is the rightwing, for the most part, just in denial about how pathetic of a candidate Trump is?

Nowadays they are so focused on bitching about Hillary that they make no effort to rationalize why they like Trump. I'm referring to those republicans who voted for Trump solely because they think he is the lesser of two evils. They couldn't explain WHY Trump is the better candidate if their lives depended on it. They can't justify anything in Trump's record.

This was an election based soley on emotion. The Reich wing of the party is pissed and they cut off their own nose in spite of their face. They were mad at the Establishment. Anger, Fear, HATE, bigotry, misogyny, ignorance was what elected Donald Trump. Who was making all kinds of campaign promises that will never be kept. Many of his proposals are going to evaporate in a Republican congress--who would never agree with him.

This is really historical. Most Americans get pissed off at President's after they have been in office for a few months--LOL Donald Trump hasn't even been sworn in yet--and they hate the guy. Trump and his family are barricaded inside the Trump Tower with protests going on all across the country. House & Senate Republicans are watching this, and are probably very concerned about their own seats in two years. If this keeps up, they'll never work with him.
You need to wise up pal.
Check out how many DEMs seats are in jeopardy in two years.
President Trump by then will have the country humming with infrastructure programs invested in by private capital.
The WALL will be nearing completion and the Mexican cartels AKA 100% corrupt government will be paying for it one way or another.
Obamacare will be a thing of the past and private insurers will be able to cross state lines and anyone can buy any form of insurance they want.
The truly poor and seriously ill will be taken care of.
The US military and VA will be fixed.
I predict the REPs will hold the Presidency/Senate/Congress for at least the next 16 years.
Oh Ya. And the SC will have a couple or more conservative/Constitutionalists on the bench.
and even as pathetic of a candidate that he was/is
he still beat Hillary.
does the left not see how pathetic that makes Hillary?
It makes her pathetic but I don't give a shit because I would take ANY candidate over Trump.
Doesn't matter what you "would take" instead of Trump. Trump is what you get, period. You have no choice. Grow up & deal with that fact.
Go ahead. Explain why I should like Trump. Im dying to hear it.
You're committing the biggest sin on any forum.
You are now becoming too boring to bother with.
I/we don't give a fuck what you think.
Permanent Ignore.
He lost the popular vote. The Pugs lost seats in the house and senate. Hardly a mandate.
nope, its a mandate.
Once you get past the butt hurt and accept this, I think your life will be much better for you.
Besides, popular vote or not, the libs have been telling me for years that the EC is there to protect the rights of the minority. Well get over it, we minorities have been protected and our mandate has been heard loud and clear. Please understand that.[/QUOTE]

Oh, no. He won all right. That is how your arcane system works. But hardly a mandate.

So you're a minority now? Good grief. I 've heard it all.
Nowadays they are so focused on bitching about Hillary that they make no effort to rationalize why they like Trump. I'm referring to those republicans who voted for Trump solely because they think he is the lesser of two evils. They couldn't explain WHY Trump is the better candidate if their lives depended on it. They can't justify anything in Trump's record.
Justify anything in hildabitches record if you can. Trump is better anyway you look at it.
Nowadays they are so focused on bitching about Hillary that they make no effort to rationalize why they like Trump. I'm referring to those republicans who voted for Trump solely because they think he is the lesser of two evils. They couldn't explain WHY Trump is the better candidate if their lives depended on it. They can't justify anything in Trump's record.

He had better ideas
More charismatic
Alpha male not a beta male
Says what he thinks
Is thoughtful
Can relate to average people
Can relate to.elites
Gets shit done
Doesnt except excuses and bullshit.

Need more?
See this is what's pathetic. You're so focused on his appeal as a personality candidate that you can't focus on his past corruption and hypocrisy. You also don't say anything about those "good ideas". He has what? 3 total policy ideas? Ideas a 14 year old could easily come up with?

Let's break one of these done. Get shit done. What shit? You have no idea do you?
Personality is part of it. Obama and Bill.Clinton got away with shit because of their charisma
Uh he gets shit done, like building stuff ontime and under budget
What corruption?
And plans what subject would you like to discuss?
So which subject billy?

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