Jonah Goldberg: Liberals panicking over possibility of a 2016 repeat


Diamond Member
Jun 27, 2019
The 2016 election lives loudly in everybody right now.

On the Trumpian right, “the polls were wrong before” isn’t merely an observation, it’s a catechism.

And on the anti-Trumpian left, it’s a constant source of anxiety bordering on panic. It’s making a lot of folks a little crazy.

My friend John Podhoretz, conservative editor of Commentary Magazine, pointed this out to me a few months ago. He lives in New York City, surrounded by Upper West Side liberals prone to flights of jangly rage if you suggest that Joe Biden has the race in the bag.

“Don’t jinx it! That’s what people said in 2016!” they shout.

Since then, it’s only gotten worse. The fear that the country could reelect President Trump after so much muchness these last four years is almost an existential dread, manifesting as quick-tempered outrage at anyone or anything that might upset Biden’s trajectory.

BJ - and Jonah is a full blown Anti-Trumper
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Well Goldberg is a well known Conservative so it only makes sense he wouldn't support Trump.
Well Goldberg is a well known Conservative so it only makes sense he wouldn't support Trump.

But also a Never Trumper, Comrade.


Hunter’s former business partner has flipped. He gave investigative reporter Peter Schweizer access to his Gmail account, which detailed more sordid deals with Russia and China. And yes, Joe Biden is involved with some of the pitches. This is a totally separate trove of emails from the one on Hunter’s laptop (via The Blaze):

When Bevan Cooney — the former "junior" business partner to Hunter Biden and Devon Archer — went to jail in 2019, investigative reporter and New York Times bestselling author Peter Schweizer thought he'd never gain access to the damning emails Cooney had promised. That all changed three weeks ago when Schweizer was given complete access to Cooney's gmail account.
Schweizer joined Glenn Beck on the radio program Tuesday to describe just some of the business deals revealed within these emails — like Hunter working with an alleged Russian criminal and with Chinese communists to secure their assets, or to secure one-on-one time with his dad, then-Vice President Joe Biden. And all of this new information is completely separate from the emails allegedly discovered on Hunter Biden's laptop recently reported by the New York Post.
"So, I want to make this clear. This [Cooney's emails] has nothing to do with what's on the laptop … It didn't come from [Rudy] Giuliani. It didn't come from anybody else, right?" Glenn asked Schweizer.

Devon Archer is in jail right now, think he won't flip too?

Dirty Joe is corrupt to the hilt - and America knows it.
I'd say the Dems have a lot to worry about.

Every poll, pundit and talking head told America Hitlery would be POTUS in 2016.


Polls mean jack shit as 2016 proved.
Well Goldberg is a well known Conservative so it only makes sense he wouldn't support Trump.

But also a Never Trumper, Comrade.


Hunter’s former business partner has flipped. He gave investigative reporter Peter Schweizer access to his Gmail account, which detailed more sordid deals with Russia and China. And yes, Joe Biden is involved with some of the pitches. This is a totally separate trove of emails from the one on Hunter’s laptop (via The Blaze):

When Bevan Cooney — the former "junior" business partner to Hunter Biden and Devon Archer — went to jail in 2019, investigative reporter and New York Times bestselling author Peter Schweizer thought he'd never gain access to the damning emails Cooney had promised. That all changed three weeks ago when Schweizer was given complete access to Cooney's gmail account.
Schweizer joined Glenn Beck on the radio program Tuesday to describe just some of the business deals revealed within these emails — like Hunter working with an alleged Russian criminal and with Chinese communists to secure their assets, or to secure one-on-one time with his dad, then-Vice President Joe Biden. And all of this new information is completely separate from the emails allegedly discovered on Hunter Biden's laptop recently reported by the New York Post.
"So, I want to make this clear. This [Cooney's emails] has nothing to do with what's on the laptop … It didn't come from [Rudy] Giuliani. It didn't come from anybody else, right?" Glenn asked Schweizer.

Devon Archer is in jail right now, think he won't flip too?

Dirty Joe is corrupt to the hilt - and America knows it.

I have to admit that I never saw this level of corruption coming from the Bidens.
I really thought that the Clinton Crime Family was unbeatable.
Well Goldberg is a well known Conservative so it only makes sense he wouldn't support Trump.
Well Goldberg is a well known Conservative neocon....

Fixed that for ya.

Well that is pretty much today's Conservative position. Generally speaking one speaks of a "Neocon" as someone who supports constant interventions elsewhere. We have had that for all 4 years under Trump so they can't disagree there.
Well Goldberg is a well known Conservative so it only makes sense he wouldn't support Trump.

But also a Never Trumper, Comrade.

As I said, of course he is a never Trumper. He is a Conservative (and has nothing to do with Biden).
With the exception being that nearly all the "never Trumpers" are neocon Bushies...Those people are about as "conservative" (whatever the hell that's supposed to mean anymore) as LBJ.
Well Goldberg is a well known Conservative so it only makes sense he wouldn't support Trump.

But also a Never Trumper, Comrade.

As I said, of course he is a never Trumper. He is a Conservative (and has nothing to do with Biden).

A PNAC Neocon, not a conservative.

Always with the excuses. When did Conservatives start supporting the kind of debt that Trump is building up? I will also note that he said he would support a larger stimulus than even Nancy is now proposing.
Well Goldberg is a well known Conservative so it only makes sense he wouldn't support Trump.
Well Goldberg is a well known Conservative neocon....

Fixed that for ya.

Well that is pretty much today's Conservative position. Generally speaking one speaks of a "Neocon" as someone who supports constant interventions elsewhere. We have had that for all 4 years under Trump so they can't disagree there.
Except that Trump has worked to end the interventions....One of the few things that he's done that I fully approve of.
What I find puzzling is Republicans willing to run from behind expecting another miracle



Hunter allegedly accused his sister-in-law and former lover, Hallie Biden, of telling Hunter's therapist that he was sleeping with a 14-year-old girl.

The alleged text messages said:

She told my therapist I was sexually inappropriate with [name redacted when she says that I face time naked with her and the reason I can't have her out to see me is because I walk around naked smoking crack talking [redacted] girls on face time. When she was present she said that [redacted] never said anything like that but the bottom line is that she I create and caused a very unsafe environment for the kids. If it stopped there I would let it go but then [redacted] friend [redacted] sober coach.
According to Giuliani, there are "numerous pictures of underage girls" that accompany the text messages. He was "very uncomfortable" with the texts and pictures, which is why he turned them over to the Delaware State Police on Monday, the lawyer explained during a segment on Newsmax.


Sorry, were you vomiting something, troll?
Well Goldberg is a well known Conservative so it only makes sense he wouldn't support Trump.

But also a Never Trumper, Comrade.

As I said, of course he is a never Trumper. He is a Conservative (and has nothing to do with Biden).

A PNAC Neocon, not a conservative.

Always with the excuses. When did Conservatives start supporting the kind of debt that Trump is building up? I will also note that he said he would support a larger stimulus than even Nancy is now proposing.
No excuses...If you can't tell an old school conservative from a Bushbot neocon, that's your ignorance at work.
Well Goldberg is a well known Conservative so it only makes sense he wouldn't support Trump.

But also a Never Trumper, Comrade.

As I said, of course he is a never Trumper. He is a Conservative (and has nothing to do with Biden).

You’re one of the worried libs the article is talking about, aren’t you?

"Lib"? I support balancing the budget. Protecting the 2nd Amendment (and the rest of them). Keeping the electoral college. I'm pro-life.

The 2016 election lives loudly in everybody right now.

On the Trumpian right, “the polls were wrong before” isn’t merely an observation, it’s a catechism.

And on the anti-Trumpian left, it’s a constant source of anxiety bordering on panic. It’s making a lot of folks a little crazy.

My friend John Podhoretz, conservative editor of Commentary Magazine, pointed this out to me a few months ago. He lives in New York City, surrounded by Upper West Side liberals prone to flights of jangly rage if you suggest that Joe Biden has the race in the bag.

“Don’t jinx it! That’s what people said in 2016!” they shout.

Since then, it’s only gotten worse. The fear that the country could reelect President Trump after so much muchness these last four years is almost an existential dread, manifesting as quick-tempered outrage at anyone or anything that might upset Biden’s trajectory.

BJ - and Jonah is a full blown Anti-Trumper
Conservative panicking over a 2008 and 2012 repeat
Well Goldberg is a well known Conservative so it only makes sense he wouldn't support Trump.

But also a Never Trumper, Comrade.

As I said, of course he is a never Trumper. He is a Conservative (and has nothing to do with Biden).

A PNAC Neocon, not a conservative.

Always with the excuses. When did Conservatives start supporting the kind of debt that Trump is building up? I will also note that he said he would support a larger stimulus than even Nancy is now proposing.
No excuses...If you can't tell an old school conservative from a Bushbot neocon, that's your ignorance at work.

I can't and neither can you point out any differences. Other than it seems an acceptance of third grade name calling.

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