Diamond Member
I personally believe that this problem needs to be solved through technology (and should be solved that way). Nearly all Apple products now include biometric security hardware. If technologies such as NetFlix, Amazon, etc. replace passwords with biometric authentication then password sharing / stealing concerns go away.
And as far as family goes - they could just allow one account to register the biometric data of additional family members (say up to 3 or something and they could even require proof of "dependency" for children like insurance companies do). In any case - government regulation is not the answer to this problem. They simply do not have the authority to tell me that I cannot give my password to someone.
Sharing Netflix Passwords Could Be Interpreted As a Crime
And as far as family goes - they could just allow one account to register the biometric data of additional family members (say up to 3 or something and they could even require proof of "dependency" for children like insurance companies do). In any case - government regulation is not the answer to this problem. They simply do not have the authority to tell me that I cannot give my password to someone.
Sharing Netflix Passwords Could Be Interpreted As a Crime
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