Zone1 Is Jesus God?

We don't persecute people when they leave our church. Big difference.
Sure you do. There are Christians who get kicked out of churches for having a difference of opinion or doctrine and they may even lose their spouse, their jobs..etc. You haven't read the Bible, where Paul says not even to sit down and eat with apostates. Don't associate with them at all. The JWs are simply following what the Bible says. When JWs decide they're going to become Trinitarians and they feel like they have a God-given mission to propagate that doctrine, they no longer belong in the JW organization. If they can't stop harassing their spouse and JW friends with their new found "doctrinal wisdom", yes they'll break relationships.

Evangelicals are just as likely to ostracize you and kick you out of their congregations as JWs are, and that might also extend to your family. Your Evangelical spouse may not accept your conversion to the JWs or LDS, or any other group deemed "heretical" or a "cult" by mainstream Christendom. You will suffer regardless. Are you so delusional to think otherwise?

Evangelicals are just as intolerant and insufferable when it comes to pushing doctrine (i.e. "doctrineering") as JWs and LDS are. Evangelicals pontificate all of the time, you see them on YouTube, crapping on everyone's faith that doesn't agree with theirs. They're the most cantankerous, obnoxious religious zealots of them all, constantly invalidating and denigrating other people's faith.
Sure you do. There are Christians who get kicked out of churches for having a difference of opinion or doctrine and they may even lose their spouse, their jobs..etc. You haven't read the Bible, where Paul says not even to sit down and eat with apostates. Don't associate with them at all. The JWs are simply following what the Bible says. When JWs decide they're going to become Trinitarians and they feel like they have a God-given mission to propagate that doctrine, they no longer belong in the JW organization. If they can't stop harassing their spouse and JW friends with their new found "doctrinal wisdom", yes they'll break relationships.

Evangelicals are just as likely to ostracize you and kick you out of their congregations as JWs are, and that might also extend to your family. Your Evangelical spouse may not accept your conversion to the JWs or LDS, or any other group deemed "heretical" or a "cult" by mainstream Christendom. You will suffer regardless. Are you so delusional to think otherwise?

Evangelicals are just as intolerant and insufferable when it comes to pushing doctrine (i.e. "doctrineering") as JWs and LDS are. Evangelicals pontificate all of the time, you see them on YouTube, crapping on everyone's faith that doesn't agree with theirs. They're the most cantankerous, obnoxious religious zealots of them all, constantly invalidating and denigrating other people's faith.
Pure bullshit.
Pure bullshit.
I've lived this myself. It's not BS at all, you're the one resorting to BS with your disingenuous critique of the JWs and LDS. You Evangelicals are the worst of the worst when it comes to intolerance towards others and your inability to co-exist peacefully and empathize with others.

Should we be surprised? Your version of God is one where His sovereignty is prioritized and incompatible with His love. You emphasize the sovereignty and power of YHWH over His grace and love. For you, YHWH's grace and love are just for His elect, not those he predestined to the eternal torments of hell. You can actually enjoy heaven while your parents and your children are being tortured in hell. Amazing the depravity of your interpretation of Christianity.
I've lived this myself. It's not BS at all, you're the one resorting to BS with your disingenuous critique of the JWs and LDS. You Evangelicals are the worst of the worst when it comes to intolerance towards others and your inability to co-exist peacefully and empathize with others.

Should we be surprised? Your version of God is one where His sovereignty is prioritized and incompatible with His love. You emphasize the sovereignty and power of YHWH over His grace and love. For you, YHWH's grace and love are just for His elect, not those he predestined to the eternal torments of hell. You can actually enjoy heaven while your parents and your children are being tortured in hell. Amazing the depravity of your interpretation of Christianity.
Don't blame me. All I've done is give you Scripture. Sounds like you are in need of healing from bitterness. I'm not responsible for your bitterness. Take it to the Lord and ask for deliverance. You sound very confused.
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Don't blame me. All I've done is give you Scripture. Sounds like you are in need of healing from bitterness. I'm not responsible for your bitterness. Take it to the Lord and ask for deliverance. You sound very confused.
Your interpretation of scripture is wrong. It's that simple.
Bullshit. There's no misinterpretation. You simply don't like what Scripture says. Not my problem. You can ignore me very easily.
Why should I ignore you? You're a foul-mouth "Christian" who thinks the Bible supports his beliefs. Let's debate, provide your "proof-texts" and we will examine them in context and in the Greek and Hebrew.
Why should I ignore you? You're a foul-mouth "Christian" who thinks the Bible supports his beliefs. Let's debate, provide your "proof-texts" and we will examine them in context and in the Greek and Hebrew.
Where did you study Hebrew and Greek?
Where did you study Hebrew and Greek?
That's a stupid ad-hom question. Can your beliefs be defended, can they stand up to scrutiny? Present the biblical "proof-texts" that supposedly support your position and I will examine them in context and in the Greek or Hebrew. Go ahead, don't be afraid, let's debate. Don't run away like a coward, let's debate. Present your "proof-texts".
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That's a stupid ad-hom question. Can your beliefs be defended, can they stand up to scrutiny? Present the biblical "proof-texts" that supposedly support your position and I will examine them in context and in the Greek or Hebrew. Go ahead, don't be afraid, let's debate. Don't run away like a coward, let's debate. Present your "proof-texts".
My proof texts are found in the Bible. The book Christians have used from day one. The book you don't believe. Go ahead with whatever you want to debate.
Joseph Smith said Jesus would return in his lifetime.
People believed that the Parousia was imminent since day one, does that mean it hasn't always been near, like death? Aside from that prophets almost never lived to see their prophecies fulfilled. Could his vision of the past been a prophecy of the future that he thought he would see?

Wrong. False prophet.

Ok, Thanks, but then why did you identify as Mormon?
That's a stupid ad-hom question. Can your beliefs be defended, can they stand up to scrutiny? Present the biblical "proof-texts" that supposedly support your position and I will examine them in context and in the Greek or Hebrew. Go ahead, don't be afraid, let's debate. Don't run away like a coward, let's debate. Present your "proof-texts".
The Bible is the most accurately transmitted book from the ancient world. No other ancient book has as many, as early, or more accurately copied manuscripts.
People believed that the Parousia was imminent since day one, does that mean it hasn't always been near, like death? Aside from that prophets almost never lived to see their prophecies fulfilled. Could his vision of the past been a prophecy of the future that he thought he would see?

Ok, Thanks, but then why did you identify as Mormon?
Not me.
You, OTOH, have to slaughter an animal and burn it, which I'm told gets you in trouble with the HOA.
Nonsense. I already demonstrated the right way to slaughter a lower beast, you, and it was done with such skill and kindness that you don't have an inkling about what has actually happened.

No temple, no farm animals, no fancy robes, no glorified butcher, and no blood required. Its done

But it was for the expiation of sin, sin you seem hell bent on taking to the grave and I really couldn't care less. I know you will live out the rest of your days crawling on your belly eating dust

Another thing you don't seem to grasp is that many others are not that dumb, not that blind, not that dead, not that obstinate as to miss an opportunity that only comes around every other eon.

"They pay no heed to the real hidden meaning of things, but divert themselves instead with all kinds of iniquitous arcane lore. They do not know the hidden meaning of what is actually taking place, nor have they ever understood the lessons of the past. Consequently, they have no knowledge of what is coming upon them and have done nothing to save their souls from the deeper implications of present events."
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My proof texts are found in the Bible. The book Christians have used from day one. The book you don't believe. Go ahead with whatever you want to debate.
You're the one judging and condemning others with heresy. Back up your doctrine with scripture. Let's examine your "proof-texts".
Nonsense. I already demonstrated the right way to slaughter a lower beast, you, and it was done with such skill and kindness that you don't have an inkling about what has actually happened.

No temple, no farm animals, no fancy robes, no glorified butcher, and no blood required. Its done

But it was for the expiation of sin, sin you seem hell bent on taking to the grave and I really couldn't care less. I know you will live out the rest of your days crawling on your belly eating dust

Another thing you don't seem to grasp is that many others are not that dumb, not that blind, not that dead, not that obstinate as to miss an opportunity that only comes around every other eon.

"They pay no heed to the real hidden meaning of things, but divert themselves instead with all kinds of iniquitous arcane lore. They do not know the hidden meaning of what is actually taking place, nor have they ever understood the lessons of the past. Consequently, they have no knowledge of what is coming upon them and have done nothing to save their souls from the deeper implications of present events."
If you refuse Yeshua's offer of Grace, you are judged by the Law. You claim you are now sinless, but you have broken the Law in your life and blood is required from you, especially the Law as Yeshua proclaimed it. Heck, even to claim you are now faultless is false. All you have is your own fantasy that allows you to re-invent the Word in such a way as to please yourself.

Matthew 21:

42 Jesus saith unto them, Did ye never read in the scriptures, The stone which the builders rejected, the same is become the head of the corner: this is the Lord's doing, and it is marvelous in our eyes?
43 Therefore say I unto you, The kingdom of God shall be taken from you, and given to a nation bringing forth the fruits thereof.
44 And whosoever shall fall on this stone shall be broken: but on whomsoever it shall fall, it will grind him to powder.
45 And when the chief priests and Pharisees had heard his parables, they perceived that he spake of them.
46 But when they sought to lay hands on him, they feared the multitude, because they took him for a prophet.

You rely on your own interpretation of the Law, not the Law itself. I back what I say with Scripture. You back what you say with your own proclamations, and I'll take Scripture over you every day.
Leaving your religion isn't Leaving God. That's where you fail. The Watchtower doesn't own God. May God have mercy on your sick hateful souls.
We have enough love not to kill our fellow human family members in the wars of hatred like the false religions allow theirs to stand on both sides. You are right, the watchtower doesn't own God, its a magazine. God owns the watchtower.

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