How Bad Is Biden's 'Forced Transition' Energy Crisis? NY / NE Already Rationing Fuel Oil

Cute how you avoided the facts again.
You're the one who just refused to stick to the thread topic and answer my questions, lil' snowflake.

You're the one who just refused to stick to the thread topic and answer my questions, lil' snowflake.

Your questions are irrelevant to the definition of energy independence used by you all under the previous Admin.
Your questions are irrelevant to the definition of energy independence
We're not talking about ebergy independence, the thread topic is not about energy independence, moron, but your attempt to hijack tve thread and dilute discussion with off-topic propaganda is.

This thread is about NY and NE being forced to ration heating oil.

If you mentally or physically can't stick to that feel free to GTFO.
What about it? Due to COVID worldwide production was cut by 7.4%, and most of that has not come back. North America is the only group that is producing more oil now than in 2018, and we are close to getting back to 2019 numbers. But the rest of the world is not, thus the rise in prices.

What about it? Explain the low prices prior to covid.
What about it? Explain the low prices prior to covid.

Dude, do I need to draw a picture for you? Maybe type slower for you? Can I find a 5th grader to explain it to you?

The world as a whole was producing 7.3% more oil then than now....thus the lower prices. How is this confusing for you?

Have you never heard of Supply and Demand?
Dude, do I need to draw a picture for you? Maybe type slower for you? Can I find a 5th grader to explain it to you?

The world as a whole was producing 7.3% more oil then than now....thus the lower prices. How is this confusing for you?

Have you never heard of Supply and Demand?
You always have to result to insults when you don't have an answer. Producing 7.3% more when specifically? Why?
You always have to result to insults when you don't have an answer.

I gave you the answer you asked for and you were too stupid to understand that a cut in production means higher prices.

Producing 7.3% more when specifically? Why?

Because in 2020 they cut production by 7.4% and so far only North America is really the only group that has started producing any more. And why would they, the higher prices are good for OPEC and the rest.

Perhaps the POTUS in 2020 threatening OPEC and Russia into cutting production was not such a great idea in hindsight.
Worst force transition ever. We are producing record amounts of petroleum. We're importing less and exporting more. The Neo-GOP flock have been conditioned to blame OPEC's actions to Oil keep prices high since 2020 on Joe Biden.
Biden's forced transition away from fossil fuels from the US' iwn natural resources has already created a shortage of fuel oil for heat, and we haven't come close to reaching the peak of winter yet.

Every death caused by the cold / lack of heating oil this winter will be on Biden's hands.

Let's pray the body count over this Biden failed body does not rise to the record number of illegal immigrant dead along the southwestern border due to Biden's failed immigration / Open Border policies...

Biden is simultaneously destroying our energy industry as well as our automobile manufacturing with his incessant mandates and regulations.

They are trying to ban all ICE vehilcles and are forcing US auto manufacturers to build toxic EVs which are not only an environmental hazard, consume more energy and are completely impractical for any sort of long distance travel over 400 miles.

The range of Volvo's new EV Semi for instance is a whopping 275 miles for the deluxe EV model. Good luck getting that Lawson OJ in 40 hours.

It will take you 7 days to make the same trip in an EV Semi vs an ICE Semi.

People are also starting to panic buy sports cars and muscle cars. The price of high mileage Mustangs and Corvettes for instance are unreasonable. Dealerships are gouging people. The current administration is trying to kill the V8 by 2024 to force people to buy EVs. California is already banning the sale of all ICE vehicles. Pretty soon road trips will only be for the rich who no doubt will have exceptions written in these laws so they can enjoy the thing they want to deprive you of.

We also do not have the energy grid to support any of this. This is what happens when you let Religious Dogma dictate Economics.

To support tansitioning everyone to EVs, we will have to build 3,000 Nuclear Power Plants. Germany and China are already in a pickle over this, and had to start up old coal powered Electricity Plants to keep up with electrical demand. Germany also tried to force feed alternative energy to the populace and now 40% of their energy comes from alternative sources, but wind and solar only work 30% of the time, so they have to re-open old coal powered energy plants or deal with blackouts and brown outs, and Winter is just around the corner. People are going to freeze to death.

Also if we are stupid enough to move our shipping to EV Semis, we have to completely re-engineer all of our roads and bridges and add an additional 8,000 lbs of load capacity to them.

You may as well take all the cash in The US and burn it in a huge bon fire, this is how much sense this makes.

But religious fanaticism is driving this not common sense or science, so we are screwed unless we can remove the religious nutjobs from office.

Lastly, EVs can spontaneously combust if you get any water at all near the batteries. Don't drive your EV in any kind of flooded area even if it's only 2" deep.

The equivalent energy usage for a Tesla btw if it were powered by a gasolone generator is actuall 12 mpg. I though we were supposed to be using less energy not having to increase consumption by 3,000 percent.

The whole thing is a scam to economically enslave people. Once you are 100% dependent on the grid, the price of Electricity will go through the roof and you will become an indentured servant working yourself to death just to drive to work, heat your home and feed yourself.

Mass Equivlent Misery and Fascist Control by a Globalist Cabal is the end game.

You will own nothing and be happy.
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His policies have caused Inflation, higher gas prices, supply chain crisis, food shortages, heatibg

Since the entire world is experiencing the same if not worse conditions, I think the Neo-GOP have blamed everything on Joe since Jan 21, 2021, and their flock gobbled that shit up. SOP. Nothing that happened prior to him taking office matters.......

Yet you are the one that brought it up. Do not whine to me for responding to it.
Liar. Again, the thread topic is NY & NE heating oil rationing. Go away, little troll. You show you have no intentiom of sticking to the thread topic.
Aug 30, 2022

The Energy Department has been warning of a heating oil shortage in New England. Part of the problem is that it’s difficult to get fuel into New England from other parts of the U.S. That is due in part to a lack of pipeline infrastructure, but some also blame the Jones Act, which said sea transport of cargo between U.S. ports must be performed by U.S.-owned ships.

The Jones Act, officially the Merchant Marine Act of 1920 is, fundamentally, a protectionist measure. It requires ships bringing goods between U.S. ports to have been built and owned by Americans and run with U.S. crews.

“The Jones Act protects the U.S.’ ability to have a base capacity to support maritime trade,” said Gerald Morrissey, a partner at Holland & Knight in D.C. He said the law keeps the country’s shipyards and merchant marine in business.

Since the entire world is experiencing the same if not worse conditions, I think the Neo-GOP have blamed everything on Joe since Jan 21, 2021, and their flock gobbled that shit up. SOP. Nothing that happened prior to him taking office matters.......

You don't let Religious Fanatics like The Global Warming Cult run your economies. You people are destroying the world with your insane theories and religious Zealots.

The Church of the Holy Melting Iceberg is the biggest threat to humanity.
I gave you the answer you asked for and you were too stupid to understand that a cut in production means higher prices.

Because in 2020 they cut production by 7.4% and so far only North America is really the only group that has started producing any more. And why would they, the higher prices are good for OPEC and the rest.

Perhaps the POTUS in 2020 threatening OPEC and Russia into cutting production was not such a great idea in hindsight.

Yeah, I'm so stupid, does it make you feel better to throw out insults, such a big man, right? And no, you didn't answer my question, you're stuck in 2020 and 2021, of course production was cut during the pandemic. I specifically asked about the years prior to the pandemic. What's the reason that production isn't at those levels now?

I find you equally 'stupid' that you completely ignore democrat policies as playing any part in it at all. :cuckoo:
We didn't climb that mountain in a day and it was done during good economic times when workers and resources were not scarce like they are in the post pandemic world.

Sounds like a bullshit excuse to me.
Biden's forced transition away from fossil fuels from the US' iwn natural resources has already created a shortage of fuel oil for heat, and we haven't come close to reaching the peak of winter yet.

Every death caused by the cold / lack of heating oil this winter will be on Biden's hands.

Let's pray the body count over this Biden failed body does not rise to the record number of illegal immigrant dead along the southwestern border due to Biden's failed immigration / Open Border policies...

Just remember what Biden GUARANTEED!!!

"I want you to look into my eyes, I guarantee We Are Going To Get Rid of Fossil Fuels”...

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