Black Lives Matter: Sued by father of slain Dallas Officer? how?


Constitutionalist / Universalist
Jan 21, 2010
National Freedmen's Town District
Father of slain Dallas officer suing Black Lives Matter

I thought the Democratic Party was heading the group up to be sued. Close!
The father of one of the officers killed in Dallas is suing BLM.

Don't think this will work any better than suing Occupy or Tea Party.
Unless a particular person is in charge, how can you sue a movement?

But yes, the lawsuit could name *particular people* either inciting violence, or abetting terrorism and crime, or hate crime or hate speech?
While touting it in the MEDIA as "suing BLM."
But trying to prove causality would be hard. (Collusion would have to be established, such as members of BLM using those meetings to conspire to commit these acts.)

This is mostly to make a statement,
in the same way BLM has operated through the media.

My deepest sympathy and respect to the officer, the family and community he gave his life to protect. The police acted first to defend citizens before themselves, who dove into action in harm's way as their duty.

Thanks to all officers, and all peaceful demonstrators who oppose and work to end violent abuse on all sides.
May the movement started turn words of war toward words of peace,
that heal hearts back together that have been broken apart.
Hahah i hate lawsuits, but this is poetic justice. The left does this bullshit all the time.
Dear The Great Goose
You can prove causality, where the person accused did the violence or killing.

It's more difficult legally to prove, for example, that a "hate speech site"
like the websites that target people's homes and calls for protest against abortion doctors as "killers"
are responsible if a criminally insane person takes that too far and shoots someone dead.

It would have to be a more direct relationship that can prove the person
being accused is responsible, and not blame the wrong party by "guilt by association."

For example, if someone gets harassed or abused by a Christian, can you sue the leader of a Christian group
that preaches in general to confront and attack the enemy who rejects the faith?
How do you prove it wasn't just that person's fault, individually, but the cause is the group dynamic or speech
by other people not directly acting in the case being sued over?

If Manson was imprisoned, so should they be.
Dear The Great Goose
You can prove causality, where the person accused did the violence or killing.

It's more difficult legally to prove, for example, that a "hate speech site"
like the websites that target people's homes and calls for protest against abortion doctors as "killers"
are responsible if a criminally insane person takes that too far and shoots someone dead.

It would have to be a more direct relationship that can prove the person
being accused is responsible, and not blame the wrong party by "guilt by association."

For example, if someone gets harassed or abused by a Christian, can you sue the leader of a Christian group
that preaches in general to confront and attack the enemy who rejects the faith?
How do you prove it wasn't just that person's fault, individually, but the cause is the group dynamic or speech
by other people not directly acting in the case being sued over?

If Manson was imprisoned, so should they be.
Well the authorities won't haul them up on hate speech, so how else can the man get justice.

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