Joe Biden highlifgts threat to American democracy

The Republicans want to win the White House more than they want to win the White House with someone like Cheney or Kasich, and they know neither can win.

Also, it's the height of ignorance for you to suggest that the GOP wants to "expel 74 million little Trumpsters".

Unlike you, the GOP is smart enough to know that they can't win in 2024 without them...
WHEN has the GOP ever been smart?

Not in my 64 years.
Constitutional Republic. Joe Biden has lived off tax payers dime almost his entire adult life and he doesn't even know what form of Government the US has and of course uneducated loons like yourself eat this shit up.

So Tommy boy when is the next election for the Queen or King in your country ? I find it hilarious that Brits like yourself complain about US politics when your countries leader is chosen by an accident of birth.
The heir to the throne for the Constitutional Monarchy (go look it up) has been established for centuries. So there's no accident, unless you wish to elaborate.
The majority of Americans also believe a god loves them and when they die they become gods themselves.

It's not everyone. I get a lot of likes from liberals and moderates. Are you a right winger? Bet you are just based on your reaction. Stupid fuck.

The country is center right you ignorant fuck
You are simply some low-level fringe asshole with internet access.

The BBC are saying that he has done the sums and doesnt feel that he needsto placate the maga crowd any more.
He must feel that the "fascist" demographic is not strong enough to defeat him. That may change dependant on who the GOP bring in to replace the failing Trump.

Be couldn't add 2+2. Same as you.
You can forgive ignorant foreign posters for their lack of understand of the freedom that made America great but you can't forgive a doddering old fool for accusing half of the American public of being a threat to democracy. Biden needs to bow out gracefully before he makes a bigger fool of himself.
The current administration literally gave The Third Reichs Enemies of the State speech last night.

Makes me wonder if we should have just left Tommy's country on its own to take care of itself, the last time that was given.
Trump thought he lost, just as Gore did. The difference is your side turned it into a supposed criminal act instead of a political situation.
Gore didn't riot. Bush did. We let that one slide. Now we see this is a popular tactic for Republicans who lose elections.

Roger Stone helped steal the election in 2000 and tried to help in 2020. Trump pardoned this criminal. This guy, for Trump, coordinated with Proud Boys.

Roger Stone likes to take credit for the 2000 riot. Is he taking credit for the last one?
Gore didn't riot. Bush did. We let that one slide. Now we see this is a popular tactic for Republicans who lose elections.

Roger Stone helped steal the election in 2000 and tried to help in 2020. Trump pardoned this criminal. This guy, for Trump, coordinated with Proud Boys.

Roger Stone likes to take credit for the 2000 riot. Is he taking credit for the last one?


Still butthurt, after all these years.....(apologies to Paul Simon)

The BBC are saying that he has done the sums and doesnt feel that he needsto placate the maga crowd any more.
He must feel that the "fascist" demographic is not strong enough to defeat him. That may change dependant on who the GOP bring in to replace the failing Trump.

Bi-Dung IS the threat to Democracy.
Just like you are a threat to reproduction.

Still butthurt, after all these years.....(apologies to Paul Simon)
It was called the Brooks Brother Riot. Look it up.

Listen you stupid fuck. You guys denied that the Trump insurrection was a riot too. Before all the video came out. So it's not surprising you deny the 2000 riot happened.

The riot Roger Stone likes to take credit for. Roger Stone, the same guy who coordinated with Proud Boys to riot in 2020 insurrection.

Those who don't know history are doomed to repeat it.
I know that the Republicans can't win without the 74 million Trumpsters, and maybe the GOP knows that too.

But the Republicans still hate the Trumpsters, and the question is whether that hate is greater than their desire to regain the WH. After all, getting rid of the Trumpsters would regain them respectability, which might be more valuable to them than power to change policies .
They shouldn’t hate the Trumpsters. They created them with their inaction and ineffectual lazy leadership.
Gore didn't riot.

Oh yes he did.

You thugs rioted in Florida as you did your endless recounts.

Bush did. We let that one slide. Now we see this is a popular tactic for Republicans who lose elections.

Roger Stone helped steal the election in 2000 and tried to help in 2020. Trump pardoned this criminal. This guy, for Trump, coordinated with Proud Boys.

Roger Stone likes to take credit for the 2000 riot. Is he taking credit for the last one?

What "2000 riot?"

You mean when protester demanded that democrats count votes in front of observers instead of trying to hide in secret bunkers?

Riots involve violence, you mindless little fuck. There was no violence by Republicans in Palm Beach - you fascists on the other hand....
It was called the Brooks Brother Riot. Look it up.

Listen you stupid fuck. You guys denied that the Trump insurrection was a riot too. Before all the video came out. So it's not surprising you deny the 2000 riot happened.

The riot Roger Stone likes to take credit for. Roger Stone, the same guy who coordinated with Proud Boys to riot in 2020 insurrection.

Those who don't know history are doomed to repeat it.

Part of it was a riot, what I deny is it was an insurrection. I also don't think the level of fear shown by SJW lefties matches what actually happened. Far less damage than Anti-fa summer.

Bush won, you lost, twice.

And all I say about 2020 is I don't trust the greasy re-assurances that it was above the board.

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