Jan. 6th incident


Diamond Member
Dec 30, 2011
Midwestern U.S.
Originally, I read that the cost was over 2 Billion dollars in damage and 6 people died. At least that's what the legacy media said. Then, they are silently walking that back. Facts show however: one person was killed. Ashli Babbitt. Killed by a nameless DC COP that shot through a door. And the actual cost, hard to find, but I found it was more like half a million. Why does the media and the Democrats continually exaggerate and focus on IT and ignore and downplay the cost monetarily and in lives of the ongoing damage done in the last year of race riots THEY supported?
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Because Dems and their propaganda ministry in the liberal news media are liars. There has been zero mention of the great many police officers attacked and injured and killed in their Dem cities. No mention of attacks on government buildings, setting them on fire and busting out windows, even occupation of government buildings sending the government employees running. Then there's the looting and burning and assaults. Nothing but crickets while Dems and the liberal news media scum compare the Jan 6th protest that got rowdy to Pearl Harbor. :cuckoo:
The costs continue to rise in places like Portland, Seattle, and some other leftist strongholds, but the legacy media all but ignores it.

The dem/media/Zionist alliance for treason is drunk with its ability to lie to the American people, which began with JFK at the latest.

1/6 was simply a full extension of that ability to lie, deceive, and manipulate. All of the "antagonists" who pushed to do it were dem activists cross dressed as confederates and Magas. None of them will be punished, since they already were working for the Biden administration well before 1/6. With Chris Wray "investigating" it, we will never get any truth from the federal level.
The dem/media/Zionist alliance for treason is drunk with its ability to lie to the American people, which began with JFK at the latest.

1/6 was simply a full extension of that ability to lie, deceive, and manipulate. All of the "antagonists" who pushed to do it were dem activists cross dressed as confederates and Magas. None of them will be punished, since they already were working for the Biden administration well before 1/6. With Chris Wray "investigating" it, we will never get any truth from the federal level.
Damn.....You Goofy
Originally, I read that the cost was over 2 Billion dollars in damage and 6 people died. At least that's what the legacy media said. Then, they are silently walking that back. Facts show however: one person was killed. Ashli Babbitt. Killed by a nameless DC COP that shot through a door. And the actual cost, hard to find, but I found it was more like half a million. Why does the media and the Democrats continually exaggerate and focus on IT and ignore and downplay the cost monetarily and in lives of the ongoing damage done in the last year of race riots THEY supported?
Jan 6th was a staged, incited, manufactured event / lie that pales massively in comparison to the foreign-funded Democrat-supported domestic terrorist Antifa & BLM who perpetrated BILLIONS of dollars in damages to Democrat-run communities all over the US, where they looted, burned, destroyed, assaulted, & murdered.
Silence is violence? No Justice no peace? Well the media is silent on the violence of the anti cop mob though. And they are equally as silent on the obvious railroading of an innocent person to toxic popular anti cop mob. Eric Chauvin. Anyone here with a free mind an conscience? we disagree with verdict, yeah. But we aren't burning down car dealerships and sitting down on busy freeways...SHOULD WE? Would that prove anything?
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The dem/media/Zionist alliance for treason is drunk with its ability to lie to the American people, which began with JFK at the latest.

1/6 was simply a full extension of that ability to lie, deceive, and manipulate. All of the "antagonists" who pushed to do it were dem activists cross dressed as confederates and Magas. None of them will be punished, since they already were working for the Biden administration well before 1/6. With Chris Wray "investigating" it, we will never get any truth from the federal level.
Damn.....You Goofy

Shouting down truth with another copy and paste drive by....

That Capitol police officer who "died," um, why did he later text and the next day CLOCK IN FOR WORK?

This is what BLM and ANTIFA is doing, its alienating all of us. Its boarding up and fencing off our capital building and toppling 100 year old statues and the good race relations we had for at least that long...

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