It's The Re-Birth of Vaudeville


Diamond Member
Oct 6, 2008
Brooklyn, NY
1. Maybe they were serious once.
And maybe, as the value of attention became clear to some aspiring science student, some political ingénue, some neo-Marxist ideologue, they considered that the 'new ice age' headlines were fading, they could gain some traction by predicting the very opposite headline: "Global Warming!!!"

"To illustrate a principle you must exaggerate much and you must omit much."
Walter Bagehot

And exaggerate, they much so that to the has become a joke, an amusement, notwithstanding the waste of taxpayer dollars in supporting the scam.

2. Lots of us were vaguely amused when the leading dunce of the Cuomo bunch of dunces, said this:
“You know, Ali, anyone who questions extreme weather and climate change is just delusional at this point. We have seen in the State of New York what everyone has seen, we seen these weather patterns that we never had before. We didn’t have hurricanes, we didn’t have super storms, we didn’t have tornadoes," Cuomo said.

New York has a long history of being in the path of hurricanes and tropical storms, such as the 1903 Vagabond Hurricane, the New England Hurricane of 1938, Hurricanes Carol and Edna in 1954, and Hurricane Donna in 1960."
NY Gov. Cuomo: We Didn’t Have Hurricanes or Tornadoes Before Climate Change

3. "About 45 years ago, a handful of climatologists surrendered to new evidence and switched sides. They moved from predicting a coming ice age to warning of the dangers of impending global warming. With the promise of a flood of federal grants, they were joined by a growing chorus of academics. They began chirping the warming alarms like a house full of defective smoke detectors.

After a decade of data which did not support the warming theory or their hockey stick predictions, the alarmists again pivoted. Alarmists dismissed this as a pause. They conveniently replaced “global warming” with “climate change”. If there wasn’t evidence to support their hockey stick chart, there was daily evidence of change. The same people who tell us not to confuse climate with weather are the first to rush to the microphones whenever there is a wild fire, flood or hurricane on the horizon. All as if discerning people wouldn’t notice. Some of us noticed. Americans became more skeptical. So did a small group of scientists who were brave enough to start asking serious questions and reviewing the data.

Not that long ago, that was what most scientists did."
Where Are the Real Scientists?
"...Tony Heller. He is not a climate scientist. (Neither is Al Gore or Bill Nye, the Science Guy.) Heller is a computer scientist who enjoys digging into data. He has a website, His YouTube video My Gift to Climate Alarmists is well worth the watch. In it, he demonstrates just how charts are manipulated by the climate alarmists. By selectively setting the beginning or ending date of a particular graph or chart, it can be made to fit their narrative. It is deliciously deceptive.

One such example is a chart that demonstrates rising sea levels.

Since the end of the last ice age, sea levels have risen by 400 feet. Somehow life on earth adapted. Alarmists claim that the rate of this rise has increased in recent years due to climate change.

But, Heller points out that if you simply extend the chart back to the time of Abraham Lincoln, you will see that sea levels, as measured at Battery Park on lower Manhattan, have increased at a fairly steady 2.84 millimeters annually. He also shows how sea ice charts are being manipulated.
Heller has even developed a software program so that you can debug the alarmist’s charts at home."
Where Are the Real Scientists?
“Dr. Patrick Moore was a co-founder of Greenpeace and remains a self-described environmentalist. He too has become a healthy skeptic of the climate alarmists. In his book Confessions of a Greenpeace Dropout, he uses some of the same charts as Heller. Dr. Moore puts the climate hysteria into some perspective. As the Left is want to do, he has been personally maligned by the alarmists. They seldom challenge his facts. The facts, like the skeptics, are not their friends.

The real question is where are the real scientists?
The ones who claim to believe in the scientific method where theories were meant to be challenged.
The ones who believed that science by consensus was an oxymoron.” Where Are the Real Scientists?
Demwits move from hoax to hoax without batting an eye (or reflecting on their gullibility).
Demwits move from hoax to hoax without batting an eye (or reflecting on their gullibility).

It's always words like 'crisis,' and 'catastrophe' and such that get their hands wringing...

Liberals, in my experience, are fearful folks who need the bodyguard of big government because they are vulnerable, battered emotional hypochondriacs....they need to insure themselves against every societal misadventure that could occur. They call that 'empathy,' but it's actually neurosis.
They have some sort of metaphorical bullet lodged near their heart, just waiting for a slight move which will end it all! Thus, the overwhelming feeling of incipient failure, and apprehension. And, recognizing their own weakness, they lash out at those willing to depend on themselves.
Demwits move from hoax to hoax without batting an eye (or reflecting on their gullibility).
or their actual concern. If they were soooooooooooooooooooooooooooo concerned, they would abandon cars, homes, heat. you name it. no phones for sure, no TV. nothing. no fking internet
The National Enquirer and their like pay people to read scripts ... and a few scientists indulge themselves for that quick cash and will say just about anything ... the trick is that when none of these dire predictions comes true, it will be because we did the things to prevent catastrophe ... 1% of world electrical production from solar panels reduces sea level rise by 28 feet by 2050 ... the computer models say so, we know this is true since we programmed the computers to say that ...

Why the hating on Vaudeville? ... just like any form of entertainment, most of it was bad, but some of it was really good ... I know the guy that could (pitch perfect) fart out jingle bells was forgettable ... but what about the Marx Brothers, W.C. Fields, Billy Sunday's Rag Time Band ... Popcorn Music was very bad, but that doesn't make all Electronica bad ... now does it? ...

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