Joe Biden Seeks Counsel From ... Joe Scarborough?!?

Lord Long Rod

Diamond Member
Jan 17, 2023
Joe Biden is one stupid son of a bitch. At this point I do not think there is any debate about this. Even Democrats agree. Plus, he is just a bad person who has lived his entire life devoid of any virtue. He has some very sick sexual tendencies (showering with his daughter; repeatedly caught on filming making out with a granddaughter, mouth kissing; numerous instances caught on film of his sniffing hair and groping women and children; the allegation of the violent sexual assault). Biden is clearly demonstrated that he is a racist. He has shown us that he does not give a shit about our constitution. And now, there is ample reasons to refer to him as a "FAKE PRESIDENT", as he is not in full control of his faculties and serves as merely a puppet figurehead who only does what his handlers direct him to do. Oh, did I mention that he is openly suffering from dementia? Then there are the suspicious as hell business dealings he was engaged in while VP and his abuses of power. I mean, I would not trust this stupid prick know how to sit on the toilet the right way. He would steal from Jesus Christ Himself.

So, now Big Joey is El Presidente'. Heavy is the crown on his empty head. Every such leader needs wise and effective counsel from time to time. On those late nights when Joe is sitting their in his WH residency quarters alone, and when this coincides with a rare lucid interval for him, and when he actually gives a shit about his job and the republic, independent of selfish motive, the heaviness of his job must weigh on his empty soul. The responsibility in his frail hands must evoke some degree of stress and anxiety. Any normal man would feel a great weight upon himself. The fate of the country is within his control to an extent. People may literally live and die based on the decisions he makes. One small slip up and it is the Afghanistan withdrawal all over again.

So who does old man Joe look to on such late, lonely knights when he must ease his heavy conscience? He calls Joe Scarborough!! That's right, dunce Joe, a short-term representative masquerading as GOP when in fact he is an establishment shill who sways with the breeze. There are very, very few people dumber and more vapid than Joe. However, there is one person more shallow and stupid than Joe, to wit: his wife and co-ho, Mika. Joe and Hoe carry on every morning about how great old man Biden is, and how all of the world's problems, since the beginning of recorded time, have their genesis in Donald Trump (which, I guess, means that Don is Satan, but I digress).

We all seek counsel from time to time. Maybe it is moral counsel from a priest, legal counsel from a lawyer, medical counsel from a doctor, pleasure counsel from a dirty whoowah, or career counsel from a colleague. Who someone seeks counsel from says a lot about who they are. Joe has many folks who he can turn to for counsel related to his presidency, including a handful of former presidents. But who does he call? He calls a fucking idiot establishment media shill who is shallower than a dried up creek bed. Maybe his handlers gave dumb/corrupt Joes the telephone number to dumb/shill Joe and told him it's the phone number to the Ayatollah Barack Hussein Hamas Obama. "If the president calls you 'Barack', just play along". Of course, Scarfuck does not care. He has a president calling him!!!! That makes him feel big and important, and ensures that Mika will find him interesting for a little bit longer. Note that Scarfuck could not even keep his stupid pussy mouth shut about it. This is because it does not mean as much to him as it will if people KNOW just how important he is. Biden COULD call, say, Wolf Blitzer. But no!! Biden calls ... JOE SCARBOROUGH!!!! Scarfuck probably involuntarily ejaculates all over himself every time he thinks about how important he is now perceived to be.


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