Is Anyone On the Right Ever Going to Condemn Putin for Killing Ukranians?

About a year ago, I published a piece here about how the Institute of Virology in China also employed two of America's leading military virologists. I gave their names and photos.

I also published an article investigating the poultry coronavirus that was created at the private virology institute of the misanthropist Bill Gates. Moreover, a patent has been registered for this virus.

The birds developed ALL the same SYMPTOMS as humans infected with the coronavirus, but with one distinction: it is 100% fatal to the bird.

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Three questions:

WHY did Bill Gates need to create a deadly coronovirus for birds?

WHY does no one mention Gates's name in connection with this pandemic, even though the facts RIGHTLY point to his involvement?

Why is the misanthropist Gates threatening us WITH MORE DEADLY DECEASES in the very near future with impunity?!?

This IS the implementation of the "Good Club" scum's idea of a "Golden Billion"???
So QAnon is Russian agitprop?

Or just today
So QAnon is Russian agitprop?

Or just today
QAnon is what the CIA told you to think everything!! Just like the conspiracy theorist word. It is just another word for people to latch onto which are controlled by the network of opratives that are paid for by your money through the government network to control your mind.
QAnon is what the CIA told you to think everything!! Just like the conspiracy theorist word. It is just another word for people to latch onto which are controlled by the network of opratives that are paid for by your money through the government network to control your mind.

QAnon is a CIA op.

Biden has say that caused Putin to invade Ukraine.

NFBW $: wrote: What “say” was that? Are you duped, like Trump is, according to Kremlin propaganda that NATO caused Putin to invade Ukraine?

This match made in Hell . . . .

. . . Killed a 6-year-old Ukrainian girl in unicorn pajamas
In Mariupol, where Ukrainians were trying to fend off attack, a medical team at a city hospital desperately tries to revive a 6-year-old girl in unicorn pajamas who was mortally wounded in Russian shelling.
During the rescue attempt, a doctor in blue medical scrubs, pumping oxygen into the girl, looked directly into the Associated Press video camera capturing the scene.

“Show this to Putin,” he said angrily.

“The eyes of this child, and crying doctors.”Their resuscitation efforts failed, and the girl lay dead on a gurney, her jacket spattered with blood..

Show this to Mashmont - He lives to be like Trump
Five years of “NATO & CIA bad : Putin good” is DJT’s legacy., Ukrainians are dying because of it. 22FEB28-POST#0710
Is anyone on the Left ever going to apologize to US for being so exposed to foreign oil that shit like this from Putin hurts us more economically?
He DID you dope.
Not really-----Biden could have and should have (as any normal not corrupt president would have) sent a shit load of anti-missle and anti tank weaponery along with a hell of a lot more rifles handguns and other gear.

That fucking CHINESE PUPPET didn't arm Ukraine to fight back---he at best as he always does gave lip service. He needs to get his lips off chinas ass and you need to remove yours from his.
The Right wingers haven't cheered Russia on. We're more excited about Russians getting killed than you

Sure... tell me another joke.

Sure... tell me another joke.

Is that all you have? Obvious hyperbole?

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