Is democracy good or bad?

Is democracy good or bad?

  • Good

  • Bad

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Democracy, and even the Republic form of Government are worthless. They anchor themselves with public opinion rather than Morals and Values (aka RIGHT and WRONG). Any form of Government not anchored SOLELY in the concepts of Right and Wrong has no place in a proper Society.
Democracy is mob rule. North Korea has a pure form of democracy. The vote rules and the tyrant controls the vote. Democrats in this country have continually tried to impose their demand that the vote go their way or there will be consequences.

Democracy, and even the Republic form of Government are worthless. They anchor themselves with public opinion rather than Morals and Values (aka RIGHT and WRONG). Any form of Government not anchored SOLELY in the concepts of Right and Wrong has no place in a proper Society.
There is no such thing, nor has there ever been, as entirely to subjective to opinion as to what is right or wrong.

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