Is it Possible.....?


American Mutt
Gold Supporting Member
Mar 23, 2008
Your Imagination
Is it possible to say something critical about a politician, position or party with out everyone jumping to the conclusion that you support everything the extreme elements of the opposition party stand for?

On this board? :eusa_think: I'd say the odds are about 50/50 :D
On this board? If you're not with them then you're part of yhe extreme opposition to them.

If I quote sources stating that the Social Security trust fund will run dry by 2017, I'm a neo-con right-wing warmonger.

If I say I think all foreign military bases should be shut down, I'm a communist left-wing America hater.

You can't win on this board. If you don't fit into one of two pre-created molds then the people here will try to shove you into one.
Is it possible to say something critical about a politician, position or party with out everyone jumping to the conclusion that you support everything the extreme elements of the opposition party stand for?

On this board? :eusa_think: I'd say the odds are about 50/50 :D

you've over estimated the odds.

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