Heckler chants ‘F–k Joe Biden’ throughout primetime speech


Diamond Member
Feb 16, 2016

Heckler chants ‘F–k Joe Biden’ throughout primetime speech​

2 Aug 2022 ~~ By Steven Nelson

President Biden’s primetime speech from Philadelphia was interrupted Thursday by a heckler who chanted “F–k Joe Biden” throughout the 24-minute address, which focused on slamming former President Donald Trump as a threat to democracy.
The anti-Biden activist bellowed his profane message with such clarity that it was audible not only to Biden but to anyone listening on the official White House video feed.

At least the heckler made sense as compared to this list of cliches in search of a thought.
So, by disagreeing to this delusional guy named Biden, we are a threat? So much for Biden as unifier of our country. I didn't know Americans were obligated to be only Democrats. I thought we had a free country to choose our parties, our preferences. We are now a THREAT? I am surprised we weren't called Deplorable as another delusional person once declared. How sad. Here I thought name-calling was something little school kids did. Obviously, Joey should keep that helmet on when riding his bike or walking up step, he has obviously bumped his head one-time too many. If someone wants to vote Democrat, I wouldn't call them any names, or condemn them as Joe has done.
Seems Biden's audience was almost 50 people They didn't dare throw the guy out as the cameras would have shown live what are now being posted all over the internet- No one Showed Up to hear Joe.
BTW haven't you heard? In today's CNN and WAPO -- Dems are now out-polling Republicans in an unbelievable twist! And I do mean unbelievable. Even Joe is polling above his normal low thirties.

Heckler chants ‘F–k Joe Biden’ throughout primetime speech​

2 Aug 2022 ~~ By Steven Nelson

President Biden’s primetime speech from Philadelphia was interrupted Thursday by a heckler who chanted “F–k Joe Biden” throughout the 24-minute address, which focused on slamming former President Donald Trump as a threat to democracy.
The anti-Biden activist bellowed his profane message with such clarity that it was audible not only to Biden but to anyone listening on the official White House video feed.

At least the heckler made sense as compared to this list of cliches in search of a thought.
So, by disagreeing to this delusional guy named Biden, we are a threat? So much for Biden as unifier of our country. I didn't know Americans were obligated to be only Democrats. I thought we had a free country to choose our parties, our preferences. We are now a THREAT? I am surprised we weren't called Deplorable as another delusional person once declared. How sad. Here I thought name-calling was something little school kids did. Obviously, Joey should keep that helmet on when riding his bike or walking up step, he has obviously bumped his head one-time too many. If someone wants to vote Democrat, I wouldn't call them any names, or condemn them as Joe has done.
Seems Biden's audience was almost 50 people They didn't dare throw the guy out as the cameras would have shown live what are now being posted all over the internet- No one Showed Up to hear Joe.
BTW haven't you heard? In today's CNN and WAPO -- Dems are now out-polling Republicans in an unbelievable twist! And I do mean unbelievable. Even Joe is polling above his normal low thirties.
He did it!


That's hilarious!

Go, Jerry!!

Heckler chants ‘F–k Joe Biden’ throughout primetime speech​

2 Aug 2022 ~~ By Steven Nelson

President Biden’s primetime speech from Philadelphia was interrupted Thursday by a heckler who chanted “F–k Joe Biden” throughout the 24-minute address, which focused on slamming former President Donald Trump as a threat to democracy.
The anti-Biden activist bellowed his profane message with such clarity that it was audible not only to Biden but to anyone listening on the official White House video feed.

At least the heckler made sense as compared to this list of cliches in search of a thought.
So, by disagreeing to this delusional guy named Biden, we are a threat? So much for Biden as unifier of our country. I didn't know Americans were obligated to be only Democrats. I thought we had a free country to choose our parties, our preferences. We are now a THREAT? I am surprised we weren't called Deplorable as another delusional person once declared. How sad. Here I thought name-calling was something little school kids did. Obviously, Joey should keep that helmet on when riding his bike or walking up step, he has obviously bumped his head one-time too many. If someone wants to vote Democrat, I wouldn't call them any names, or condemn them as Joe has done.
Seems Biden's audience was almost 50 people They didn't dare throw the guy out as the cameras would have shown live what are now being posted all over the internet- No one Showed Up to hear Joe.
BTW haven't you heard? In today's CNN and WAPO -- Dems are now out-polling Republicans in an unbelievable twist! And I do mean unbelievable. Even Joe is polling above his normal low thirties.
Civility died August 8 with the MaL raid
Civility died August 8 with the MaL raid
Civility died when the Republicans nominated Trump the first time. So you think Brandon cares about what some weaselly Trumpista has to say? He’s got more important things to worry about, like setting things right after years of Trump’s mismanagement.
Civility died when the Republicans nominated Trump the first time. So you think Brandon cares about what some weaselly Trumpista has to say? He’s got more important things to worry about, like setting things right after years of Trump’s mismanagement.
The only thing he has done was help to print trillions and trillions of magical federal reserve notes and play pure class warfare domestically with overseas foreign screwups.

Heckler chants ‘F–k Joe Biden’ throughout primetime speech​

2 Aug 2022 ~~ By Steven Nelson

President Biden’s primetime speech from Philadelphia was interrupted Thursday by a heckler who chanted “F–k Joe Biden” throughout the 24-minute address, which focused on slamming former President Donald Trump as a threat to democracy.
The anti-Biden activist bellowed his profane message with such clarity that it was audible not only to Biden but to anyone listening on the official White House video feed.

At least the heckler made sense as compared to this list of cliches in search of a thought.
So, by disagreeing to this delusional guy named Biden, we are a threat? So much for Biden as unifier of our country. I didn't know Americans were obligated to be only Democrats. I thought we had a free country to choose our parties, our preferences. We are now a THREAT? I am surprised we weren't called Deplorable as another delusional person once declared. How sad. Here I thought name-calling was something little school kids did. Obviously, Joey should keep that helmet on when riding his bike or walking up step, he has obviously bumped his head one-time too many. If someone wants to vote Democrat, I wouldn't call them any names, or condemn them as Joe has done.
Seems Biden's audience was almost 50 people They didn't dare throw the guy out as the cameras would have shown live what are now being posted all over the internet- No one Showed Up to hear Joe.
BTW haven't you heard? In today's CNN and WAPO -- Dems are now out-polling Republicans in an unbelievable twist! And I do mean unbelievable. Even Joe is polling above his normal low thirties.
I agree with his semi-fascist rant. Most republicans are extreme. All republicans are against him on most issues.
The only thing he has done was help to print trillions and trillions of magical federal reserve notes and play pure class warfare domestically with overseas foreign screwups.
Not like Trump.

In 2017, President Donald Trump signed the 2017 Tax Cut and Jobs Act (TCJA) into law.

Donald Trump has finally signed a $2.3trn coronavirus relief and government funding package into law, avoiding a shutdown and ending his legislative chaos over critically needed federal relief after a last-minute decision to reject the measure.
If you stop and think about the political speech given by Joey Xi Bai Dung.
His speech was also a threat to all that disagree with him and his Party's ideology.
Joey Xi emphasized his dictatorial speech by using two Marines and the dark red background.
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If you stop and think about the political speech given by Joey Xi Bai Dung. His speech was also a threat to all that disagree with him and his Party's ideology.
How is that different from the speeches Trump gave? He wasn’t very charitable to those who disagreed with him. One speech and Biden’s a meanie, even after all the Trump scorched earth speeches?!?! :rolleyes-41:
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Heckler chants ‘F–k Joe Biden’ throughout primetime speech​

2 Aug 2022 ~~ By Steven Nelson

President Biden’s primetime speech from Philadelphia was interrupted Thursday by a heckler who chanted “F–k Joe Biden” throughout the 24-minute address, which focused on slamming former President Donald Trump as a threat to democracy.
The anti-Biden activist bellowed his profane message with such clarity that it was audible not only to Biden but to anyone listening on the official White House video feed.

At least the heckler made sense as compared to this list of cliches in search of a thought.
So, by disagreeing to this delusional guy named Biden, we are a threat? So much for Biden as unifier of our country. I didn't know Americans were obligated to be only Democrats. I thought we had a free country to choose our parties, our preferences. We are now a THREAT? I am surprised we weren't called Deplorable as another delusional person once declared. How sad. Here I thought name-calling was something little school kids did. Obviously, Joey should keep that helmet on when riding his bike or walking up step, he has obviously bumped his head one-time too many. If someone wants to vote Democrat, I wouldn't call them any names, or condemn them as Joe has done.
Seems Biden's audience was almost 50 people They didn't dare throw the guy out as the cameras would have shown live what are now being posted all over the internet- No one Showed Up to hear Joe.
BTW haven't you heard? In today's CNN and WAPO -- Dems are now out-polling Republicans in an unbelievable twist! And I do mean unbelievable. Even Joe is polling above his normal low thirties.
He, like you, knew the shoe fit. Garbage commentary.
I have been a supporter of President Trump.

After Brandon’s basically fascist dictator tirade, I am more committed to the precepts of MAGA than I’ve previously been.

Face it. If that scumbag old demented racist infestation of the Oval Office doesn’t like it, it has to be something worth supporting.

Fuck Joe Alzheimers Brandon.

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