"It’s either Trump or the Republican Party. Not both."

" I strongly don't agree with his extremist positions, and it's not so much, I know the man's not a racist, he's a friend of mine, but when you've got white supremacy groups aligning themselves with you and you don't denounce them," Snider said in an interview with Shad of CBC's radio show "Q" on Thursday. "That's a problem for me."
The latest Trump polls are shocking, 96% of blacks agree with Trump's temporary ban on Muslims coming to the US, 85% of whites agree with Trump, 87% of Hispanics agree with Trump. This is NBC reporting this. Headlines, Trump rises to 35% in NY Times/CBS poll, Cruz 2nd at 16%. That's 51% people. The Washington establishment must be having chest pains, they are going to have to roll out the crash cart soon.
I can't take Trump seriously at all. It's not his bombast or controversial comments that does it. I expect that from him. That's his schtick. It's the fact that he never says how he would accomplish what he says he would do. He has so far not offered any concrete policy or plans that could in any way be scrutinized or taken seriously. It's all just a show to rile up the idiots I guess. It's hard to say why he's doing it, but I can't see him as the nominee at all. I can't see enough delegates giving him that. The convention will most likely be brokered but with 17 or so candidates in the mix, it will be difficult to bring in an outsider.
All GOPers with any sense must understand that the establishment of both parties can NOT have an outsider win. Every election any conservative or libertarian running gets the shaft from the GOP establishment. They laugh, as they pick off the conservatives and libertarians, one, by one, by one. The only way Reagan got through it was that.......everything was so bad, Democrats crossed over to get him the nomination in open primary states. That was the start of the Reagan Democrats that liberals hate so much.

Trump and Cruz are both on the hate list of both parties, make no mistake about it. The establishment believes they got rid of Carson as his numbers fall, Trump has gotten rid of himself......or so they thought, and now you hear more negativity about Cruz. They have Marco Polo as the new "karnak" and are hoping he can do what Bush couldn't, because at least they can control him.

This is why it won't work-) For the 1st time ever, the republican party is going to have to kill itself, if it wants to kill a nomination. If it does, the Republican party is no more, and new party will take its place instantly. And, the convention of states will happen for sure then, because most Americans will then know, politicians are not about the country, they are about their own power!

Also, watch..........if the Republican party implodes, most of the RINOs will join the Democratic party; which is where they belong anyway.
Columnist Matt Bai has written that "There’s no hard and fast rule in politics to help you know when you’ve crossed over from mere extremism into some dark borderland of reckless ignorance. Generally speaking, though, when you find yourself defending the wisdom of the Japanese-American internment, you probably left that boundary behind a few miles back. // That’s the intellectual wasteland Donald Trump stumbled into this week when he issued what should hereafter be known as the Marvin Gaye Manifesto — his proposal that all Muslims be banned from entering the country until we can figure out “what’s going on.” This immediately drew unusual condemnation from the new Republican speaker of the House, the Senate majority leader and the party’s national chairman, along with the local Republican chairs in Iowa, New Hampshire and South Carolina." Read more at It’s either Trump or the Republican Party. Not both.

Trump speaks for those in the populist working classes and reactionary right. As a progressive statist, he does not speak for those who like Cruz or those who favor Paul. But he does have the GOP right wing in his pocket. The mainstream and moderate Republicans despise him, and he will lose women, minorities, and millennials by large numbers. If he wins the GOP nomination, which is possible, he will lose. If he runs third party, the GOP and he will lose. Trump is forcing the Republicans to define themselves clearly than just "I am against Obama."

The political landscape on the day after election next year will be amazing.
Where's the comparison? The Japanese atrocity was taking US citizens of Japanese descent and falsely imprisoning them in concentration camps far, far from their homes. That was your hero FDR a Democrat, that did that.

What Trump is advocating is not allowing NON US citizens entry into the country till they can be well and truly vetted.

After listening to the testimony in Congress it is beyond doubt that the current vetting process is a complete farce and relies on the blind ignorance of dupes such as yourself to parrot the administrations propaganda.

The two situations are so vastly different as to be comparing Mars with an apple.
Only in your mind. Americans oppose the idea. Rightly so. Most Americans oppose Trump's Muslim ban: Poll

I hate to break it to ya junior but propaganda doesn't impress me. No mention of methodology, or who they polled, equals a BS assertion.
Whatever, westwall, run with it.

Whoever posted the silly numbers above about Americans' thoughts on the ban better go check the polls. I suspect the silly numbers posted were from a satire site.
Whatever, westwall, run with it.

Whoever posted the silly numbers above about Americans' thoughts on the ban better go check the polls. I suspect the silly numbers posted were from a satire site.

Ahahaha denial the last gasp of hope for the left. They are not my numbers they are from an NBC viewer poll.
Whatever, westwall, run with it.

Whoever posted the silly numbers above about Americans' thoughts on the ban better go check the polls. I suspect the silly numbers posted were from a satire site.

Ahahaha denial the last gasp of hope for the left. They are not my numbers they are from an NBC viewer poll.
We posted the right numbers earlier: 58 percent disagree with Trump, only 27 support him. Caught you in your lie.
This thread verifies the fear that liberals, dems, and the GOP establishment have of Trump. The American voters are telling those three failed groups to "fuck off, we are tired of your corruption, lies, and incompetence".

Trump has awakened the patriot spirit in the USA and that is good for the country whether he wins or loses. He has forced both parties and the assholes in the media to address the real problems facing this country and to acknowledge the massive failure named obama
:lol: keep telling yourself that, Redfish, if it makes your trembling less
It is literally insane to not be able to distinguish rounding up and interring in camps loyal American Citizens, and NOT letting in to the country the citizens of other nations.

You're absolutely right. Trump's plan would deny entry to American citizens, based on their religion.
Many of his supporters are comparing his plan to Jimmy Carter's denial of entry to non-American Iranian citizens. As you state here, such people are literally insane.

He says otherwise, perhaps you misunderstood him?


"On ABC, Mr. Trump clarified that his proposal would not apply to United States citizens. “If a person is a Muslim, goes overseas and comes back, they can come back,” he said. “They’re a citizen. That’s different."

SO, we can see the Trump is aware of the difference between American citizens and the citizens of other nations.

It is only the author of the OP, Jake, and our political class that cannot.

Which are you?

BTW, as an aside, does this confusion go both ways? DO you believe for example that you have the right to move to, say Bermuda to live, whether the Citizens of that island want you to or not?

Trump originally said all Muslims, including Americans. He then backtracked a few days later and said citizens could be allowed back into the country.

But that's sort of the problem with Trump. He doesn't think about these things. He just blurts them out. That's one reason why he doesn't have the temperament to be President.

Do you believe you have the right to move to Bermuda to live there regardless of the wishes of the local citizens?

Whatever, westwall, run with it.

Whoever posted the silly numbers above about Americans' thoughts on the ban better go check the polls. I suspect the silly numbers posted were from a satire site.

Ahahaha denial the last gasp of hope for the left. They are not my numbers they are from an NBC viewer poll.
We posted the right numbers earlier: 58 percent disagree with Trump, only 27 support him. Caught you in your lie.

You don't know what you are talking about, which is typical.
Hey Fakey, if Trump ends up destroying the Republican party, will you shed a tear?
Jake's the Kind of Republican I used to vote for on occasion. Haven't been many around for a while now. I don't think Jake's left the party. The party left him.
The legal, actual Party will not recognize Trump and run an Independent Republican candidate instead. The national and state GOPs will reconstitute in December 2016 and exclude every Trump official, supporter, and financier. They can start their own party.
If only the Rs would listen to you and nominate a W clone...then you would be happy.
Kasich is a W clone? Who knew?
Not you. Obviously.
Whatever, westwall, run with it.

Whoever posted the silly numbers above about Americans' thoughts on the ban better go check the polls. I suspect the silly numbers posted were from a satire site.

Ahahaha denial the last gasp of hope for the left. They are not my numbers they are from an NBC viewer poll.
We posted the right numbers earlier: 58 percent disagree with Trump, only 27 support him. Caught you in your lie.

You don't know what you are talking about, which is typical.
You are describing yourself again.

Last Updated Dec 11, 2015 9:32 AM EST

By Anthony Salvanto, Jennifer De Pinto, Sarah Dutton and Fred Backus

Nearly six-in-10 Americans say the United States should not temporarily bar Muslims from other countries from entering the U.S., and two-thirds say such a ban would go against the founding principles of this country, a CBS News poll shows.

Poll: Solid opposition to ban on Muslims entering U.S.
It is literally insane to not be able to distinguish rounding up and interring in camps loyal American Citizens, and NOT letting in to the country the citizens of other nations.

You're absolutely right. Trump's plan would deny entry to American citizens, based on their religion.
Many of his supporters are comparing his plan to Jimmy Carter's denial of entry to non-American Iranian citizens. As you state here, such people are literally insane.

He says otherwise, perhaps you misunderstood him?


"On ABC, Mr. Trump clarified that his proposal would not apply to United States citizens. “If a person is a Muslim, goes overseas and comes back, they can come back,” he said. “They’re a citizen. That’s different."

SO, we can see the Trump is aware of the difference between American citizens and the citizens of other nations.

It is only the author of the OP, Jake, and our political class that cannot.

Which are you?

BTW, as an aside, does this confusion go both ways? DO you believe for example that you have the right to move to, say Bermuda to live, whether the Citizens of that island want you to or not?

Trump originally said all Muslims, including Americans. He then backtracked a few days later and said citizens could be allowed back into the country.

But that's sort of the problem with Trump. He doesn't think about these things. He just blurts them out. That's one reason why he doesn't have the temperament to be President.

Do you believe you have the right to move to Bermuda to live there regardless of the wishes of the local citizens?


I grant you "blurting things out" is a minus.

But IMO, that is vastly out weighted by his good policy proposals.

You libs are arguing that these proposals are radical and anti-american.

Thus, my point, that you do not have the Right to Move to Bermuda regardless of the wishes of the local citizens.

If you realize that you don't have that right, then why do you think that everyone who wants to move to American has it?
Whatever, westwall, run with it.

Whoever posted the silly numbers above about Americans' thoughts on the ban better go check the polls. I suspect the silly numbers posted were from a satire site.

Ahahaha denial the last gasp of hope for the left. They are not my numbers they are from an NBC viewer poll.
We posted the right numbers earlier: 58 percent disagree with Trump, only 27 support him. Caught you in your lie.

You don't know what you are talking about, which is typical.
You are describing yourself again.

Last Updated Dec 11, 2015 9:32 AM EST

By Anthony Salvanto, Jennifer De Pinto, Sarah Dutton and Fred Backus

Nearly six-in-10 Americans say the United States should not temporarily bar Muslims from other countries from entering the U.S., and two-thirds say such a ban would go against the founding principles of this country, a CBS News poll shows.

Poll: Solid opposition to ban on Muslims entering U.S.

Which shows that you can lie to all of the people some of the time.

Do you believe that you have the right to move to Bermuda regardless of the wishes and laws of the Citizens there?

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