Jem Party: From the Ashes of Wall Street


VIP Member
Sep 22, 2013
Can modern world Wall Street cynicism be 'cured' with the right dosage of 'socialization-evangelism'?

What do you think?



Imagine that God sends down his angel Raphael to Earth to clear up the profiteerism-obsession found on Wall Street and American capitalism in general. Raphael decides to dress up like an artistic musician and throw a warehouse music party and invites some stuffy stockbrokers (men and women!) to unwind in front of a more 'holistic crowd.' Would Raphael's plan actually work?


Raphael hires a gorgeous American female rock-musician named Jem and her band called the Holograms. He also invites Jem's rival, Pizzazz and her band the Misfits. As Jem prepares for the concert, imagine Raphael taking 'stock' of the history of capitalism corruption and Wall Street claustrophobia and how Jack the Ripper gave way to Enron in this 'new world.' How can Jem help?


Jem jazzes up to prepare for this 'Wall Street warehouse party,' and Raphael is genuinely excited. He even designs posters for the anticipated event. Celebrities including Tilda Swinton, Leo DiCaprio, Jennifer Connelly, and Tom Hardy are attending Raphael's chic cheer-party. Is this what God intended?


The Misfits prepare to attend to to throw some 'spice' into the mix by adding some needed competitiveness.



Raphael also decides to invite some sub-culture party-goers from San Francisco's Haight-Ashbury district and he buys plane tickets for all who accept his invitation. From all angles, it seems that this could be a real 'soul-uplifting' gathering in New York.


Everyone loves parties or the feeling of euphoria. However, the whole world is fatigued by political scandals, bad journalism, consumerism avarice, capitalism mischief, and general urban crime. Raphael prays to God and asks for a miracle, hoping that this 'Wall Street warehouse party' will make everyone more cheerful about Wal-Mart, Wendy's, and the WB...again!


Perhaps God ponders sending down Jesus for his triumphant return, especially since many Christian scholars and ministers postulate that the AntiChrist is present on Earth, seducing humanity away from faith and civics with seductive images of piracy and wildfires. Jesus may provide the necessary 'cool spark' that could make Raphael's party an 'urban legend.'


At first, Raphael plays some Christian rock to warm up the crowd, but the excited crowd is not satisfied with mere prayers. They want raw energy and euphoria. That's when Raphael introduces Jem and the Holograms who perform greatly in front of a vibrant crowd, and the palpating warehouse is suddenly a pit of catharsis. Raphael notes, "Wall Street could have become a hole for sneers, but tonight, it's a place of great magic!"


God sends his archangel Michael to secure the warehouse in case Satan (the Devil) sends the ominous White Dragon to cause trouble at the party. When the White Dragon does indeed show up, about to breathe paralyzing ice all over the warehouse roof (so it collapses), Michael jumps on his neck and steers him away from Raphael's party. When the White Dragon asks Michael, "Why do you defend this 'optimism-party' for Raphael?" Michael explains, "God instructed me to ensure full joviality at this purely idealistic gathering...and that sounded like a completely nice command."


Raphael sends thank-you cards to all the party attendees one month later. The cards include a picture of Jem herself with a hologram of glittering-glowing rock-star hair. In the caption, imagine that Raphael writes, "God has blessed us and reminded us with our 'warehouse celebration' that America is comprised of people and the people build its charm!"


TRUMP: Raphael's party was amazing...
CARTER: It's become an 'urban legend.'
TRUMP: I wonder if this will help the Dow Jones Average.
CARTER: Of course it will...
TRUMP: Fortunately, there was no threat of terrorism.
CARTER: Perhaps God's archangel Michael protected the warehouse!
TRUMP: We need to work harder, Carter; ensure welfare through the World Bank.
CARTER: The modern world is all about 'creative thinking.'




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