Joe Biden's America: Heating oil already being rationed before winter arrives.

Demand from the producer. Not your supplier.
Bitch to your supplier that you want a full tank at today’s high price. See what he says.
He will have a truck at my house tomorrow. Or at least deliver what he can. How soon are you going to miss the CL pipeline? I’m going to guess about Thanksgiving you retarded left wing fucks will be sitting in your EV you can’t charge freezing your asses off wondering WTF just happened.
He will have a truck at my house tomorrow. Or at least deliver what he can. How soon are you going to miss the CL pipeline? I’m going to guess about Thanksgiving you retarded left wing fucks will be sitting in your EV you can’t charge freezing your asses off wondering WTF just happened.
Nice -n- toasty with my NG. No worries.
Looks like you’re screwed then.
Curious that so many of you deranged posters also choose fuel oil for heating. It’s almost like you live in a shack in the middle of nowhere.
Well, it came with the house, it's a shack, a really nice/large shack. It may be in the middle of nowhere but it's a good distance from looney liberals.
No shit. Ya don’t say.
Almost like it’s enough until the price drops and you get another delivery, derp.

You should thank your supplier for saving you some cash.
So the price will drop in December?:cuckoo:
What a moron.. We have 25 days of diesel fuels. This means our gasoline is in much the same danger of being OUT! Cities going to rip themselves apart when they can't get food. Keep your head firmly implanted dumb ass.
Settle down now, Shirley.
By your supplier who’s cost saving. Not due to shortages.
Find me a supplier saying they are saving costs by only selling half what they can, Moron.

Bring a link to where you get your dumbassery.


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