Jesus was a Jew. Why do some Christians and Muslims hate Jews?

You did not say it. You provided a dubious link, like you have in the past, that is not safe to click.

Spell it out and stop being lazy.

And the time passed does not forgive the sins. And the fact that Jesus Christ would never have allowed it if he was the powerful being Christians says he is.

So you have to work that paradox out... See where it leads you.
The sentence above the link. I summarized the link for your dumbass and you couldn't even read the summary.

Halting Gnostic Christian heretical beliefs being spread through Europe and the resulting aggression of the Gnostic Christians against the Church.
I have never said that. It's possible he didn't, but I think he did. He's just not the son of god, that is the basis of Christianity.

I think he was a good person, like Gandhi. I love Jesus. But he was not supernatural. And a religion was formed around him to make money and power, and that is what you so fervently believe in. That's why you don't care about killing women and children and innocents, and torturing them and raping, etc....

You may believe in something, but it has nothing to do with Jesus. So you should question yourself about what you believe in, if you're a good person.

You can have faith in Jesus, and not believe Christianity.
He said he was God. Was he crazy or lying? If he was crazy or lying, how can you think he was a good person?
Because that's the other option.
There are only three choices; he is what he said he is, he is lying or he is crazy.

Which one is it?
No, there's a fourth option.

Your religion used Jesus, but never followed his teachings. Christianity, which started like 400 years after, was a money/power making machine, which is just unrivaled. And they made more money and power by killing everyone else who opposed.

Sine missione.
Then there’s the problem of the written manuscripts which existed 100’s of years before any organized religion was started.

Manuscripts which tell us Jesus claimed to be God.

So still only three options. So which is it?

as far as I recall---NONE OF THOSE MANUSCRIPTS were written DURING the
life-time of Jesus-------after his death there developed a CULT around that person. FURTHERMORE-----none of them are extant. -----just not good enough. Even
worse, none of the copies of the putative "used to exist" manuscripts were clearly
written by people who MET JESUS or KNEW THE LANGUAGE HE SPOKE.
Most significant----IMHO----the, clearly, LITERATE Jesus----wrote nothing.
During and even before Jesus------other "scholars" ---actually did write and there
were very literrate scholars who------"forgot" to mention that "god is out there in Jerusalem"????
He won't confirm the crusades or the inquisitions. Because it confirms the paradox that Jesus allowed it.

What needs to be 'confirmed', exactly? that some tards think Europe was wrong to defend itself from islamic invasions and should have been nicer to their Jewish allies who aided them in their centuries of looting and plundering of the locals?
But Jesus would not react in the same manner, doing even more horrible things back to innocent people.

Jesus was on a different mission, and besides, there is no reason to assume innocence in any of these cases. The Apostles had a couple of swords among them, and in one case Jesus advises some of them to take one with them on a mission he sent them on. There is no command to be total pacifists anywhere in the NT, and certainly wouldn't be any such command in the OT for Jews. Muslims and their allies were very much a real existential threat at that time and place, and Jews were given the same options to leave if they didn't want to convert, same as Muslims got, which is far more than the locals got from Muslims and their Jewish soldiers when they invaded.

without resorting to infected links------can you enlarge upon your "examples"
of jewish soldiers in muslim armies ---involved in invasion, rape, pillage and murder and forced conversion?. ?? . ---------"jewish soldiers"-------jews are not permitted to ride on a horse or a camel-----or carry
a weapon under the details of SHARIAH LAW--------details lifted from the filth
of Canon law (codified by "saint" Justinian" ) One of my great grandfathers
was in the Austrian Hapsburg army of Emperor FRANZ JOSEF------true to
canon law----he never touched a gun-----or a cannon------he was a tailor.
Franz Josef is LEGENDARY amongst jews for his ENLIGHTENED attitude
toward jews--------but he could not manage to be more ENGLIGTENED
than that ------the church would not allow it. Your grain of truth is that there
were occasions in which jews aided muslims in resisting rape, pillage and forced
conversion by HOLY CHRISTIAN CRUSADERS -----in lands held by muslims.
In Islamic law------THE HOLY WARRIORS are entitle to a share in the "BOOTY OF WAR"------ie real wealth and slaves and women---------but that right is accorded
ONLY muslims
He won't confirm the crusades or the inquisitions. Because it confirms the paradox that Jesus allowed it.

What needs to be 'confirmed', exactly? that some tards think Europe was wrong to defend itself from islamic invasions and should have been nicer to their Jewish allies who aided them in their centuries of looting and plundering of the locals?
But Jesus would not react in the same manner, doing even more horrible things back to innocent people.
You don't believe Jesus existed.
I have never said that. It's possible he didn't, but I think he did. He's just not the son of god, that is the basis of Christianity.

I think he was a good person, like Gandhi. I love Jesus. But he was not supernatural. And a religion was formed around him to make money and power, and that is what you so fervently believe in. That's why you don't care about killing women and children and innocents, and torturing them and raping, etc....

You may believe in something, but it has nothing to do with Jesus. So you should question yourself about what you believe in, if you're a good person.

You can have faith in Jesus, and not believe Christianity.
He said he was God. Was he crazy or lying? If he was crazy or lying, how can you think he was a good person?

you got proof that "he said....." How does one say "I am god" in Aramaic?
I don't understand.

But that's what you people promote... You totally deny what happened, and continue to promote the current as.... "holy". When you are totally evil by dismissing the past.

THat's like Nazi sympathizers saying it happened 80 years ago, wtf?

No. You're wrong, your religion is wrong, and there is no expiration date for being wrong...

Your religion does not become good, after a certain time. It does not follow Jesus' ideals, is not related to Jesus, but still uses his name to power and money.

Here's a quote i'll leave you with tonight...

Here's the link: The Deity of Jesus | Moody Bible Institute

Jesus was the equivalent of "God". So all the atrocities that you will find were on his command.
You never answered my question. How can you believe Jesus is good if he was crazy or a liar?
No, he's not crazy or a liar.

Your belief uses his words to dictate your religion, denying everything that happed before. They used his name to justify the killings and terrors they commuted.

But if Jesus existed as said in the NT, He would never have allowed that. .

So that's what I'm telling you. You have to figure out that paradox. Don't send it back on me for pointing it out...
Woah, are you saying he IS God?
Does your religion not equate Jesus with God?
Yes. Because he said he was and proved he was.

"proved" ?
He won't confirm the crusades or the inquisitions. Because it confirms the paradox that Jesus allowed it.

What needs to be 'confirmed', exactly? that some tards think Europe was wrong to defend itself from islamic invasions and should have been nicer to their Jewish allies who aided them in their centuries of looting and plundering of the locals?
But Jesus would not react in the same manner, doing even more horrible things back to innocent people.

Jesus was on a different mission, and besides, there is no reason to assume innocence in any of these cases. The Apostles had a couple of swords among them, and in one case Jesus advises some of them to take one with them on a mission he sent them on. There is no command to be total pacifists anywhere in the NT, and certainly wouldn't be any such command in the OT for Jews. Muslims and their allies were very much a real existential threat at that time and place, and Jews were given the same options to leave if they didn't want to convert, same as Muslims got, which is far more than the locals got from Muslims and their Jewish soldiers when they invaded.

without resorting to infected links------can you enlarge upon your "examples"
of jewish soldiers in muslim armies ---involved in invasion, rape, pillage and murder and forced conversion?. ?? . ---------"jewish soldiers"-------jews are not permitted to ride on a horse or a camel-----or carry
a weapon under the details of SHARIAH LAW--------details lifted from the filth
of Canon law (codified by "saint" Justinian" ) One of my great grandfathers
was in the Austrian Hapsburg army of Emperor FRANZ JOSEF------true to
canon law----he never touched a gun-----or a cannon------he was a tailor.
Franz Josef is LEGENDARY amongst jews for his ENLIGHTENED attitude
toward jews--------but he could not manage to be more ENGLIGTENED
than that ------the church would not allow it. Your grain of truth is that there
were occasions in which jews aided muslims in resisting rape, pillage and forced
conversion by HOLY CHRISTIAN CRUSADERS -----in lands held by muslims.
In Islamic law------THE HOLY WARRIORS are entitle to a share in the "BOOTY OF WAR"------ie real wealth and slaves and women---------but that right is accorded
ONLY muslims

Rubbish. Rosie has never read the Jewish Encyclopedia, for one source, much less studied the invasions of Europe, nor the massacres of Christians by Jews and even before the rise of the bandit chief Mohammed and his bands of murderers and thieves.
I say Jesus was just a regular person who did really well for his community. And got deified by power/money-hungry people.

And they managed to fool the believers, to use them as tools for power and war.

Tha1! .... is how chistianity started. Same tactics were used upon them previously, so they learned how to do it and made up their own! tactic!

lol so name all these fabulously wealthy Xians that got rich off Jesus for hundreds of years. Surely the Apostles left big mansions and stuff behind, right? lol
Several reasons; their teachers have been teaching in error, they are blinded in their own sin, they still are asleep in the dust/confusion of the earth, they don't get the part in Romans were they are told not to do these things.

Why do some think that when a vision is given it is or they are given a message from a relative that has passed it is of the devil? Same thing, they simply do not know any better.

Why do some Jews hate Christians?
because Christians murdered lots of jews
Not real Christians. That was the work of the counterfeit church. Jesus would say to them, "Why do you call Me Lord, and not do the things I say."
He won't confirm the crusades or the inquisitions. Because it confirms the paradox that Jesus allowed it.

What needs to be 'confirmed', exactly? that some tards think Europe was wrong to defend itself from islamic invasions and should have been nicer to their Jewish allies who aided them in their centuries of looting and plundering of the locals?
But Jesus would not react in the same manner, doing even more horrible things back to innocent people.

Jesus was on a different mission, and besides, there is no reason to assume innocence in any of these cases. The Apostles had a couple of swords among them, and in one case Jesus advises some of them to take one with them on a mission he sent them on. There is no command to be total pacifists anywhere in the NT, and certainly wouldn't be any such command in the OT for Jews. Muslims and their allies were very much a real existential threat at that time and place, and Jews were given the same options to leave if they didn't want to convert, same as Muslims got, which is far more than the locals got from Muslims and their Jewish soldiers when they invaded.

without resorting to infected links------can you enlarge upon your "examples"
of jewish soldiers in muslim armies ---involved in invasion, rape, pillage and murder and forced conversion?. ?? . ---------"jewish soldiers"-------jews are not permitted to ride on a horse or a camel-----or carry
a weapon under the details of SHARIAH LAW--------details lifted from the filth
of Canon law (codified by "saint" Justinian" ) One of my great grandfathers
was in the Austrian Hapsburg army of Emperor FRANZ JOSEF------true to
canon law----he never touched a gun-----or a cannon------he was a tailor.
Franz Josef is LEGENDARY amongst jews for his ENLIGHTENED attitude
toward jews--------but he could not manage to be more ENGLIGTENED
than that ------the church would not allow it. Your grain of truth is that there
were occasions in which jews aided muslims in resisting rape, pillage and forced
conversion by HOLY CHRISTIAN CRUSADERS -----in lands held by muslims.
In Islamic law------THE HOLY WARRIORS are entitle to a share in the "BOOTY OF WAR"------ie real wealth and slaves and women---------but that right is accorded
ONLY muslims

Pic voted "funny" ------pic has nothing so he just giggles
He won't confirm the crusades or the inquisitions. Because it confirms the paradox that Jesus allowed it.

What needs to be 'confirmed', exactly? that some tards think Europe was wrong to defend itself from islamic invasions and should have been nicer to their Jewish allies who aided them in their centuries of looting and plundering of the locals?
But Jesus would not react in the same manner, doing even more horrible things back to innocent people.

Jesus was on a different mission, and besides, there is no reason to assume innocence in any of these cases. The Apostles had a couple of swords among them, and in one case Jesus advises some of them to take one with them on a mission he sent them on. There is no command to be total pacifists anywhere in the NT, and certainly wouldn't be any such command in the OT for Jews. Muslims and their allies were very much a real existential threat at that time and place, and Jews were given the same options to leave if they didn't want to convert, same as Muslims got, which is far more than the locals got from Muslims and their Jewish soldiers when they invaded.

without resorting to infected links------can you enlarge upon your "examples"
of jewish soldiers in muslim armies ---involved in invasion, rape, pillage and murder and forced conversion?. ?? . ---------"jewish soldiers"-------jews are not permitted to ride on a horse or a camel-----or carry
a weapon under the details of SHARIAH LAW--------details lifted from the filth
of Canon law (codified by "saint" Justinian" ) One of my great grandfathers
was in the Austrian Hapsburg army of Emperor FRANZ JOSEF------true to
canon law----he never touched a gun-----or a cannon------he was a tailor.
Franz Josef is LEGENDARY amongst jews for his ENLIGHTENED attitude
toward jews--------but he could not manage to be more ENGLIGTENED
than that ------the church would not allow it. Your grain of truth is that there
were occasions in which jews aided muslims in resisting rape, pillage and forced
conversion by HOLY CHRISTIAN CRUSADERS -----in lands held by muslims.
In Islamic law------THE HOLY WARRIORS are entitle to a share in the "BOOTY OF WAR"------ie real wealth and slaves and women---------but that right is accorded
ONLY muslims

Pic voted "funny" ------pic has nothing so he just giggles

Already posted al of of that info before; you had nothing to say about it when I posted there links, , you just wait for a couple of months and then start the same bullshit claims over over and over again, same as all the other Xian bashing bigots and loons do.

And, we're still waiting on all that NT stuff you clowns claim Constantine rewrote. We're very patient, so keep taking your time and be accurate.
He won't confirm the crusades or the inquisitions. Because it confirms the paradox that Jesus allowed it.

What needs to be 'confirmed', exactly? that some tards think Europe was wrong to defend itself from islamic invasions and should have been nicer to their Jewish allies who aided them in their centuries of looting and plundering of the locals?
But Jesus would not react in the same manner, doing even more horrible things back to innocent people.

Jesus was on a different mission, and besides, there is no reason to assume innocence in any of these cases. The Apostles had a couple of swords among them, and in one case Jesus advises some of them to take one with them on a mission he sent them on. There is no command to be total pacifists anywhere in the NT, and certainly wouldn't be any such command in the OT for Jews. Muslims and their allies were very much a real existential threat at that time and place, and Jews were given the same options to leave if they didn't want to convert, same as Muslims got, which is far more than the locals got from Muslims and their Jewish soldiers when they invaded.

without resorting to infected links------can you enlarge upon your "examples"
of jewish soldiers in muslim armies ---involved in invasion, rape, pillage and murder and forced conversion?. ?? . ---------"jewish soldiers"-------jews are not permitted to ride on a horse or a camel-----or carry
a weapon under the details of SHARIAH LAW--------details lifted from the filth
of Canon law (codified by "saint" Justinian" ) One of my great grandfathers
was in the Austrian Hapsburg army of Emperor FRANZ JOSEF------true to
canon law----he never touched a gun-----or a cannon------he was a tailor.
Franz Josef is LEGENDARY amongst jews for his ENLIGHTENED attitude
toward jews--------but he could not manage to be more ENGLIGTENED
than that ------the church would not allow it. Your grain of truth is that there
were occasions in which jews aided muslims in resisting rape, pillage and forced
conversion by HOLY CHRISTIAN CRUSADERS -----in lands held by muslims.
In Islamic law------THE HOLY WARRIORS are entitle to a share in the "BOOTY OF WAR"------ie real wealth and slaves and women---------but that right is accorded
ONLY muslims

Rubbish. Rosie has never read the Jewish Encyclopedia, for one source, much less studied the invasions of Europe, nor the massacres of Christians by Jews and even before the rise of the bandit chief Mohammed and his bands of murderers and thieves.

tell us about it, Pic. Generally I do not sit around and READ encyclopedias
lately-------I did so only as a teen when there was nothing else to read at home
but superman and the encyclopedia Britannica. -----I am truly interested in the
JEWISH ARMIES that invaded England for the purpose of murdering Christians.
There is a legend amongst arabs that Jews killed Christian Ethiopians in
Yemen. ---but no historic confirmation. For your own interest---check out the
geography of Ethiopia, Arabia and Yemen
What needs to be 'confirmed', exactly? that some tards think Europe was wrong to defend itself from islamic invasions and should have been nicer to their Jewish allies who aided them in their centuries of looting and plundering of the locals?
But Jesus would not react in the same manner, doing even more horrible things back to innocent people.

Jesus was on a different mission, and besides, there is no reason to assume innocence in any of these cases. The Apostles had a couple of swords among them, and in one case Jesus advises some of them to take one with them on a mission he sent them on. There is no command to be total pacifists anywhere in the NT, and certainly wouldn't be any such command in the OT for Jews. Muslims and their allies were very much a real existential threat at that time and place, and Jews were given the same options to leave if they didn't want to convert, same as Muslims got, which is far more than the locals got from Muslims and their Jewish soldiers when they invaded.

without resorting to infected links------can you enlarge upon your "examples"
of jewish soldiers in muslim armies ---involved in invasion, rape, pillage and murder and forced conversion?. ?? . ---------"jewish soldiers"-------jews are not permitted to ride on a horse or a camel-----or carry
a weapon under the details of SHARIAH LAW--------details lifted from the filth
of Canon law (codified by "saint" Justinian" ) One of my great grandfathers
was in the Austrian Hapsburg army of Emperor FRANZ JOSEF------true to
canon law----he never touched a gun-----or a cannon------he was a tailor.
Franz Josef is LEGENDARY amongst jews for his ENLIGHTENED attitude
toward jews--------but he could not manage to be more ENGLIGTENED
than that ------the church would not allow it. Your grain of truth is that there
were occasions in which jews aided muslims in resisting rape, pillage and forced
conversion by HOLY CHRISTIAN CRUSADERS -----in lands held by muslims.
In Islamic law------THE HOLY WARRIORS are entitle to a share in the "BOOTY OF WAR"------ie real wealth and slaves and women---------but that right is accorded
ONLY muslims

Pic voted "funny" ------pic has nothing so he just giggles

Already posted al of of that info before; you had nothing to say about it when I posted there links, , you just wait for a couple of months and then start the same bullshit claims over over and over again, same as all the other Xian bashing bigots and loons do.

And, we're still waiting on all that NT stuff you clowns claim Constantine rewrote. We're very patient, so keep taking your time and be accurate.

Pic continues to CLAIM that I (rosie) have asserted that Constantine
"rewrote" the NT. Nope-----never said so. I CORRECTLY stated that
Constantine convened the NICEAN COUNCIL that--------compiled and edited
the NT. Now pic will refer us to the actual original texts from which the NT
was compiled
Several reasons; their teachers have been teaching in error, they are blinded in their own sin, they still are asleep in the dust/confusion of the earth, they don't get the part in Romans were they are told not to do these things.

Why do some think that when a vision is given it is or they are given a message from a relative that has passed it is of the devil? Same thing, they simply do not know any better.

Why do some Jews hate Christians?
because Christians murdered lots of jews
Not real Christians. That was the work of the counterfeit church. Jesus would say to them, "Why do you call Me Lord, and not do the things I say."

ok people who called themselves Christians an who were so recognized
by persons call Christians by Christian scholars
But Jesus would not react in the same manner, doing even more horrible things back to innocent people.

Jesus was on a different mission, and besides, there is no reason to assume innocence in any of these cases. The Apostles had a couple of swords among them, and in one case Jesus advises some of them to take one with them on a mission he sent them on. There is no command to be total pacifists anywhere in the NT, and certainly wouldn't be any such command in the OT for Jews. Muslims and their allies were very much a real existential threat at that time and place, and Jews were given the same options to leave if they didn't want to convert, same as Muslims got, which is far more than the locals got from Muslims and their Jewish soldiers when they invaded.

without resorting to infected links------can you enlarge upon your "examples"
of jewish soldiers in muslim armies ---involved in invasion, rape, pillage and murder and forced conversion?. ?? . ---------"jewish soldiers"-------jews are not permitted to ride on a horse or a camel-----or carry
a weapon under the details of SHARIAH LAW--------details lifted from the filth
of Canon law (codified by "saint" Justinian" ) One of my great grandfathers
was in the Austrian Hapsburg army of Emperor FRANZ JOSEF------true to
canon law----he never touched a gun-----or a cannon------he was a tailor.
Franz Josef is LEGENDARY amongst jews for his ENLIGHTENED attitude
toward jews--------but he could not manage to be more ENGLIGTENED
than that ------the church would not allow it. Your grain of truth is that there
were occasions in which jews aided muslims in resisting rape, pillage and forced
conversion by HOLY CHRISTIAN CRUSADERS -----in lands held by muslims.
In Islamic law------THE HOLY WARRIORS are entitle to a share in the "BOOTY OF WAR"------ie real wealth and slaves and women---------but that right is accorded
ONLY muslims

Pic voted "funny" ------pic has nothing so he just giggles

Already posted al of of that info before; you had nothing to say about it when I posted there links, , you just wait for a couple of months and then start the same bullshit claims over over and over again, same as all the other Xian bashing bigots and loons do.

And, we're still waiting on all that NT stuff you clowns claim Constantine rewrote. We're very patient, so keep taking your time and be accurate.

Pic continues to CLAIM that I (rosie) have asserted that Constantine
"rewrote" the NT. Nope-----never said so. I CORRECTLY stated that
Constantine convened the NICEAN COUNCIL that--------compiled and edited
the NT. Now pic will refer us to the actual original texts from which the NT
was compiled

Rosie used to parrot that claim, now she pretends she never said that. lol I guess she got nervous when asked for specifics, just like the other bigots who parroted the nonsense, and then found out it's all bullshit, that the orthodox versions were indeed the original and correct writings.
without resorting to infected links------can you enlarge upon your "examples"
of jewish soldiers in muslim armies ---involved in invasion, rape, pillage and murder and forced conversion?. ?? . ---------"jewish soldiers"-------jews are not permitted to ride on a horse or a camel-----or carry
a weapon under the details of SHARIAH LAW--------details lifted from the filth
of Canon law (codified by "saint" Justinian" ) One of my great grandfathers
was in the Austrian Hapsburg army of Emperor FRANZ JOSEF------true to
canon law----he never touched a gun-----or a cannon------he was a tailor.
Franz Josef is LEGENDARY amongst jews for his ENLIGHTENED attitude
toward jews--------but he could not manage to be more ENGLIGTENED
than that ------the church would not allow it. Your grain of truth is that there
were occasions in which jews aided muslims in resisting rape, pillage and forced
conversion by HOLY CHRISTIAN CRUSADERS -----in lands held by muslims.
In Islamic law------THE HOLY WARRIORS are entitle to a share in the "BOOTY OF WAR"------ie real wealth and slaves and women---------but that right is accorded
ONLY muslims

Rubbish. Rosie has never read the Jewish Encyclopedia, for one source, much less studied the invasions of Europe, nor the massacres of Christians by Jews and even before the rise of the bandit chief Mohammed and his bands of murderers and thieves.[/QUOTE]

tell us about it, Pic. Generally I do not sit around and READ encyclopedias
lately-------I did so only as a teen when there was nothing else to read at home
but superman and the encyclopedia Britannica. -----I am truly interested in the
JEWISH ARMIES that invaded England for the purpose of murdering Christians.
There is a legend amongst arabs that Jews killed Christian Ethiopians in
Yemen. ---but no historic confirmation. For your own interest---check out the
geography of Ethiopia, Arabia and Yemen[/QUOTE]

Now she has to throw in 'England' for some stupid reason; guess she's now afraid her ignorance is going to make her look dumb again.
So to ding, those atrocities never happened, and it's fake news.
Read the link I provided and find out.

I already told you like it was.

You think I'll click your links? No. Already learned that. Spell it out.
That was two things, Einstein.

1. I told you what the inquisition was about...


2. I provided a link to back it up.

Your backwards ass doesn't even know what the inquisition was about but somehow it makes you act like a little bitch about it. For fucks sake, it was 700 years ago.
You did not say it. You provided a dubious link, like you have in the past, that is not safe to click.

Spell it out and stop being lazy.

And the time passed does not forgive the sins. And the fact that Jesus Christ would never have allowed it if he was the powerful being Christians says he is.

So you have to work that paradox out... See where it leads you.
I don't have a paradox. You do. You don't believe Jesus existed and you are making up equivocations.
No, I think religions are the cancer of humanity. Faith is good.

But once you get to the point where you're killing and torturing and enslaving others because they believe something different, you gotta rethink that.
He won't confirm the crusades or the inquisitions. Because it confirms the paradox that Jesus allowed it.

What needs to be 'confirmed', exactly? that some tards think Europe was wrong to defend itself from islamic invasions and should have been nicer to their Jewish allies who aided them in their centuries of looting and plundering of the locals?
But Jesus would not react in the same manner, doing even more horrible things back to innocent people.
You don't believe Jesus existed.
I have never said that. It's possible he didn't, but I think he did. He's just not the son of god, that is the basis of Christianity.

I think he was a good person, like Gandhi. I love Jesus. But he was not supernatural. And a religion was formed around him to make money and power, and that is what you so fervently believe in. That's why you don't care about killing women and children and innocents, and torturing them and raping, etc....

You may believe in something, but it has nothing to do with Jesus. So you should question yourself about what you believe in, if you're a good person.

You can have faith in Jesus, and not believe Christianity.
You do know that only religious nutjobs tell other people that they don't care about killing women and children and innocents, and torturing them and raping, etc...., right?
I do care, that's why I could never accept a Trinity religion. And why I argue against them. Really?
Read the link I provided and find out.

I already told you like it was.

You think I'll click your links? No. Already learned that. Spell it out.
That was two things, Einstein.

1. I told you what the inquisition was about...


2. I provided a link to back it up.

Your backwards ass doesn't even know what the inquisition was about but somehow it makes you act like a little bitch about it. For fucks sake, it was 700 years ago.
You did not say it. You provided a dubious link, like you have in the past, that is not safe to click.

Spell it out and stop being lazy.

And the time passed does not forgive the sins. And the fact that Jesus Christ would never have allowed it if he was the powerful being Christians says he is.

So you have to work that paradox out... See where it leads you.
I don't have a paradox. You do. You don't believe Jesus existed and you are making up equivocations.
No, I think religions are the cancer of humanity. Faith is good.

But once you get to the point where you're killing and torturing and enslaving others because they believe something different, you gotta rethink that.
There you have it. You don't see those things.

You have no rational basis for your beliefs. It's like the boogieman in your closet. It's not real. It's all in your head.
No, I think religions are the cancer of humanity.
History shows militant atheism was the cancer of humanity. It offered nothing good and was the greatest force for evil the world has ever seen.
What needs to be 'confirmed', exactly? that some tards think Europe was wrong to defend itself from islamic invasions and should have been nicer to their Jewish allies who aided them in their centuries of looting and plundering of the locals?
But Jesus would not react in the same manner, doing even more horrible things back to innocent people.
You don't believe Jesus existed.
I have never said that. It's possible he didn't, but I think he did. He's just not the son of god, that is the basis of Christianity.

I think he was a good person, like Gandhi. I love Jesus. But he was not supernatural. And a religion was formed around him to make money and power, and that is what you so fervently believe in. That's why you don't care about killing women and children and innocents, and torturing them and raping, etc....

You may believe in something, but it has nothing to do with Jesus. So you should question yourself about what you believe in, if you're a good person.

You can have faith in Jesus, and not believe Christianity.
You do know that only religious nutjobs tell other people that they don't care about killing women and children and innocents, and torturing them and raping, etc...., right?
I do care, that's why I could never accept a Trinity religion. And why I argue against them. Really?
You care enough to tell me that I don't care?

Who the fuck are you?

How would you like it if I said you wanted women and children to be raped and killed?
But Jesus would not react in the same manner, doing even more horrible things back to innocent people.
You don't believe Jesus existed.
I have never said that. It's possible he didn't, but I think he did. He's just not the son of god, that is the basis of Christianity.

I think he was a good person, like Gandhi. I love Jesus. But he was not supernatural. And a religion was formed around him to make money and power, and that is what you so fervently believe in. That's why you don't care about killing women and children and innocents, and torturing them and raping, etc....

You may believe in something, but it has nothing to do with Jesus. So you should question yourself about what you believe in, if you're a good person.

You can have faith in Jesus, and not believe Christianity.
You do know that only religious nutjobs tell other people that they don't care about killing women and children and innocents, and torturing them and raping, etc...., right?
I don't understand.

But that's what you people promote... You totally deny what happened, and continue to promote the current as.... "holy". When you are totally evil by dismissing the past.

THat's like Nazi sympathizers saying it happened 80 years ago, wtf?

No. You're wrong, your religion is wrong, and there is no expiration date for being wrong...

Your religion does not become good, after a certain time. It does not follow Jesus' ideals, is not related to Jesus, but still uses his name to power and money.

Here's a quote i'll leave you with tonight...

The Bible directly states that Jesus is God in a number of passages.1 Taken by themselves, these verses provide enough evidence for the church to believe in and teach the deity of Jesus Christ. But the indirect evidence of Scripture is equally compelling.

The names of God are often applied to Jesus. He is called "the Mighty God, the Everlasting Father" and "Immanuel" (meaning "God with us").2 Elsewhere Jesus is called "The Lord (Jehovah) our Righteousness," "God" and "Son of God."3

The Bible ascribes the characteristics of deity to Jesus Christ. He is described as eternal, omnipresent, omniscient, omnipotent and immutable.4

Jesus Christ is equal with God the Father. He is worshiped as God.5 His name is assigned equal standing with God the Father in the church's baptismal formula and in the apostolic benediction.6

Christ performed works which only God can do. He is creator.7 He is the upholder of all things.8 He forgives sin.9 He will raise the dead and execute judgment.10

Jesus Christ Himself claimed deity. He taught His disciples to pray in His name.11 He claimed that He and the Father were one and that He was the Son of God.12 He claimed that to know Him was to know God, to see Him was to see God, to receive Him was to receive God, to believe Him was to believe in God and to honor Him was to honor God, while to hate Him was to hate God.13

Here's the link: The Deity of Jesus | Moody Bible Institute

Jesus was the equivalent of "God". So all the atrocities that you will find were on his command.
You never answered my question. How can you believe Jesus is good if he was crazy or a liar?
I like his or hers or it's ideals. Even if it was made up. I don't believe in anything, but I think it's a good way to lead my life. I don't believe in the supernatural stuff that makes it ok to kill people.

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