Judge blocks Trumps EO to end birthright citizenship

Is this thread about me and whether I’m a hypocrite or not?? I think not. You’re derailing. Plus I could play the same game and ask to see a post of you defending Obama’s executive actions like you’re doing here. It’s a waste of time. Stick to the topic at hand
No no…it doesn’t work that way Super Lib…Your boy, the Kenyan half breed set precedent by creating his very own personal type of citizenship with DACA….you didn’t complain or call for legislative action when he did so yeah…you have zero credibility on this matter. I’m still waiting for WorldWatcher to link us to his condemnation of the Kenyans DACA…
What does your distorted brain think the founders intent was?
They wanted an all white America…NOBODY from Mexico. Based on the data were they right in wanting that?
Here we go…this will now get interesting as this issue works its way to the high court.

The legal interpretations of the phrase "subject to the jurisdiction thereof" in the 14th Amendment have sparked considerable examination and debate in American jurisprudence. The questions primarily surround who truly qualifies as being under U.S. jurisdiction, an issue that directly impacts the determination of citizenship under the Citizenship Clause.

One of the landmark Supreme Court cases that deeply dissected this clause was United States v. Wong Kim Ark, decided in 1898. Wong Kim Ark was born in San Francisco to Chinese parents, who, at the time of his birth, were subjects of the Emperor of China, but had established a permanent domicile and residence in the United States. The case arose when Wong was denied re-entry into the United States after a trip abroad, under laws that restricted Chinese immigration at the time.

The Supreme Court's decision affirmed Wong's citizenship by birth, interpreting the jurisdictional clause as implying that anyone born on American soil, excluding children of foreign diplomats or enemy soldiers, is subject to U.S jurisdiction and thus an American citizen.

This interpretation affirmed the principle of jus soli—right of the soil—as a fundamental aspect of American nationality law, contrasting with jus sanguinis—right of blood—which many other countries follow to determine citizenship based on one's parents' nationality. The Court's ruling held that the jurisdiction the U.S. wields over an individual born in its territories is sufficiently absolute and qualifies that individual for citizenship, dismissing counterclaims that allegiance to a parent's nationality negates the jurisdictional clause.

This ruling has since become a cornerstone in American citizenship jurisprudence, establishing a clear interpretation of the 14th Amendment that underscores its dedication to civil rights and equality. It articulates a broad and inclusive understanding of the jurisdictional requirement, validating birthright citizenship against interpretations that would exclude large groups based on parentage.
Broken down to the most basic-
When the mother is not a citizen and here illegally, does a baby she delivers magically make everything different and fine and citizenship conferred.
The answer if course is NO
BUT-Magic, hopes, wishes are a mainstay of liberal operations and decisions that they want Forced on everyone
Actually, under current interpretation of the law, yes it does magically make everything different.
Jurisdiction in this case means already legally under the care and confines of the USA. Illegals are not such
One could just as easily, that being present in the US and not under the control of a foreign government means they are under our jurisdiction. That is the crux of the matter.

I think if we want the status changed, let's do it the right way and amend the Constitution.
If you willfully break our LAWS and illegally sneak into our country, you should not be rewarded with US citizenship for your ILLEGAL kids. That's INSANE on it's face and I think the SCOTUS will put an end to that lawlessness!
So what the fuck do you think, that they're going to kick the newborns illegal alien parents out and leave the kid here. Or maybe those kids are hatched? You're a ridiculous nitpicker sometime.
That's exactly what they can do, dipshit! If the parents want to take the kid when they get deported, they can! if they don't, they can give it up for adoption. It's their choice.

I personally only care that they do this the right way and change the Constitution. That way there can be no wiggle room the next time the Democrats cheat their way into office. That way the Constitution and law is changed by the will of the people and their representatives.
No no…it doesn’t work that way Super Lib…Your boy, the Kenyan half breed set precedent by creating his very own personal type of citizenship with DACA….you didn’t complain or call for legislative action when he did so yeah…you have zero credibility on this matter. I’m still waiting for WorldWatcher to link us to his condemnation of the Kenyans DACA…
DACA literally means deferred action. He in the executive branch has jurisdiction over enforcement. Totally different than creating action against a constitutionally protected right like Trump is trying to do. You really don’t see that?! Wow
Haha, you racists sure dream big. That notion of a white america was smooshed after the civil war. You lost. We are a melting pot now. Deal with it

You may not know what melting pot means.
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