Joe Biden’s sexual accuser Tara Reade Officially files criminal complaint in DC

'Will the #MeToo movement please stand up?

While Hollywood’s believe-all-women activists were quick to defame Brett Kavanaugh, the elite seem to be strangely quiet when it comes to Joe Biden.

Tara Reade, who accused Biden of sexual assault in 1993, has officially filed a criminal complaint in Washington D.C.

Reade has accused Biden of assaulting her when he was in the Senate. She was a staffer in 1993.

Biden has said that he “Believes all women,” yet his campaign denies the claim.

Joe Biden's Sexual Accuser Tara Reade Officially Files Criminal Complaint in DC'
Hollywood and MSM has been under the control of the world's Elites (The Global cabal). And if any of them becomes Pres.Trump's supporters. That they will ruin their careers. But I'll rather loose everything then become a slave to them.
But the after affects of this fake pandemic will create more slaves for the Global Elites. There is going to be a lot of Republicans that will be hard up for cash.

Matthew 16:26 What good will it be for someone to gain the whole world, yet forfeit their soul? Or what can anyone give in exchange for their soul?



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