John 3:16 means you have to be Christian to get into heaven

If people had access to heaven before Jesus but are now restricted by belief in him, it appears that Jesus has not come to save mankind but to condemn most of them to hell.

Before Moses came and gave the law the world was without form and void, and darkness covered the face of the deep. According to the story people turned aside from the way he taught to follow the law after he died but before he died he promised that God would send another, like him, to straighten things out. "I will put my words into his mouth and he shall convey all of my commands."

So it was not until Jesus came that anyone could possibly understand the law or received the promise of heaven for compliance. The door had been closed for over a thousand years. No one had access to heaven, no one even had an inkling that they were dead.

Jesus did not come to condemn people to hell, he came to lead people out of it. People who heard his testimony and rejected it in preference for the the status quo remained behind, effectively condemning themselves.
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Through Jesus God takes responsibly for the evil we do because of the free will that He gave us.
So, then, free to sin. I like it.
I'm thinking you have a lot of like minded folks out there that would agree with you in that precept but the law is filled inside of these flesh containers we reside in. Whether people know and understand that is a different story.
Jesus did not come to condemn people to hell, he came to lead people out of it. People who heard his testimony and rejected it in preference for the the status quo remained behind and condemned themselves.
I like it. Now if we can go from the end to the beginning and the beginning to the end some may get it is instilled with breath. My one question would be in that thousand year period do you think it is the same for all or do you think it could begin at different times for all the different humans? Isn't the eight year the holy period? Are we not rounding the seventh year for many?
I'm thinking you have a lot of like minded folks out there that would agree with you in that precept but the law is filled inside of these flesh containers we reside in. Whether people know and understand that is a different story.
Sky fairy law?
I'm thinking you have a lot of like minded folks out there that would agree with you in that precept but the law is filled inside of these flesh containers we reside in. Whether people know and understand that is a different story.
Sky fairy law?
You betcha. We could go through the different cultural periods and name them off but Babylonian is the one that most will be able relate to. Confusion at its best.
If people had access to heaven before Jesus but are now restricted by belief in him, it appears that Jesus has not come to save mankind but to condemn most of them to hell.

Before Moses came and gave the law the world was without form and void, and darkness covered the face of the deep. According to the story people turned aside from the way he taught to follow the law after he died but before he died he promised that God would send another, like him, to straighten things out. "I will put my words into his mouth and he shall convey all of my commands."

So it was not until Jesus came that anyone could possibly understand the law or received the promise of heaven for compliance. The door had been closed for over a thousand years. No one had access to heaven, no one even had an inkling that they were dead.

Jesus did not come to condemn people to hell, he came to lead people out of it. People who heard his testimony and rejected it in preference for the the status quo remained behind, effectively condemning themselves.
You have a unique take on Genesis. So no one went to heaven before Jesus? I guess that makes sense but would be small comfort to the many who never had a shot at heaven. Including God's 'chosen' people.
Jesus did not come to condemn people to hell, he came to lead people out of it. People who heard his testimony and rejected it in preference for the the status quo remained behind and condemned themselves.
I like it. Now if we can go from the end to the beginning and the beginning to the end some may get it is instilled with breath. My one question would be in that thousand year period do you think it is the same for all or do you think it could begin at different times for all the different humans? Isn't the eight year the holy period? Are we not rounding the seventh year for many?

"Here lies the test; The light has come into the world, but men preferred darkness to light because their deeds were evil."

When the truth is revealed, blindness becomes a deliberate choice, not an accident of birth, whenever it comes.

Even Nebuchadnezzar, the king of Babylon, after living like a brute beast for seven years raised his eyes and saw the power and glory of God reigning supreme over the world of man thousands of years ago..
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If people had access to heaven before Jesus but are now restricted by belief in him, it appears that Jesus has not come to save mankind but to condemn most of them to hell.

Before Moses came and gave the law the world was without form and void, and darkness covered the face of the deep. According to the story people turned aside from the way he taught to follow the law after he died but before he died he promised that God would send another, like him, to straighten things out. "I will put my words into his mouth and he shall convey all of my commands."

So it was not until Jesus came that anyone could possibly understand the law or received the promise of heaven for compliance. The door had been closed for over a thousand years. No one had access to heaven, no one even had an inkling that they were dead.

Jesus did not come to condemn people to hell, he came to lead people out of it. People who heard his testimony and rejected it in preference for the the status quo remained behind, effectively condemning themselves.
You have a unique take on Genesis. So no one went to heaven before Jesus? I guess that makes sense but would be small comfort to the many who never had a shot at heaven. Including God's 'chosen' people.

People who lived and died without modern conveniences never knew what they were missing.

Many people will reflect on their bid in hell as some of the best times of their life.

Jesus made it possible for people to experience life even more abundantly without the confusion, fear, and torture of ignorance..
You have a unique take on Genesis. So no one went to heaven before Jesus? I guess that makes sense but would be small comfort to the many who never had a shot at heaven. Including God's 'chosen' people.
One should expect neither cohesion nor empathy from crazed desert religions.
Jesus did not come to condemn people to hell, he came to lead people out of it. People who heard his testimony and rejected it in preference for the the status quo remained behind and condemned themselves.
I like it. Now if we can go from the end to the beginning and the beginning to the end some may get it is instilled with breath. My one question would be in that thousand year period do you think it is the same for all or do you think it could begin at different times for all the different humans? Isn't the eight year the holy period? Are we not rounding the seventh year for many?

"Here lies the test; The light has come into the world, but men preferred darkness to light because their deeds were evil."

When the truth is revealed, blindness becomes a deliberate choice, not an accident of birth, whenever it comes.

Even Nebuchadnezzar, the king of Babylon, after living like a brute beast for seven years raised his eyes and saw the power and glory of God reigning supreme over the world of man thousand of years ago..
The part that confuses is past tense. The physical world (entire earth) does not end neither does seed time and harvest. By the renewing of first adam's mind the second adam comes into play and the path of salvation is laid out through the hosts of heaven in them. By trying to set a firm time period on all souls created in eternity, time and space you would be putting extreme limitations of not only the nature of God's mercy but his ability to insure that not one seed is lost or one child is left behind. Is this not why it is a 'personal relationship' with Jesus Christ?
Jesus did not come to condemn people to hell, he came to lead people out of it. People who heard his testimony and rejected it in preference for the the status quo remained behind and condemned themselves.
I like it. Now if we can go from the end to the beginning and the beginning to the end some may get it is instilled with breath. My one question would be in that thousand year period do you think it is the same for all or do you think it could begin at different times for all the different humans? Isn't the eight year the holy period? Are we not rounding the seventh year for many?

"Here lies the test; The light has come into the world, but men preferred darkness to light because their deeds were evil."

When the truth is revealed, blindness becomes a deliberate choice, not an accident of birth, whenever it comes.

Even Nebuchadnezzar, the king of Babylon, after living like a brute beast for seven years raised his eyes and saw the power and glory of God reigning supreme over the world of man thousand of years ago..
The part that confuses is past tense. The world does not end neither does seed time and harvest. By the renewing of first adam's mind the second adam comes into play and the path of salvation is laid out through the hosts of heaven in them. By trying to set a firm time period on all souls created in eternity, time and space you would be putting extreme limitations of not only the nature of God's mercy but his ability to insure that not one seed is lost or one child is left behind. Is this not why it is a 'personal relationship' with Jesus Christ?
Let me put it like this. Many people await the tribulation with great fear and loathing, wondering who will be revealed as the antichrist. A cult leader, a politician, a demon? Scary stuff.

When Jesus finally appears to end the tribulation people won't even know that the reign of the antichrist began over a thousand years ago.

Remember? He comes to raise the dead. The dead know nothing.

Whether a person has never heard or never understood a word that Jesus said, and lived out their lives the best they could in the dark, whatever their belief or unbelief, when they die they are judged according to their words and deeds.

Many will receive eternal life anyway.

Those who are judged worthy of the resurrection before they die are no longer subject to judgement, they have already passed from death to life.
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Jesus did not come to condemn people to hell, he came to lead people out of it. People who heard his testimony and rejected it in preference for the the status quo remained behind and condemned themselves.
I like it. Now if we can go from the end to the beginning and the beginning to the end some may get it is instilled with breath. My one question would be in that thousand year period do you think it is the same for all or do you think it could begin at different times for all the different humans? Isn't the eight year the holy period? Are we not rounding the seventh year for many?

"Here lies the test; The light has come into the world, but men preferred darkness to light because their deeds were evil."

When the truth is revealed, blindness becomes a deliberate choice, not an accident of birth, whenever it comes.

Even Nebuchadnezzar, the king of Babylon, after living like a brute beast for seven years raised his eyes and saw the power and glory of God reigning supreme over the world of man thousand of years ago..
The part that confuses is past tense. The world does not end neither does seed time and harvest. By the renewing of first adam's mind the second adam comes into play and the path of salvation is laid out through the hosts of heaven in them. By trying to set a firm time period on all souls created in eternity, time and space you would be putting extreme limitations of not only the nature of God's mercy but his ability to insure that not one seed is lost or one child is left behind. Is this not why it is a 'personal relationship' with Jesus Christ?
Let me put it like this. Many people await the great tribulation great fear and loathing.

When Jesus finally appears to end the tribulation people won't even know that it began over a thousand years ago.
Perhaps many are still lost and living in confusion and some are merely asleep in the dust of the earth. Again that is why it is called a personal relationship with anointed with Jehovah's salvation with us which equals Jesus Christ's salvation.
Jesus did not come to condemn people to hell, he came to lead people out of it. People who heard his testimony and rejected it in preference for the the status quo remained behind and condemned themselves.
I like it. Now if we can go from the end to the beginning and the beginning to the end some may get it is instilled with breath. My one question would be in that thousand year period do you think it is the same for all or do you think it could begin at different times for all the different humans? Isn't the eight year the holy period? Are we not rounding the seventh year for many?

"Here lies the test; The light has come into the world, but men preferred darkness to light because their deeds were evil."

When the truth is revealed, blindness becomes a deliberate choice, not an accident of birth, whenever it comes.

Even Nebuchadnezzar, the king of Babylon, after living like a brute beast for seven years raised his eyes and saw the power and glory of God reigning supreme over the world of man thousand of years ago..
The part that confuses is past tense. The world does not end neither does seed time and harvest. By the renewing of first adam's mind the second adam comes into play and the path of salvation is laid out through the hosts of heaven in them. By trying to set a firm time period on all souls created in eternity, time and space you would be putting extreme limitations of not only the nature of God's mercy but his ability to insure that not one seed is lost or one child is left behind. Is this not why it is a 'personal relationship' with Jesus Christ?
Let me put it like this. Many people await the tribulation with great fear and loathing, wondering who will be revealed as the antichrist. A cult leader, a politician, a demon? Scary stuff.

When Jesus finally appears to end the tribulation people won't even know that the reign of the antichrist began over a thousand years ago.

Remember? He comes to raise the dead. The dead know nothing.

Whether a person has never heard or never understood a word that Jesus said, and lived out their lives the best they could in the dark, whatever their belief or unbelief, when they die they are judged according to their words and deeds.

Many will receive eternal life anyway.

Those who are judged worthy of the resurrection before they die are no longer subject to judgement, they have already passed from death to life.
Perhaps many are still lost and being chased to where they need to be. Psalms 35:5
For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.

Is there any support in the Bible for the opposite position, that a man or woman can obtain salvation without belief in Christ?

Because this is a pretty common belief, even among Christians, and I think it is wrong.
Republicans do the opposite on nearly every one if Christ's teachings. Look at what they made president and role model for their children.
The NT is a huge crock of shit.
What about the Koran? Vedas? Tripitaka? Wǔ Jīng? Tao Te Ching? Kojiki? Guru Granth Sahib?
Why should anyone believe they know the truth?
Try reading them.
The Koran is post Torah and admits it and is a run on sentence of how to take over the world.
The Vedic and Vedas are pure Greek Mythology.
You should read them.
The NT is a huge crock of shit.
What about the Koran? Vedas? Tripitaka? Wǔ Jīng? Tao Te Ching? Kojiki? Guru Granth Sahib?
Why should anyone believe they know the truth?
Try reading them.
The Koran is post Torah and admits it and is a run on sentence of how to take over the world.
The Vedic and Vedas are pure Greek Mythology.
You should read them.
Why bother, you obviously know God's one true work. Those other 7 billion people are just deluded. Curious that we're supposedly created in His image but we are so clueless when it comes to what he's said.
For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.

Is there any support in the Bible for the opposite position, that a man or woman can obtain salvation without belief in Christ?

Because this is a pretty common belief, even among Christians, and I think it is wrong.
Republicans do the opposite on nearly every one if Christ's teachings. Look at what they made president and role model for their children.

Meet the new boss, same as the old boss.

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