Islam: Trying to Understand Jihad

the silhouette of the beast is still here, boring everyone with its
psychotic desire to impose its disordered "insights"
Disordered insights? You are the one advocating a continuation of hate, mistrust and discord. What am I advocating? Oh, that's right, the opposite. Which values does the beast hold dear? Yours or mine? The Jew is as vital as the Muslim. The American as vital as the Russian. The Sioux as vital as the Bushmen of Africa. Every one of them has truths and good points...vulgarities and bad points. We are here to learn from each other. Without that we don't have a vast library from which to glean the abstract cores of our mission here.

You don't want a monopoly on the truth. Trust me on that one. Homo sapiens cannot handle that in the face of the Great Trickster. The best approximation we can achieve is diversity and in that is shrouded the grains of truth. This way the beast can't gain total control.

Let's look again:

Round and round and round and round and round and round

"I hate you and HERE'S WHY!!"...

"Well you an asshole and HERE'S WHY!!"

"But you deserve it and HERE'S WHY!!"

"Idiot!! Your grandfather killed my grandfather!!"

"Had it coming!!"

on and on and on and on and on and on and on. :meow: Like two old sisters fighting over grandma's dried up leather purse because it has historical significance to both of them.

But if either of you would be still, go on a retreat. Sit in a quiet place for an extended period of time, you would quickly come to realize that you both have a common enemy: that dark energy that fans the flames of anger and that keeps you busy talking to yourself in your mind all the time.

Shut off that internal dialogue. Starve the beast. And in so doing you will hear the voice of the Spirit. But you have to be quiet in order to hear things. That's what the Buddhists would say. The Hindus would say that each of you will be born in the other's country next time around to see how it is standing in their shoes.

There really is a need for different cultures because there are grains of truth in all of them that are lacking in others. Our mission is to gather the grains of truth.

Besides, you know how men behave when they get a monopoly on power. Can you imagine for a moment, a one-world religion? :scared1: Sure the guy at the top now may be some great Imam, Pope, Rabbi or whatever. But what about next generation? The Great Messmaker would make sure one of his errand-boys got in that position sooner or later. Diversity keeps the beast at bay.
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It's my thread. If you don't like it, pack up and take a hike. While you're on that hike, find a shady oak tree, sit underneath it and quiet all your thoughts..
It's my thread. If you don't like it, pack up and take a hike. While you're on that hike, find a shady oak tree, sit underneath it and quiet all your thoughts..

you continue to be rude and vulgar------ sluts are born---not made
I understand that it was very painful for you ADMIT that you were wrong.

Let me explain the reasons why

Attacks against Zionist Jews began 4 years after the Zionist invasion of 1925 once the Palestinian Farmers learned that the Zionists' plan was to murder and /or disappear them by any means necessary

That would enrage me, wouldn't you?


You are are an unabashed terrorist supporter, whose insane hatred of Jews blinds you to all else in the world.

I am not.

The LORD loves Zion and those who have hatred in their hearts for Zion are the enemies of God Almighty who created heaven and earth. Bottom line is if you are anti - Zion - you are anti God and and have declared yourself His sworn enemy.
what's zion? and who the hell told you it's yours or God's? do you believe everything you read? then believe your people are still wandering in the dessert

I believe my Bible and I believe the Torah and Tanach! I believe God! If the Jews were ever wandering around in a dessert I would like to know was it vanilla pudding or on top of a cake? I missed that story completely! Where's Rosie? She'll know! When in doubt? Ask Rosie!!
i knew you'd like that dessert. Spelling is fun too mesh with, isn't tit?
Round and round and round and round and round and round

"I hate you and HERE'S WHY!!"...

"Well you an asshole and HERE'S WHY!!"

"But you deserve it and HERE'S WHY!!"

"Idiot!! Your grandfather killed my grandfather!!"

"Had it coming!!"

on and on and on and on and on and on and on. :meow: Like two old sisters fighting over grandma's dried up leather purse because it has historical significance to both of them.

But if either of you would be still, go on a retreat. Sit in a quiet place for an extended period of time, you would quickly come to realize that you both have a common enemy: that dark energy that fans the flames of anger and that keeps you busy talking to yourself in your mind all the time.

Shut off that internal dialogue. Starve the beast. And in so doing you will hear the voice of the Spirit. But you have to be quiet in order to hear things. That's what the Buddhists would say. The Hindus would say that each of you will be born in the other's country next time around to see how it is standing in their shoes.

There really is a need for different cultures because there are grains of truth in all of them that are lacking in others. Our mission is to gather the grains of truth.

Besides, you know how men behave when they get a monopoly on power. Can you imagine for a moment, a one-world religion? :scared1: Sure the guy at the top now may be some great Imam, Pope, Rabbi or whatever. But what about next generation? The Great Messmaker would make sure one of his errand-boys got in that position sooner or later. Diversity keeps the beast at bay.
great post. Even tho I can be a verbal old sister too. But it is better to go round with words then real weapons. tho words can be greater weapons when used like this post does. weapons against war.
I was discussing the bible and what is written therein. ------YOUR COMMENT HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH THE
CONVERSATION gee you are dim. Just about the whole world has differing positions on land ownership.....even you. You are just too dim to recognize how dim you are

You were quoting the Old Testament to justify the Jews returning to Israel and claiming that land because of a historical presence there before.

The Sioux in the Midwest is perfectly admissable as a rebuttal to that comment. My point being that if every indigenous people moved back to where they were displaced and demanded the current residents there abdicate their generations-long occupation, we'd have like 100 world wars going on simultaneously.

Or, conversely, my point was if you are posting what you said from your comfortable home in the Dakotas in the US, you are a hypocrite.

As to your points about muslims, I agree. Their laws and customs go too far. They are as repugnant to me as the idea of so-called "christian missionaries" who go around to all these cultures trying to convert them.

The world needs diversity in cultures AND faiths. This is precisely because such a large diversity allows the individual a chance to look outside their box and in so doing, loosen their myopia and have a chance at walking between cultures to access the Truth on their own.

You have to follow my theory in the OP to make sense of this. The Supreme Being doesnt want a bunch of cookie-cutter obedients, beaten that way with a hammer (the culture they grew up in). The Supreme Being wants independent beings who CHOSE to be by Its side, freely, of their own will...and after much temptation. This is the fire in which a soul's steele is tempered. Perhaps there are temptations outside this physical plane that make Las Vegas Nevada look like child's play? Maybe there is a need for this tempering. A rigidly obedient slave would at once I'd think be very boring to an ultimately complex being like the Almighty; and at the same time crack like a dry twig in the Sahara when push came to shove "out there"..

The average jihadist fails to see this: That as much as the US seems out of control with its freedoms, a free nation like the US is necessary for that final polishing. It isn't that the US is better than this or that country, it's just a vital component in the testing grounds where souls are proven or discarded as slag. It is an advanced test to turn your hawk free for the first time, really truly free and see if it returns to you of its own free will.

That being said, there is a tipping point like with Soddom; where a culture becomes so devoid even of basic morality, where the Hand of God has to wipe that slate clean. That is because so immersed, even the finest of souls with the best intentions don't have a chance of escaping that deviant peer pressure. The US is close, I'll admit that. But jihadists are pulling a close second. Especially the ones following men instead of Allah's voice. A prophet is merely a go-between from the Source of All there is, to men on earth. They are renewed periodically as new times call for that. That new coat of paint.

As time rolls on their words get laquered with the ideas of the powerful men posing as spiritual leaders. It never fails. This is where diversions begin. One must stop oneself, go inside and be sure that what one is doing really is the call of God and not some human errand disguised as a spiritual one.
could you imagine if the hindus found some ancient scrolls of theirs telling them they should stop being the destroyers of worlds? But alas, we only find muslim and jewish books of world domination as the chosen of God fighting it out till the bitter end of us all. Then we could let God decide who's ashes and bodies were better fertilizers for little rat descendants rod left behind to conquer the world. i know Jesus new testament helps when our savior comes down on a cloud to destroy all us evil sinners. Either way these books are great reads right up until mankind's silly, stupid, proudly vain and ignorant demise.
wise up g....

The Quran contains at least 109 verses that call Muslims to war with nonbelievers for the sake of Islamic rule.

As does the Christian bible. You should read it sometime. God directs the Israelites to invade lands and kill everyone in them and take the lands as God's gift to them. There are long, long sections of the bible devoted to these ethnic cleansings.

Some are quite graphic, with commands to chop off heads and fingers and kill infidels wherever they may be hiding.

Again, read the Christian bible and the atrocities directed toward men, women, and children.

Unlike nearly all of the Old Testament verses of violence, the verses of violence in the Quran are mostly open-ended, meaning that they are not restrained by the historical context of the surrounding text. They are part of the eternal, unchanging word of Allah, and just as relevant or subjective as anything else in the Quran.

The Quran s Verses of Violence

Selective bias fed to you by bigots.

Top Ten Ways Islamic Law forbids Terrorism

I instruct you in ten matters for war: Do not kill women, children, the old, or the infirm; do not cut down fruit-bearing trees; do not destroy any town. Do not slaughter sheep or camels except for food. Do not burn bees and do not scatter them. Do not steal from the booty, and do not be cowardly.

The battles of Joshua were for a certain time, people and place. It is history. It isn't happening today. To the contrary the jihad of Islam has never ended because it can be called for self defense and for oppression. Oppression could be a movie theatre on your corner block and because they now live in your neighborhood instead of their own Islamic state (where they came from) and the movie playing offends them - they have a right to wage jihad against you and your neighbors. You need to wake up G5000.

for the record-----there are NO verses in either the old or new
Testaments directing anyone to invade lands or attempt to force conversion or enslave those who do not convert or kill them. The Koran does contain such verses AND doing
so is incorporated into SHARIAH LAW.
rosie, is it true that everybody was counted back then? so all the jews that can't follow their line back to that time aren't really in the royal jewish line? the wealth of the vast majority compared to the wealth of few of you, it would seem so. Every body that isn't a jew is alien according to deut. laws are different for everybody else. seems the same here today. i think your people were supposed to lead us away from pharoah's pyramid schem and you only replaced the pharoahs to put your own names in. dah.. if it wasn't good for you with your God to live under a few lazy royals, then why should anybody else settle for such things as we are doing today? Your people should have kept on walking away from the system put not long into your exodus moses reinstalled himself as pharoah or really your people did. then moses gave you common sense laws but could only do so with his war tribe of the time. It's time to search for the truth away from the books of old cause we missed the point and back slid right back under the rocks of pharoah.
could you imagine if the hindus found some ancient scrolls of theirs telling them they should stop being the destroyers of worlds? But alas, we only find muslim and jewish books of world domination as the chosen of God fighting it out till the bitter end of us all. Then we could let God decide who's ashes and bodies were better fertilizers for little rat descendants rod left behind to conquer the world. i know Jesus new testament helps when our savior comes down on a cloud to destroy all us evil sinners. Either way these books are great reads right up until mankind's silly, stupid, proudly vain and ignorant demise.

All I can say to that is:

"Row row row your boat, gently down the stream. Merrily merrily merrily merrily. Life is but a dream."

It really is just a dream and all we take with us at the end of the dream is our actions and thoughts.
Wow, I just noticed the staff here dungeoned this thread. Not that jihad is political or anything.

Also wild is Netten Yahoo came to address Congress without running it by the current Administration. I'm pretty sure that's rare and really is a total slap in the face to the Obama Administration. Wow.
Jihad is offensive or defensive the rule of Allah is for all even if the nonbeliever dislikes it. We the Muslim's have been ordered to establish the law of Allah wherever we are that is done by jihad. The false hadith that jihad against the self is the greatest jihad was fabricated to deter the Muslim youth away from jihad and martyrdom
Jihad is offensive or defensive the rule of Allah is for all even if the nonbeliever dislikes it. We the Muslim's have been ordered to establish the law of Allah wherever we are that is done by jihad. The false hadith that jihad against the self is the greatest jihad was fabricated to deter the Muslim youth away from jihad and martyrdom

Thank you clarifying the true meaning and mission of Islam.
Jihad is offensive or defensive the rule of Allah is for all even if the nonbeliever dislikes it. We the Muslim's have been ordered to establish the law of Allah wherever we are that is done by jihad. The false hadith that jihad against the self is the greatest jihad was fabricated to deter the Muslim youth away from jihad and martyrdom

Welcome to the forum amirmuwahid76, I am always pleased to see another Muslim here. Even if it is only to try to show you that your religion is built on lies about God.

What if Allah/God had nothing to do with dictating the Quran? What if it is all made up by Muhammad to serve his own ends? You Muslims would be martyring yourselves for nothing. You can see how that would be a problem for the rest of civilisation, and how we might try to talk you out of it.
Jihad is offensive or defensive the rule of Allah is for all even if the nonbeliever dislikes it. We the Muslim's have been ordered to establish the law of Allah wherever we are that is done by jihad. The false hadith that jihad against the self is the greatest jihad was fabricated to deter the Muslim youth away from jihad and martyrdom
According to whom? And when?

Welcome to the forum amirmuwahid76, I am always pleased to see another Muslim here. Even if it is only to try to show you that your religion is built on lies about God. What if Allah/God had nothing to do with dictating the Quran? What if it is all made up by Muhammad to serve his own ends? You Muslims would be martyring yourselves for nothing. You can see how that would be a problem for the rest of civilisation, and how we might try to talk you out of it.

His would not be the first religion where the passage of time and the tendency of men and women to fudge things got in the way of a man's direct link with the Truth of the Spirit..
Jihad is offensive or defensive the rule of Allah is for all even if the nonbeliever dislikes it. We the Muslim's have been ordered to establish the law of Allah wherever we are that is done by jihad. The false hadith that jihad against the self is the greatest jihad was fabricated to deter the Muslim youth away from jihad and martyrdom

Welcome to the forum amirmuwahid76, I am always pleased to see another Muslim here. Even if it is only to try to show you that your religion is built on lies about God.

What if Allah/God had nothing to do with dictating the Quran? What if it is all made up by Muhammad to serve his own ends? You Muslims would be martyring yourselves for nothing. You can see how that would be a problem for the rest of civilisation, and how we might try to talk you out of it.
Ah but that is not true
Jihad is offensive or defensive the rule of Allah is for all even if the nonbeliever dislikes it. We the Muslim's have been ordered to establish the law of Allah wherever we are that is done by jihad. The false hadith that jihad against the self is the greatest jihad was fabricated to deter the Muslim youth away from jihad and martyrdom

Welcome to the forum amirmuwahid76, I am always pleased to see another Muslim here. Even if it is only to try to show you that your religion is built on lies about God.

What if Allah/God had nothing to do with dictating the Quran? What if it is all made up by Muhammad to serve his own ends? You Muslims would be martyring yourselves for nothing. You can see how that would be a problem for the rest of civilisation, and how we might try to talk you out of it.
Ah but that is not true

what is not "true" about it?
The Myth:

Islam’s Western apologists sometimes claim that since the Arabic word, Jihad, literally means “fight” or “struggle,” it refers to an “inner struggle” rather than holy war.

The Truth:

In Arabic, "jihad" means struggle. In Islam, it means holy war.

The Quran specifically exempts the disabled and elderly from Jihad (4:95), which would make no sense if the word is being used merely within the context of spiritual struggle. It is also unclear why Muhammad and his Quran would use graphic language, such as smiting fingers and heads from the hands and necks of unbelievers if he were speaking merely of character development.

With this in mind, Muslim apologists generally admit that there are two meanings to the word, but insist that “inner struggle” is the “greater Jihad,” whereas “holy war” is the “lesser.” In fact, this misconception is based only on an a single hadith that Islamic scholars generally agreed was fabricated.

By contrast, the most reliable of all Hadith collections is that of Bukhari. Jihad is mentioned over 200 times in reference to the words of Muhammad and each one carries a clear connotation to holy war, with only a handful of possible exceptions (dealing with a woman's supporting role during a time of holy war).

TheReligionofPeace - Myths of Islam
Jihad is offensive or defensive the rule of Allah is for all even if the nonbeliever dislikes it. We the Muslim's have been ordered to establish the law of Allah wherever we are that is done by jihad. The false hadith that jihad against the self is the greatest jihad was fabricated to deter the Muslim youth away from jihad and martyrdom

Welcome to the forum amirmuwahid76, I am always pleased to see another Muslim here. Even if it is only to try to show you that your religion is built on lies about God.

What if Allah/God had nothing to do with dictating the Quran? What if it is all made up by Muhammad to serve his own ends? You Muslims would be martyring yourselves for nothing. You can see how that would be a problem for the rest of civilisation, and how we might try to talk you out of it.
Ah but that is not true

what is not "true" about it?
Its all false

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