Joe Biden’s sexual accuser Tara Reade Officially files criminal complaint in DC

Biden authored the violence against women act. I just say we need to be getting this from more than trump supporters and then if we are going to measure Biden by allowing this woman to speak, then all of trumps victims should be given equal time. And if people are going to believe Bidens accuser without question then we must believe all of trumps.
Who could have figured you could make a buck from a 26-year-old sexual molestation allegations?
Maybe Bill Clinton should have thought about that when he molested Paula Jones...
Bill Clinton was never accused of molesting Paula Jones. Jones was a public employee and Clinron was accused of using his position as Governor for sexually harassing her by implying he wanted a sexual favor. No favor was provided. No sexual contact occurred.
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This woman must have told someone about it at the time, friend, roommate, co-worker whomever.

She is saying something now, and as a result, Sleepy Joe's Devotees from coast to coast are brutally attacking her.

I can see why she would be hesitant, considering how much she's been attacked just over the past few days.
Who could have figured you could make a buck from a 26-year-old sexual molestation allegations?
Maybe Bill Clinton should have thought about that when he molested Paula Jones...
Bill Clinton was never accused of molesting Paula Jones. Jones was a public employee and Clinron was accused of using his position as Governor for sexually harassing her by implying he wanted a sexual favor. No favor was provided. No sexual contact occurred.

That was my understanding as well. But in this country, if you sexually harass someone, you should just pay the money you owed.
Biden authored the violence against women act. I just say we need to be getting this from more than trump supporters and then if we are going to measure Biden by allowing this woman to speak, then all of trumps victims should be given equal time. And if people are going to believe Bidens accuser without question then we must believe all of trumps.

Focus, IM. This has nothing to do with the False Allegations the libs cooked up against President Trump. This is about the rapes of Sleepy Joe.
'Will the #MeToo movement please stand up?

While Hollywood’s believe-all-women activists were quick to defame Brett Kavanaugh, the elite seem to be strangely quiet when it comes to Joe Biden.

Tara Reade, who accused Biden of sexual assault in 1993, has officially filed a criminal complaint in Washington D.C.

Reade has accused Biden of assaulting her when he was in the Senate. She was a staffer in 1993.

Biden has said that he “Believes all women,” yet his campaign denies the claim.

Joe Biden's Sexual Accuser Tara Reade Officially Files Criminal Complaint in DC'
Lawsuits are very expensive so I have to wonder who is backing her. Can you say "swift boat"?

Why do you think that she is lying? They tell me its exceedingly rare for a broad to lie about being assaulted, and we should always believe the victim.
I don't know that she is lying or telling the truth, I only question the timing. She'd be more believable if others came forward with the same claims. Right now it looks like Biden has 16 fewer complaints of sexual harassment than does Trump so given that choice...
Who could have figured you could make a buck from a 26-year-old sexual molestation allegations?
Maybe Bill Clinton should have thought about that when he molested Paula Jones...
Bill Clinton was never accused of molesting Paula Jones. Jones was a public employee and Clinron was accused of using his position as Governor for sexually harassing her by implying he wanted a sexual favor. No favor was provided. No sexual contact occurred.

That was my understanding as well. But in this country, if you sexually harass someone, you should just pay the money you owed.
Clinton lied while giving a deposition in the Paula Jones case when he denied a sexual relationship with Monica Lewinsky and that is what got him impeached. His insurance covered the funds used for satisfying Jones and her lawyers, $850,000. More importantly, the settlement ended further depositions and revelations.
Biden authored the violence against women act. I just say we need to be getting this from more than trump supporters and then if we are going to measure Biden by allowing this woman to speak, then all of trumps victims should be given equal time. And if people are going to believe Bidens accuser without question then we must believe all of trumps.

Focus, IM. This has nothing to do with the False Allegations the libs cooked up against President Trump. This is about the rapes of Sleepy Joe.
Until his recent 26-year-old allegation, Joe Biden has never even been accused of rape. You are making a slanderous allegation as if it is fact.
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This woman must have told someone about it at the time, friend, roommate, co-worker whomever.

She is saying something now, and as a result, Sleepy Joe's Devotees from coast to coast are brutally attacking her.

I can see why she would be hesitant, considering how much she's been attacked just over the past few days.
Oh this post is just dripping hypocrisy. Nobody is buying it anyway. The lack of self awareness in you clowns is astounding.
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It would be wise for trump supporters to leave this alone.
Yes, yes, of course they should, nudge nudge, wink wink, grin grin. When Biden's best defense is, "Well, he was accused of stuff too", he doesn't have much of a defense. He's not Trump, so blustering won't help him at all, and there are many photos of him making girls and women uncomfortable, so denial won't work. He'll pretty much just have to ride it out.
It is not wise for trump supporters to go here. Now if you want the 19 women accusing trump of assault and rape, if you want other women who were done by trump and who have not come out to do so, then you will try to make this an issue.
The big difference is that Trump's accusers are already known about while Biden's are just starting to become known. Trump already has a reputation as a moral reprobate while Biden does not. In fact, his hair sniffing, while obviously making little girls uncomfortable, was considered more a quirk than assault. The public perception will be, "Well of course Trump did stuff, we already knew that, but Biden? We thought all he did was sniff little girls' hair". So, sure, keep trotting out Trump's accusers in an attempt to defend Biden. You know that if he can't convince people he didn't do it, all you'll accomplish is voters not seeing anything positive about voting for a democrat, and if Quid Pro Joe can't generate any positive reason to vote for him and voters don't see any moral superiority in him, Trump wins by default. It's like having a match up between Ted Kennedy and Mitt Romney and having a DUI come out of Romney's past, then telling Kennedy's defenders, "You'd better not make a big deal out of Romney's DUI because Ted's a raging drunk!".

Face it, Joe has enough trouble generating enthusiasm (hint, he generates less then Hillary did, and that's saying a lot). Accusations like this, improperly handled, could sink him.
Not against an incompetent president whose decisions have allowed over 20,000 Americans to die, on top of numerous scandals and corruption. You guys want to pretend trump has been the most perfect and extraordinary president in history when hes been an abject failure and the epitome of crookedness.

You don't want to get into this if you are a trump supporter.
Maybe Bill Clinton should have thought about that when he molested Paula Jones...

Maybe Paula Jones shouldn't have lied her ass off.

Do you know when this shit will stop? It's when we start fining these liars for perjury and wasting the courts time.
Let us know when Dr. Blasey Ford is charged.
Biden authored the violence against women act. I just say we need to be getting this from more than trump supporters and then if we are going to measure Biden by allowing this woman to speak, then all of trumps victims should be given equal time. And if people are going to believe Bidens accuser without question then we must believe all of trumps.

Focus, IM. This has nothing to do with the False Allegations the libs cooked up against President Trump. This is about the rapes of Sleepy Joe.
The allegations against trump were not false Everything said about trump is not untrue Now get out of that delusion and join us in reality This is about both of them. And if you want to use this on Biden, then we will be talking about trumps 19 rapes, his walking into rooms of naked teenage girls to sneak a peek because he owned the pageant, and his times with Epstein including the rape of a 14 year old girl.
Maybe Bill Clinton should have thought about that when he molested Paula Jones...

Maybe Paula Jones shouldn't have lied her ass off.

Do you know when this shit will stop? It's when we start fining these liars for perjury and wasting the courts time.
Let us know when Dr. Blasey Ford is charged.
Blasey Ford will not be charged. Kavanaugh did what she said. Just like trump assaulted and raped 19 women. And Biden may have done this. But why did she not bring this up in 2008? She had 8 years to do so while he was Vice President. You guys on the right have tried to smear Biden in every way shape or form, this is why this story will not be believed until it gets out of the right wing fake news sphere.
Biden authored the violence against women act. I just say we need to be getting this from more than trump supporters and then if we are going to measure Biden by allowing this woman to speak, then all of trumps victims should be given equal time. And if people are going to believe Bidens accuser without question then we must believe all of trumps.

Focus, IM. This has nothing to do with the False Allegations the libs cooked up against President Trump. This is about the rapes of Sleepy Joe.
The allegations against trump were not false Everything said about trump is not untrue Now get out of that delusion and join us in reality This is about both of them. And if you want to use this on Biden, then we will be talking about trumps 19 rapes, his walking into rooms of naked teenage girls to sneak a peek because he owned the pageant, and his times with Epstein including the rape of a 14 year old girl.
hahahahaahahahaa fk can't make this up. you all are predictable as feeding an animal means the animal will shit.
Maybe Bill Clinton should have thought about that when he molested Paula Jones...

Maybe Paula Jones shouldn't have lied her ass off.

Do you know when this shit will stop? It's when we start fining these liars for perjury and wasting the courts time.
Let us know when Dr. Blasey Ford is charged.
Blasey Ford will not be charged. Kavanaugh did what she said. Just like trump assaulted and raped 19 women. And Biden may have done this. But why did she not bring this up in 2008? She had 8 years to do so while he was Vice President. You guys on the right have tried to smear Biden in every way shape or form, this is why this story will not be believed until it gets out of the right wing fake news sphere.
he did? how do you know he did? please, explain all these hidden talents of yours, that you know every woman's life?
Well in today's world. it happens. Still for you OB haters, he was never accused by any woman of misconduct.

Trump dismissed the hot mic comments as "locker room talk"—just words—but more than a dozen women came forward to say otherwise, starting with Jessica Leeds, who Trump sexually assaulted her on a plane in the early 1980s. After Leeds went public with her accusations, other women from Trump's past accused Trump of unwanted sexual advances including groping, grabbing and kissing.

Years before any of these allegations came to light, Trump's ex-wife Ivana brought rape allegations against her then-husband in a biography on Trump. In the book, Ivana recalls a "violent assault" that took place in 1989 which involved Trump tearing off her clothes and raping her. In 1993, Trump's lawyer Michael Cohen denied the allegations, arguing "you cannot rape your spouse."

So I guess we can count the number of accusation and choose the president with the least allegations.

Reagan, the two bush's and Nixon for the repubs had accusers, Bill Clinton for the demo's.

I am sure Trump will not touch this subject if he has any sense.

Because he has repeated the famous position of the accused " vehemently denied all of the women’s accusations " and still was elected.

what we need is whenever a candidate announces his that he is going to run for public office that there be a window of 30 days in which woman can come forward with there allegations. After the 30 days then keep it buried. There politicians.

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OB shitstain that he is, is gay. He never grabbed a woman by anything.

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