Jewish Support for Adolf Hitler

Sunni Man

Diamond Member
Aug 14, 2008
Patriotic American Muslim
Perhaps no subject on Earth has been so misrepresented as that between Adolf Hitler and German Jewry. On the one side were groups of Nationalists and Communists who hated Jews and would stop at nothing to vent their hatred against any and all Jews. On the other side were moderate (for that time) Germans who collaborated with Jewish Zionists to reach an amicable settlement which would gradually move Jews to a homeland of their choice (usually Palestine), which was seen as a positive thing by many Germans and Jews. Adolf the Great was of the second (moderate) group, which caused much bitterness between the two factions, because it was often perceived that Hitler took little meaningful action against the Jews, while often actively assisting Jews and even harboring Jews as personal friends.

The German collaboration with Jewish Zionists (Haavara Agreement) resulted in most German Jews having already left Germany before the war began, an odd agreement seen from today's politically correct perspective where the deliberate and brutal murder of all Jews is taught and legally enforced (In many countries including Germany, France, Canada etc) on pain of imprisonment or huge fines. This mass-movement of people was achieved in a peaceful manner, with many Jews praising Adolf for the manner in which he conducted this delicate procedure. As a result, many Jews fought for Hitler during the war. Jews even nominated Hitler for the Nobel Peace Prize. In short, there was a great deal of support for Hitler from Jewish people until the day he died. Some of this support is documented below. Today's (almost) universal Jewish hatred against Hitler is a syndrome fuelled by propaganda after the war, and deserves further study elsewhere. The seeds of this later syndrome lies mainly with Non-German, typically American Jews, who initiated a worldwide campaign against Hitler and all German Jews that "collaborated" with Hitler.

Jewish Support for Adolf Hitler
You have a a mispint there, it should say MUSLIM support for Hitler.
There are some (few) That Still Support Bush!
The Coin has been flipped!

I Feel that Hitler Was Saddened By the Whole Mess!
" " " Bush Isn't " " " " "
Yeah, but you're not an antiSemite, right, Sunni?

You're an obsessive NAZI, dude.

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