.
I know cops have a duty to go home each night in one piece. I know they deal with dangerous people. I just wish their imagination would not go wild when they are dealing with a black man. Look at the guy who cops chased from Massachusetts to New Hampshire last year. Yes, they kicked the shit out of the WHITE guy, but they didn't fill him with bullets. At any point, they could have THOUGHT he was reaching for a gun, too, but they didn't.
BLM has said the violent agitators are not part of their movement and the violence is counter-productive.
I agree it is counter-productive and arresting the perps is appropriate. I also understand the black community's frustration here, though. The guy was unarmed and was shot five times. The justice system again absolved the cop from any responsibility, and there were valid questions.
I understand this is an old case and St. Louis is taking steps to improve its policing. But the justice system may be lagging behind?
It is NOT just black people causing trouble for no reason. They have a point to make.
The protests will not stop until blacks are treated fairly by both LE and the judge.
You fail to mention that the soon to be corpse was reaching for a gun, which was found in the car, instead of putting his hands on the dash as instructed or that he had been in a high speed chase. Why omit those facts?
Yeah OldLady, why are you trying to deceive people? If you had a real argument, you wouldnt have to be dishonest. Why stand up for a heroin dealer who was reaching for his gun right before he was shot?
I guess I'm trying to remind you that there are two sides to this story.

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