NYT Paul Krugman review of “White Rural Rage: The Threat to American Democracy,”


Diamond Member
Aug 11, 2017

RedState Mike Miller

"Distinguished" economist and New York Times columnist Paul Krugman is back with another ridiculous op-ed, gang. This time, the elitist, bubble-dwelling left-winger made a complete fool out of himself by declaring "white rural rage" is the "single greatest threat facing America" today.

Not only did Krugman fail to connect the dots between "white rural rage" and whatever "single greatest threat" he concocted in his TDS-riddled brain, but he also failed to provide a single example of how this alleged rage is manifested.

In other words, yet another out-of-touch crock of crap from Mr. Krugman.

In a Monday NYT op-ed titled "The Mystery of White Rural Rage," Krugman hyperbolically wrote (emphasis, mine):

NYT Paul Krugman "Progress isn’t painless. Business types and some economists may talk glowingly about the virtues of creative destruction, but the process can be devastating economically and socially for those who find themselves on the destruction side of the equation. This is especially true when technological change undermines not just individual workers but whole communities.
This isn’t a hypothetical proposition. It’s a big part of what has happened to rural America.
This process and its effects are laid out in devastating, terrifying, and baffling detail in “White Rural Rage: The Threat to American Democracy,” a new book by Tom Schaller and Paul Waldman. I say “devastating” because the hardship of rural Americans is real, “terrifying” because the political backlash to this hardship poses a clear and present danger to our democracy, and “baffling” because at some level I still don’t get the politics."

Krugman doesn't "get the politics" because his brain, like all left-wing brains, is consumed with all things Donald Trump and MAGA Republicans. Sure, progress — pushed by technology — can be difficult for blue-collar America. We get that. But where is the "white rural rage," Mr. Krugman, and how is it the single greatest threat to America, given that we have hundreds of thousands of illegal aliens from all over the world flowing into this country monthly?

And how is "white rural rage" a clear and present danger to our democracy when we see repeat violent offenders regularly released to the streets of Democrat-run cities, often until they commit horrific crimes? I could continue, but please.

Later in his op-ed — which I found somewhat humorous — Krugman touched on wealth redistribution, the favorite tool in the Democrat toolbox.

There is no "White Rural Rage."
There is no "Threat to democracy."
What we have are White Supremist Urban Liberals who hate and fear the people who live in-between LA and NYC, aka Heartland Americans.
The Democrat Party is an urban coalition.
The Radical Left has been loathing suburbanites and rural Americans and Wasps for decades.
This book is just more far left Democrat cultural hate and fear mongering.
It is an election year propaganda piece that is designed to scare people.
The real threat to 'democracy' is the corrupt Democrat Party's weaponization of the FISA court, IRS, FBI, and DOJ.
The real threat to 'democracy' are the censorship crimes of Democrat Party.
The real threat to 'democracy' is using phony indictments to interfere with the election.
The real threat to 'democracy' is ballot box stuffing and unverifiable mail-in ballots and counting ballots behind closed doors.
The real threat to 'democracy' is non-citizens voting in our elections.
The real threat to 'democracy' is counting non-citizens in our census.
They keep pushing the lie that we are a democracy, when the word isn't even in the Constitution.

Trump and Republicans need to remind people that we are a representative Republic, not a democracy.

Under our Republic, Liberty is Number 1. Under democracy, everyone is forced into being whatever the majority says or wants.
It is sort of weird how this book and this interview went viral, and really spoke to the corporate DNC cult, but everyone that has ever lived outside of the big cities, knows how false it is.

It is SO apparent, that these two yahoos have never lived or interacted in any length of time with rural America.

I have no idea why this story is getting so much traction, other than because it is SO false?

Maybe, this is the misconception that Hillary's "basket of deplorables," was based on? :dunno:

Watch | OUT OF TOUCH Libs BASH Rural Whites as Racist Rubes in CRINGE MSNBC Segment: Rising​

Premiered Mar 1, 2024

MSNBC Says Rural Voters Are Destroying Democracy!​

Mar 5, 2024

This one I like, because Styx actually sees a more sinister agenda behind this silly propaganda. . . I think there really might be something to this. . . Which is scary.

White Rural Rage​

Mar 3, 2024
Yea, those evil white rural people might do something really horrible, like help you change your tire, or offer you a cup of coffee.
The Democrats have not adequately proven how Trump is a threat to 'democracy' or how those dangerous white rural people are a threat to democracy.
All of the 'authoritarian' stuff is on the Democrat side.
by-passing congress
youth indoctrination
political weaponization of the government
It is sort of weird how this book and this interview went viral, and really spoke to the corporate DNC cult, but everyone that has ever lived outside of the big cities, knows how false it is.

It is SO apparent, that these two yahoos have never lived or interacted in any length of time with rural America.

I have no idea why this story is getting so much traction, other than because it is SO false?

Maybe, this is the misconception that Hillary's "basket of deplorables," was based on? :dunno:

Watch | OUT OF TOUCH Libs BASH Rural Whites as Racist Rubes in CRINGE MSNBC Segment: Rising​

Premiered Mar 1, 2024

MSNBC Says Rural Voters Are Destroying Democracy!​

Mar 5, 2024

This one I like, because Styx actually sees a more sinister agenda behind this silly propaganda. . . I think there really might be something to this. . . Which is scary.

White Rural Rage​

Mar 3, 2024

White Liberals are supremist
White Liberals are supremist
That last video posits, that this is how revolutions are started.

Not liberals. . . leftists.

This type of propaganda? This is how it starts. :sigh2:

. . . and I see leftist members joke about how they would love to subject their political enemies to this. Though the right is not guilt free either, TBH.


RedState Mike Miller

"Distinguished" economist and New York Times columnist Paul Krugman is back with another ridiculous op-ed, gang. This time, the elitist, bubble-dwelling left-winger made a complete fool out of himself by declaring "white rural rage" is the "single greatest threat facing America" today.

Not only did Krugman fail to connect the dots between "white rural rage" and whatever "single greatest threat" he concocted in his TDS-riddled brain, but he also failed to provide a single example of how this alleged rage is manifested.

In other words, yet another out-of-touch crock of crap from Mr. Krugman.

In a Monday NYT op-ed titled "The Mystery of White Rural Rage," Krugman hyperbolically wrote (emphasis, mine):

NYT Paul Krugman "Progress isn’t painless. Business types and some economists may talk glowingly about the virtues of creative destruction, but the process can be devastating economically and socially for those who find themselves on the destruction side of the equation. This is especially true when technological change undermines not just individual workers but whole communities.
This isn’t a hypothetical proposition. It’s a big part of what has happened to rural America.
This process and its effects are laid out in devastating, terrifying, and baffling detail in “White Rural Rage: The Threat to American Democracy,” a new book by Tom Schaller and Paul Waldman. I say “devastating” because the hardship of rural Americans is real, “terrifying” because the political backlash to this hardship poses a clear and present danger to our democracy, and “baffling” because at some level I still don’t get the politics."

Krugman doesn't "get the politics" because his brain, like all left-wing brains, is consumed with all things Donald Trump and MAGA Republicans. Sure, progress — pushed by technology — can be difficult for blue-collar America. We get that. But where is the "white rural rage," Mr. Krugman, and how is it the single greatest threat to America, given that we have hundreds of thousands of illegal aliens from all over the world flowing into this country monthly?

And how is "white rural rage" a clear and present danger to our democracy when we see repeat violent offenders regularly released to the streets of Democrat-run cities, often until they commit horrific crimes? I could continue, but please.

Later in his op-ed — which I found somewhat humorous — Krugman touched on wealth redistribution, the favorite tool in the Democrat toolbox.

There is no "White Rural Rage."
There is no "Threat to democracy."
What we have are White Supremist Urban Liberals who hate and fear the people who live in-between LA and NYC, aka Heartland Americans.
The Democrat Party is an urban coalition.
The Radical Left has been loathing suburbanites and rural Americans and Wasps for decades.
This book is just more far left Democrat cultural hate and fear mongering.
It is an election year propaganda piece that is designed to scare people.
The real threat to 'democracy' is the corrupt Democrat Party's weaponization of the FISA court, IRS, FBI, and DOJ.
The real threat to 'democracy' are the censorship crimes of Democrat Party.
The real threat to 'democracy' is using phony indictments to interfere with the election.
The real threat to 'democracy' is ballot box stuffing and unverifiable mail-in ballots and counting ballots behind closed doors.
The real threat to 'democracy' is non-citizens voting in our elections.
The real threat to 'democracy' is counting non-citizens in our census.
Haven't read the book but I have read comments by the authors and critics. The authors make some really good points. I have two relatives in rural areas of northern Georgia and Montana. The standard of living is about 50 years behind the rest of the country. Healthcare, education, jobs, and income are crap. There is little or no opportunity for young people so they head for the cities, leaving mostly middle age and older Americans.

I talked to my nephew who lives in rural Georgia and as I listen to him, it really scares me to think there are million like him who say they love this country, democracy, freedom and would die for it. And then say we need a president that will get things done. We need to change our laws so our next president can't be stop by congress or those federal courts so he can make American great again.

RedState Mike Miller

"Distinguished" economist and New York Times columnist Paul Krugman is back with another ridiculous op-ed, gang. This time, the elitist, bubble-dwelling left-winger made a complete fool out of himself by declaring "white rural rage" is the "single greatest threat facing America" today.

Not only did Krugman fail to connect the dots between "white rural rage" and whatever "single greatest threat" he concocted in his TDS-riddled brain, but he also failed to provide a single example of how this alleged rage is manifested.

In other words, yet another out-of-touch crock of crap from Mr. Krugman.

In a Monday NYT op-ed titled "The Mystery of White Rural Rage," Krugman hyperbolically wrote (emphasis, mine):

NYT Paul Krugman "Progress isn’t painless. Business types and some economists may talk glowingly about the virtues of creative destruction, but the process can be devastating economically and socially for those who find themselves on the destruction side of the equation. This is especially true when technological change undermines not just individual workers but whole communities.
This isn’t a hypothetical proposition. It’s a big part of what has happened to rural America.
This process and its effects are laid out in devastating, terrifying, and baffling detail in “White Rural Rage: The Threat to American Democracy,” a new book by Tom Schaller and Paul Waldman. I say “devastating” because the hardship of rural Americans is real, “terrifying” because the political backlash to this hardship poses a clear and present danger to our democracy, and “baffling” because at some level I still don’t get the politics."

Krugman doesn't "get the politics" because his brain, like all left-wing brains, is consumed with all things Donald Trump and MAGA Republicans. Sure, progress — pushed by technology — can be difficult for blue-collar America. We get that. But where is the "white rural rage," Mr. Krugman, and how is it the single greatest threat to America, given that we have hundreds of thousands of illegal aliens from all over the world flowing into this country monthly?

And how is "white rural rage" a clear and present danger to our democracy when we see repeat violent offenders regularly released to the streets of Democrat-run cities, often until they commit horrific crimes? I could continue, but please.

Later in his op-ed — which I found somewhat humorous — Krugman touched on wealth redistribution, the favorite tool in the Democrat toolbox.

There is no "White Rural Rage."
There is no "Threat to democracy."
What we have are White Supremist Urban Liberals who hate and fear the people who live in-between LA and NYC, aka Heartland Americans.
The Democrat Party is an urban coalition.
The Radical Left has been loathing suburbanites and rural Americans and Wasps for decades.
This book is just more far left Democrat cultural hate and fear mongering.
It is an election year propaganda piece that is designed to scare people.
The real threat to 'democracy' is the corrupt Democrat Party's weaponization of the FISA court, IRS, FBI, and DOJ.
The real threat to 'democracy' are the censorship crimes of Democrat Party.
The real threat to 'democracy' is using phony indictments to interfere with the election.
The real threat to 'democracy' is ballot box stuffing and unverifiable mail-in ballots and counting ballots behind closed doors.
The real threat to 'democracy' is non-citizens voting in our elections.
The real threat to 'democracy' is counting non-citizens in our census.
Haven't read the book but I have read comments by the authors and critics. The authors make some really good points. I have two relatives in rural areas of northern Georgia and Montana. The standard of living is about 50 years behind the rest of the country. Healthcare, education, jobs, and income are crap. There is little or no opportunity for young people so they head for the cities, leaving mostly middle age and older Americans.

I talked to my nephew who lives in rural Georgia and as I listen to him, it really scared me to think there are million like him who say they love this country, democracy, freedom and would die for it. And then says we need a president that will get things done. We need to change our laws so our next president can't be stop by congress or those federal courts so he can make American great again. He would be insulted if I told that is not democracy. It's fascism.
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They keep pushing the lie that we are a democracy, when the word isn't even in the Constitution.

Trump and Republicans need to remind people that we are a representative Republic, not a democracy.

Under our Republic, Liberty is Number 1. Under democracy, everyone is forced into being whatever the majority says or wants.
The Constitution establishes a federal democratic republic form of government. That is, we have an indivisible union of 50 sovereign States. It is a democracy because people govern themselves. It is representative because people choose elected officials by free and secret ballot.
To me the tragedy is that it is not widely understood that any and therefore all MSM sources must be mistrusted ,
With Wa Po and NYT are at the top of any informed person's list .

Effectively both are branch offices for the Intelligence community and hence directly are MOUTH PIECES for Deep State influence and control .

NYT should never ever be read other than for Sports Results and even their weather forecasting often relies more on vivid imagination than much else .
The word democracy is NOT in the Constitution.
And for good reason. There were only two forms of government available to the founders, a monarchy or a republic. There were no pure democracies. However, there have many been republics, a few being democratic republics but most were not. In a democratic republic representatives are directly elected by the people to address the concerns of the people they represent. In many republics of the past and present, the representatives are chosen to work for the betterment of the republic and not necessary those they represent.

The founders were undecided as to how democratic the republic should be. By creating a House of Representatives that were elected by the people and a Senate that was appointed by the state legislatures a compromise was found. It wasn't till the 17th amendment was ratified in 1913 that the United States clearly become a democratic republic with both the House and Senate being directly elected by the people.
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They keep pushing the lie that we are a democracy, when the word isn't even in the Constitution.

Trump and Republicans need to remind people that we are a representative Republic, not a democracy.

Under our Republic, Liberty is Number 1. Under democracy, everyone is forced into being whatever the majority says or wants.
Outta the park, Mr. Excalibur.
In fact, the Constitution says shall guarantee a Republican form of government, not democracy.

Article IV, Section 4:

The United States shall guarantee to every State in this Union a Republican Form of Government...​

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