Issue 3 passed in Ohio, not good for Obama

I don't get Issue 2, people in Ohio WANT to go broke paying Union slugs twice what anyone else makes?

Seems so.

Actually I do not think many of the people had the ability to think further than the end of their own noses. This state is a huge union state. Therefore, the fear tactics worked. I am afraid they are going to be very sorry. I have watched as Cleveland suburbs turned into Cleveland. That is pretty bad. The left wants a classless society, it is working, what people tend to ignore is that the government and the union continue to keep the poor. They need the poor to push their agendas.

Bad for Ohio

I agree. Ohio people voted on an emotional basis. Who had the nerve to deny the Police and Firefighters their collective bargening rights? The problem is the good people of Ohio can't afford it. The same people who voted for municipal unions also voted against Obamacare by a big margin. This is a big defeat for Barry.
It's not as simple as that ... it's a 300 page bill.

All people had to do was look up Issue 2 and see that is was a yes vote to keep senate bill 5 as law, and a no vote would repeal it.

They have no excuse to vote ill informed

Yeah, but how many read through the 300 page bill?

I don't know, but this was nothing new in Ohio. It has been talked about for 9 months
Ohio's Senate Bill 5 will bring dramatic changes |
I don't get Issue 2, people in Ohio WANT to go broke paying Union slugs twice what anyone else makes?

Seems so.

Actually I do not think many of the people had the ability to think further than the end of their own noses. This state is a huge union state. Therefore, the fear tactics worked. I am afraid they are going to be very sorry. I have watched as Cleveland suburbs turned into Cleveland. That is pretty bad. The left wants a classless society, it is working, what people tend to ignore is that the government and the union continue to keep the poor. They need the poor to push their agendas.

Bad for Ohio

I agree. Ohio people voted on an emotional basis. Who had the nerve to deny the Police and Firefighters their collective bargening rights? The problem is the good people of Ohio can't afford it. The same people who voted for municipal unions also voted against Obamacare by a big margin. This is a big defeat for Barry.

I might have voted the same way. Police and firefighters need their union reps because they're on the front line and they literally make life and death decisions. They need protection from mayors who might throw them under the bus for political cover if there's bad news. [ETA: actually I don't know if that kind of protection was part of SB5 so at this point I'm "just saying". I assume I would have known more about it if I were in Ohio. :)]

The police and firefighters were exempted here in Wisconsin and that was the right thing to do. (I love my governor!)

The wide margin for repeal of the union law makes the wide margin to exempt Ohio from a health care mandate all the more telling.

This was a huge loss for Obama.
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"Issue 3 has national implications that do not bode well for Obamacare. Good news for all lovers of freedom."

The freedom to have no health care, go bankrupt, or get screwed by insurers, to get cut off and die...
Pelosi was right- people will understand when it's implemented- till then fox/pub/etc fearmongering rule.
I don't get Issue 2, people in Ohio WANT to go broke paying Union slugs twice what anyone else makes?

Seems so.

Actually I do not think many of the people had the ability to think further than the end of their own noses. This state is a huge union state. Therefore, the fear tactics worked. I am afraid they are going to be very sorry. I have watched as Cleveland suburbs turned into Cleveland. That is pretty bad. The left wants a classless society, it is working, what people tend to ignore is that the government and the union continue to keep the poor. They need the poor to push their agendas.

Bad for Ohio

I agree. Ohio people voted on an emotional basis. Who had the nerve to deny the Police and Firefighters their collective bargening rights? The problem is the good people of Ohio can't afford it. The same people who voted for municipal unions also voted against Obamacare by a big margin. This is a big defeat for Barry.

Collective bargaining for something they may or may not deserve. That is one thing that is wrong with out nation as a whole. Everyone seems to think they are entitled whether or not they deserve a raise, or secure retirement ect...............................and it goes on and on with vacation time, and all the other goodies while the tax payers foots the bill.

Why can't the people who actually pay their wages have an up and dowwn vote based on their performance. Geez kids and dare I say that some teachers don't even know the difference in these 2 words..too, to


Besides, the lie was telling people that collective bargaining was out. They could still under the now dead law, bargain for pay raises
"Issue 3 has national implications that do not bode well for Obamacare. Good news for all lovers of freedom."

The freedom to have no health care, go bankrupt, or get screwed by insurers, to get cut off and die...
Pelosi was right- people will understand when it's implemented- till then fox/pub/etc fearmongering rule.

People understood it fine before it was passed. That's why they opposed it.
Looks like the big Issue that Obama attached his name too isn't fairing too well in Ohio. Not good for his election chances in 2012.

Yep--that's why you're not hearing too many democrats coming out talking about the public union win there. Ohio voters overwhelming voted against Obama's signature bill--Obamacare.
Public Unions are bad for the country. They screw the Taxpayers every chance they get. I'm sorry to see Ohio make such a big mistake on Issue 2. They'll regret it for sure. But they did redeem themselves a bit on Issue 3. Ohio seems to be a very schizophrenic State at this point.
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Public Unions are bad for the country. They screw the Taxpayers every chance they get. I'm sorry to see Ohio make such a big mistake on Issue 2. They'll regret it for sure. But they did redeem themselves a bit on Issue 3. Ohio seems to be a very schizophrenic State at this point.

I am not against all unions--but I am against public unions--because they hold state and local taxpayer funded budgets hostage. For instance if the public union goes crazy-ivan on their demands--this will force the state to lay-off teachers--police and firemen--to meet the balanced budget requirement that most states have--therefore being a detriment not only in taxes but to the overall benefit of the private sector in Ohio. BIG--BIG mistake Ohio.
Public Unions are bad for the country. They screw the Taxpayers every chance they get. I'm sorry to see Ohio make such a big mistake on Issue 2. They'll regret it for sure. But they did redeem themselves a bit on Issue 3. Ohio seems to be a very schizophrenic State at this point.

I am not against all unions--but I am against public unions--because they hold state and local taxpayer funded budgets hostage. For instance if the public union goes crazy-ivan on their demands--this will force the state to lay-off teachers--police and firemen--to meet the balanced budget requirement that most states have--therefore being a detriment not only in taxes but to the overall benefit of the private sector in Ohio. BIG--BIG mistake Ohio.

Yea i'm more flexible when it comes to private Unions. That's between the Employee and their Employer. But the Public Unions have proven to be very greedy and do screw Taxpayers every chance they get. Most States are in financial ruins and are trying to balance their budgets. But the Public Unions don't care about anyone but themselves. Ohio definitely made a big mistake on Issue 2. They were right on Issue 3 though. Ohioans are clearly confused these days.
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Looks like the big Issue that Obama attached his name too isn't fairing too well in Ohio. Not good for his election chances in 2012.

You really don't want to go there. Issue 2 got trounced in Ohio. This is a huge win for Democrats, Unions, and Obama, and it is a huge blow to Kasich and the Republicans.

As for Issue 3, that was expected, but it holds no weight against the healthcare legislation if it is upheld by the Supreme Court, because federal law takes precedence. Last of all, no matter what happens with the healthcare legislation, it is going to be tweaked and changed quite a bit over time.

Except issue 3 is a referendum on Obama's prize piece of legislation. I would think the referendum on Obama's policies are going to be a stronger guage on how well Obama will do next year than whether Ohioans are upset with the Governor. Simply being upset with the governor doesnt necessarily translate into votes for Obama when they aren't happy with Obama either.

Exactly, The Problem for Obama is it's Another Example of just how Unpopular is Most hailed accomplishment really is.

What are Obama's Big Accomplishments?

Health Care - Very Unpopular
Stimulus - Very Unpopular
Dodd Frank - More popular that it would be if people understood it's effects on our economy

Other than that he has killing Obama and toppling Gaddafi. Both of which are of course awesome, but in the Grand scheme do not hold nearly as much weight as Domestic Conditions when it comes to an Election.
So the people of Ohio overwhelmingly rejected the individual mandate to Obamacare without needing to have a huge debate over it, yet that doesn't reflect at all the people's view of Obama.

Yet, a debate over a complex state issue that has absolutely nothing to do with Obama, that the people likewise overwhelmingly oppose indicates that things are looking good for Obama.

Does it look good for the State Republicans? Heck no. But to pretend the GOP losing on a state issue is a better indicator of Obama chances in the state than a direct referendum on his signature accomplishment is absolutely absurd.

Obama may win. He may lose. The GOP candidate may win. He/she may lose. People can be angry at both the GOP and the Dems. They can vote out the GOP at the state level and at the same time overwhelmingly oppose Obama as well.

It looks like the People of Ohio are seriously frustrated with the actions of both parties in overwhelming numbers. I don't think that's good for any candidate. It means any candidate running will have to work hard and earn their votes.

Kasich's current approval numbers are well under 40%. It's a good thing for him he is not running for re-election next year. It's hard to imagine how a brand new governor, not even a full year into his term, would be receiving such low approval ratings.
And clearly, because you were watching issue two that is the better barometer how Barack Obama will do in 2012. Because clearly the voters not being happy with the GOP governor is going to benefit Obama despite the fact that the voters are even more unhappy with the biggest "accomplishment" that Barack Obama has had.

You really meant Obameter, right?

* couldn't help myself :lol:

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