Is Our Republic DEAD? Military Brass Use AntiTerrorism Tools on Trump Supporters


Old Fogey
Sep 25, 2011
In ancient times, the Praetorian Gaurd controlled the Roman empire through its control of the Emporer himself. If our military command is currently backing Biden as it now appears, despite his selling out to the Chicoms and his pedophile son and vast corruption, then we are undone. Game over.

This goes way beyond just a 'Deep State' that tries to influence the vote with fake stories and suppressed news. This is dramatic force by the military leaders to crush civilian rule.

After this election, and Trumps win, we need to have a commission that purges the military of these treasonous bastards, and gives a public accounting to the Intel agents who betrayed our Republic.

This cannot be allowed to survive the Trump Presidency.
In ancient times, the Praetorian Gaurd controlled the Roman empire through its control of the Emporer himself. If our military command is currently backing Biden as it now appears, despite his selling out to the Chicoms and his pedophile son and vast corruption, then we are undone. Game over.

This goes way beyond just a 'Deep State' that tries to influence the vote with fake stories and suppressed news. This is dramatic force by the military leaders to crush civilian rule.

After this election, and Trumps win, we need to have a commission that purges the military of these treasonous bastards, and gives a public accounting to the Intel agents who betrayed our Republic.

This cannot be allowed to survive the Trump Presidency.

Typical dictatorship mentality. Remove everyone considered a threat.
Sorry, I don't think the military takes sides in a US Presidential election.
Their members have political leanings, but their duty is to their country.
That's a tough sled if you're going to turn on the people who are just
serving their country. That's pretty un-American.

EDIT - My bad on the link. Eyesight.
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In ancient times, the Praetorian Gaurd controlled the Roman empire through its control of the Emporer himself. If our military command is currently backing Biden as it now appears, despite his selling out to the Chicoms and his pedophile son and vast corruption, then we are undone. Game over.

This goes way beyond just a 'Deep State' that tries to influence the vote with fake stories and suppressed news. This is dramatic force by the military leaders to crush civilian rule.

After this election, and Trumps win, we need to have a commission that purges the military of these treasonous bastards, and gives a public accounting to the Intel agents who betrayed our Republic.

This cannot be allowed to survive the Trump Presidency.

Link? Typical dictatorship mentality. Remove everyone considered a threat.
Sorry, I don't think the military takes sides in a US Presidential election.
Their members have political leanings, but their duty is to their country.
That's a tough sled if you're going to turn on the people who are just
serving their country. That's pretty un-American.
The link is there, dude.
In ancient times, the Praetorian Gaurd controlled the Roman empire through its control of the Emporer himself. If our military command is currently backing Biden as it now appears, despite his selling out to the Chicoms and his pedophile son and vast corruption, then we are undone. Game over.

This goes way beyond just a 'Deep State' that tries to influence the vote with fake stories and suppressed news. This is dramatic force by the military leaders to crush civilian rule.

After this election, and Trumps win, we need to have a commission that purges the military of these treasonous bastards, and gives a public accounting to the Intel agents who betrayed our Republic.

This cannot be allowed to survive the Trump Presidency.

Link? Typical dictatorship mentality. Remove everyone considered a threat.
Sorry, I don't think the military takes sides in a US Presidential election.
Their members have political leanings, but their duty is to their country.
That's a tough sled if you're going to turn on the people who are just
serving their country. That's pretty un-American.
Remove everyone considered a threat.

Like Barry the Boiking did when he fired dozens of Generals?
Our military was at its largest during WW2 and it was only 2% of the population.

Because of the 2nd amendment...even the mighty US military wouldn't stand a chance against our population. And many of the military would refuse to fire on US citizens.
In ancient times, the Praetorian Gaurd controlled the Roman empire through its control of the Emporer himself. If our military command is currently backing Biden as it now appears, despite his selling out to the Chicoms and his pedophile son and vast corruption, then we are undone. Game over.

This goes way beyond just a 'Deep State' that tries to influence the vote with fake stories and suppressed news. This is dramatic force by the military leaders to crush civilian rule.

After this election, and Trumps win, we need to have a commission that purges the military of these treasonous bastards, and gives a public accounting to the Intel agents who betrayed our Republic.

This cannot be allowed to survive the Trump Presidency.

At present our national political and military command and control structures are not functioning as they should because they have been severed due to dissent in the ranks of flag officers and many democrat and republican governors have flat out ceased to obey our federal government and rejoined certain foreign (UN) treaties or programs Trump pulled us out of. Additionally, a number of DJT's cabinet secretaries and undersecretaries have either passively dissented from White House foreign and domestic policy or flat out spoken publicly against it. In essence the United States is presently ripe for coup, for civil war—or for invasion by foreign military forces.

I strongly suspect a two-pronged Chinese military invasion is not out of the question. My own sources, gleaned from many years served in military intelligence, suspect the democratic party could invite a Chinese led military coalition into the lower 48 states, IF President Trump wins the election, in order to help them remove him from office and police our population centers after claiming he actually lost and is refusing to step down.

One remote but possible scenario involves a two-pronged Chinese coalition invasion from both Canada and Mexico—with the cooperation of several West Coast democrat governors. Such a coalition could be comprised of military forces from China, Canada, Iran, North Korea, Mexico and Venezuela. This scenario also includes the organization of recent immigrant military age men from Central and South America into enemy fighting units as well as BLM and Antifa used as vanguard revolutionary terror/sabotage cells.

Frankly, I hope it's all wargame bullshit. I hope it's not real. Because essentially we could be damned if Trump loses but just as damned if he wins. Only time will tell . . . a very short amount of time.
Our military was at its largest during WW2 and it was only 2% of the population.

Because of the 2nd amendment...even the mighty US military wouldn't stand a chance against our population. And many of the military would refuse to fire on US citizens.

I agree with you somewhat that most soldiers, sailors, airmen and Marines would not fire on American citizens, maybe. However, you must remember that critical race theory has been taught to new and long serving military personnel alike for some time. That, and most rank and file soldiers tend to blindly follow their commanding officers' orders.

Second up, and as much as I hate to acknowledge the truth of it, the so-called hundred million strong US Citizen gun owner "army" cannot win a stand-up fight against the full combined might of the US Military. I'll explain why. All our military would have to do, supposing its commanders went rogue, is to capture and hold several relatively small areas around the country in order to control everything.

These nerve centers include power plants, communications brain networks, fuel refineries and depots and major shipping company warehouses. If our military seized that infrastructure as well as food storage depots they wouldn't have to worry about Joe Schmo gun owners like you and me. We could rampage across the country and do no real harm BECAUSE we cannot occupy and hold vital national infrastructure like our military can. Not only can our military occupy and hold such infrastructure areas, they can also ensure—with modern airpower—we get nowhere near any of it.

About all We The People can do against our military is fight a long guerilla hit and run war of attrition, sabotage and assassination. We could perhaps be like the mujahideen and eventually wear down occupying forces in a few districts but our own losses would be severe.
In ancient times, the Praetorian Gaurd controlled the Roman empire through its control of the Emporer himself. If our military command is currently backing Biden as it now appears, despite his selling out to the Chicoms and his pedophile son and vast corruption, then we are undone. Game over.

This goes way beyond just a 'Deep State' that tries to influence the vote with fake stories and suppressed news. This is dramatic force by the military leaders to crush civilian rule.

After this election, and Trumps win, we need to have a commission that purges the military of these treasonous bastards, and gives a public accounting to the Intel agents who betrayed our Republic.

This cannot be allowed to survive the Trump Presidency.

Typical dictatorship mentality. Remove everyone considered a threat.
Sorry, I don't think the military takes sides in a US Presidential election.
Their members have political leanings, but their duty is to their country.
That's a tough sled if you're going to turn on the people who are just
serving their country. That's pretty un-American.

EDIT - My bad on the link. Eyesight.

The Party of the Rumpers are getting even more desperate. We need to make a new game show just for them. We can call it, "Let's make a Scare".
Just a side note...Do you remember why the British hated going up against kentucky long rifles?

Just sayin'. :eusa_whistle:

Another side note: They weren't Kentucky anything. They were produced in Pennsylvania and had rifled barrels while the standard issue Muskets were smooth bore. And those Rifles were purchased by the Colonial Provisional Government at the request of GW in a small number. They were just nicknamed the Kentucky Long Rifle. The British had the same option and chose not to. Most of the fighting was musket to musket. There were some serious drawbacks with the Rifles of the day that many Commanders didn't with to contend with.
They were produced in Pennsylvania and had rifled barrels while the standard issue Muskets were smooth bore

You are correct sir...but there was something else. Something significant!

The "Kentucky long rifle" used the mini-ball...not the musket-ball.

That was YUUUUUUGE! And it worked PERFECTLY with the rifled barrel!

But that's not even my point.

My point was...the users of Kentucky long rifles TARGETED OFFICERS!!!
Remember the confederacy were the same men that conquered Mexico in five hours
They were produced in Pennsylvania and had rifled barrels while the standard issue Muskets were smooth bore

You are correct sir...but there was something else. Something significant!

The "Kentucky long rifle" used the mini-ball...not the musket-ball.

That was YUUUUUUGE! And it worked PERFECTLY with the rifled barrel!

But that's not even my point.

My point was...the users of Kentucky long rifles TARGETED OFFICERS!!!

And they targeted the Artillery which was even more important. The Rifle had the same range as the Artillery of the day. Did you know that in a war from Korea and back that more people died from Artillery than anything else in battle? This includes the Revolutionary War as well.
The Party of the Rumpers are getting even more desperate. We need to make a new game show just for them. We can call it, "Let's make a Scare".

Comrade hUNT, you're not stupid because you're a Communist, you're a Communist because you're stupid.

Your Fuhrers have said that when Trump wins, you will wage full on war against America - increasing the violence you traitor fucks are already waging in your civil war.

Comrade Traitor Kerry - one of your Fuhrers, said he would start a "revolution:"


But conveniently, a group of former top government officials called the Transition Integrity Project actually gamed four possible scenarios, including one that doesn’t look that different from 2016: a big popular win for Mr. Biden, and a narrow electoral defeat, presumably reached after weeks of counting the votes in Pennsylvania. For their war game, they cast John Podesta, who was Hillary Clinton’s campaign chairman, in the role of Mr. Biden. They expected him, when the votes came in, to concede, just as Mrs. Clinton had.

But Mr. Podesta, playing Mr. Biden, shocked the organizers by saying he felt his party wouldn’t let him concede. Alleging voter suppression, he persuaded the governors of Wisconsin and Michigan to send pro-Biden electors to the Electoral College.


You Maoist scum are already fighting and you think you can create a Junta using the military, on behalf of China, who owns your party and owns you.
I WANT THIS WAR NOW!! I want to drink your blood communist!

This ain't a video game, son.

You don't want war, you only think you do.
Excuse me?

I like sleeping indoor. I like flush toilets, I like sanitary water, I like cooked food, I like lights. I like cars to drive, I like computers.

All of it goes away with a war. You don't go "frag" the commies and then turn it off for dinner. War is real and will destroy everything in your life.

I fear we will be fighting soon, but I dread it, I don't look forward to it.

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