IRS targeted Occupy, Zionist, Progressives

Don't you think it's odd that there were groups that were supposedly targeted and no one from any of those groups has come forward to date to make the same complaints?

"No one" has huh? You can prove this negative then?

Could it be because the issue was framed by Issa disingenuously as a conservative witch hunt? Ya think??

And if it's literally true that "nobody" is bringing this up-- where did this thread come from?


Associated Press


The Internal Revenue Service's screening of groups seeking tax-exempt status was broader and lasted longer than has been previously disclosed, the new head of the agency acknowledged Monday. Terms including "Israel," `'Progressive" and "Occupy" were used by agency workers to help pick groups for closer examination, according to an internal IRS document obtained by The Associated Press.

... Democrats on the House Ways and Means Committee released one of the lists, dated November 2010, that the IRS has provided to congressional investigators. That 16-page document shows that the terms "Progressive" and "Tea Party" were both on that list, as well as "Medical Marijuana" and "Healthcare legislation."<< (Seattle Times)

More: These Liberal Buzzwords 'Targeted' by IRS Debunk the Conservative Conspiracy

You're proving my point, not disproving it. The reports about Zionist groups being targeted came out weeks ago. And not one representative from any of those groups has written about it, or appeared anywhere to talk about it. Yet we have many conservative groups that did. Why? Did they just decide to suck it up and not complain? Really? Of course not.
The addition of basically liberal groups to the list looks like an attempt to paint the incident as the result of bungling vs political calculation. The difference is that people who bungle keep their jobs. People who use the IRS for political ends don't.

Again (i.e. still) -- where is your proof of this negative?


Here's an article dated from three weeks ago...

>> IRS Targeted Pro &#8211; Israel Groups First
Wednesday, June 05, 2013
By Dovid Lamed
A year before the IRS tax exempt unit in Cincinnati began targeting applications from conservative political action groups for tax exempt status to extended delays and overly invasive scrutiny, it was using the same tactics against American Jewish groups, with the explicit intention of withholding tax exempt status from those supporting Israel in general, and any Jewish presence in the West Bank and Yerushalayim in particular.

... After Z Street filed a federal lawsuit against the IRS in 2010. Its lawyer found that at least five other American Jewish organizations had been audited by the IRS. Some of the groups had no Zionist connections, yet they were still asked very intrusive questions about the religious beliefs of their members and their attitudes towards Israel. <<

Again, your preconceptions of what "nobody complained about" comes from that ::cough cough:: "liberal" media and its Darrell Issa circus.
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The whole IRS deal is another perfect example of how the right wing machine is the most america hating, anti-constitutional group of terrorists in the world.

The teabaggers, OWS, and progressive groups are targeted.

The right wing machine cherry picks just the teabaggers, claiming it's a conspiracy ordered by Obama.

Later Issa hides the reports until the hero Cummings releases the documents, blowing the lid off the fascist attacks and BS pulled by the right that the teabaggers were ordered to be investigated by a conservative republican.

How someone can be a right winger in this day and age is beyond me. They should be arrested for treason.

Since you're so into name calling, you're one igonrant fuck. Show me one left wing organization that was asked for the content of their prayers then you MIGHT have a point to start a discussion. Since I know you won't pull your head out of your ass how about you just fuck off.
"No one" has huh? You can prove this negative then?

Could it be because the issue was framed by Issa disingenuously as a conservative witch hunt? Ya think??

And if it's literally true that "nobody" is bringing this up-- where did this thread come from?


Associated Press


The Internal Revenue Service's screening of groups seeking tax-exempt status was broader and lasted longer than has been previously disclosed, the new head of the agency acknowledged Monday. Terms including "Israel," `'Progressive" and "Occupy" were used by agency workers to help pick groups for closer examination, according to an internal IRS document obtained by The Associated Press.

... Democrats on the House Ways and Means Committee released one of the lists, dated November 2010, that the IRS has provided to congressional investigators. That 16-page document shows that the terms "Progressive" and "Tea Party" were both on that list, as well as "Medical Marijuana" and "Healthcare legislation."<< (Seattle Times)

More: These Liberal Buzzwords 'Targeted' by IRS Debunk the Conservative Conspiracy

You're proving my point, not disproving it. The reports about Zionist groups being targeted came out weeks ago. And not one representative from any of those groups has written about it, or appeared anywhere to talk about it. Yet we have many conservative groups that did. Why? Did they just decide to suck it up and not complain? Really? Of course not.
The addition of basically liberal groups to the list looks like an attempt to paint the incident as the result of bungling vs political calculation. The difference is that people who bungle keep their jobs. People who use the IRS for political ends don't.

Again (i.e. still) -- where is your proof of this negative?


Here's an article dated from three weeks ago...

>> IRS Targeted Pro &#8211; Israel Groups First
Wednesday, June 05, 2013
By Dovid Lamed
A year before the IRS tax exempt unit in Cincinnati began targeting applications from conservative political action groups for tax exempt status to extended delays and overly invasive scrutiny, it was using the same tactics against American Jewish groups, with the explicit intention of withholding tax exempt status from those supporting Israel in general, and any Jewish presence in the West Bank and Yerushalayim in particular.

... After Z Street filed a federal lawsuit against the IRS in 2010. Its lawyer found that at least five other American Jewish organizations had been audited by the IRS. Some of the groups had no Zionist connections, yet they were still asked very intrusive questions about the religious beliefs of their members and their attitudes towards Israel. <<
Terrific work! They also targeted Zionist groups that opposed the US position on Israel.
Now, where are the lawsuits by progressive groups that supported most of the administration's agenda?
You're proving my point, not disproving it. The reports about Zionist groups being targeted came out weeks ago. And not one representative from any of those groups has written about it, or appeared anywhere to talk about it. Yet we have many conservative groups that did. Why? Did they just decide to suck it up and not complain? Really? Of course not.
The addition of basically liberal groups to the list looks like an attempt to paint the incident as the result of bungling vs political calculation. The difference is that people who bungle keep their jobs. People who use the IRS for political ends don't.

Again (i.e. still) -- where is your proof of this negative?


Here's an article dated from three weeks ago...

>> IRS Targeted Pro – Israel Groups First
Wednesday, June 05, 2013
By Dovid Lamed
A year before the IRS tax exempt unit in Cincinnati began targeting applications from conservative political action groups for tax exempt status to extended delays and overly invasive scrutiny, it was using the same tactics against American Jewish groups, with the explicit intention of withholding tax exempt status from those supporting Israel in general, and any Jewish presence in the West Bank and Yerushalayim in particular.

... After Z Street filed a federal lawsuit against the IRS in 2010. Its lawyer found that at least five other American Jewish organizations had been audited by the IRS. Some of the groups had no Zionist connections, yet they were still asked very intrusive questions about the religious beliefs of their members and their attitudes towards Israel. <<
Terrific work! They also targeted Zionist groups that opposed the US position on Israel.
Now, where are the lawsuits by progressive groups that supported most of the administration's agenda?

AGAIN again -- it's your job to prove they do not exist. That is your claim.
IRS chief: Inappropriate screening was broad

Looks like the IRS also targeted Zionists, Progressives, Occupy folks, not just Tea Partiers.

Oh so that makes it OK for Obama to establish a police state


Sent from my DROID RAZR using Tapatalk 2

Only if you are a low and I mean very low information voter.
Correction you might be aware of what's going on but don't give a fuck because you are a fucked up obama supporter.
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The whole IRS deal is another perfect example of how the right wing machine is the most america hating, anti-constitutional group of terrorists in the world.

The teabaggers, OWS, and progressive groups are targeted.

The right wing machine cherry picks just the teabaggers, claiming it's a conspiracy ordered by Obama.

Later Issa hides the reports until the hero Cummings releases the documents, blowing the lid off the fascist attacks and BS pulled by the right that the teabaggers were ordered to be investigated by a conservative republican.

How someone can be a right winger in this day and age is beyond me. They should be arrested for treason.
And you sit and jam your head up your Dear Leader's ass because the IRS overreach and impropriety was spread out.

Goddammit, are you an asshole.
The whole IRS deal is another perfect example of how the right wing machine is the most america hating, anti-constitutional group of terrorists in the world.

The teabaggers, OWS, and progressive groups are targeted.

The right wing machine cherry picks just the teabaggers, claiming it's a conspiracy ordered by Obama.

Later Issa hides the reports until the hero Cummings releases the documents, blowing the lid off the fascist attacks and BS pulled by the right that the teabaggers were ordered to be investigated by a conservative republican.

How someone can be a right winger in this day and age is beyond me. They should be arrested for treason.

Since you're so into name calling, you're one igonrant fuck. Show me one left wing organization that was asked for the content of their prayers then you MIGHT have a point to start a discussion. Since I know you won't pull your head out of your ass how about you just fuck off.

Eat shit fuckface, Issa and the right wing propaganda machine were caught red handed lying their asses off, trying to smear the president that he ordered the teabagger IRS investigations which was completely false.

Now the truth is coming out more that OWS and progressive groups were targeted at well.

This is a massive conspiracy and downright treasonous act by the GOP goons and their propaganda machine to fabricate such BS to smear the president.

They should immediately apologize, and be investigated for being domestic terror cells.
Again (i.e. still) -- where is your proof of this negative?


Here's an article dated from three weeks ago...

>> IRS Targeted Pro – Israel Groups First
Wednesday, June 05, 2013
By Dovid Lamed
A year before the IRS tax exempt unit in Cincinnati began targeting applications from conservative political action groups for tax exempt status to extended delays and overly invasive scrutiny, it was using the same tactics against American Jewish groups, with the explicit intention of withholding tax exempt status from those supporting Israel in general, and any Jewish presence in the West Bank and Yerushalayim in particular.

... After Z Street filed a federal lawsuit against the IRS in 2010. Its lawyer found that at least five other American Jewish organizations had been audited by the IRS. Some of the groups had no Zionist connections, yet they were still asked very intrusive questions about the religious beliefs of their members and their attitudes towards Israel. <<
Terrific work! They also targeted Zionist groups that opposed the US position on Israel.
Now, where are the lawsuits by progressive groups that supported most of the administration's agenda?

AGAIN again -- it's your job to prove they do not exist. That is your claim.

It would be easy enough to refute. Just like you did with the Zionist groups. So go ahead and post links to the lawsuits launched by progressive groups against thsi targeting.
I'll wait.
Eat shit fuckface, Issa and the right wing propaganda machine were caught red handed lying their asses off, trying to smear the president that he ordered the teabagger IRS investigations which was completely false.

Now the truth is coming out more that OWS and progressive groups were targeted at well.

This is a massive conspiracy and downright treasonous act by the GOP goons and their propaganda machine to fabricate such BS to smear the president.

They should immediately apologize, and be investigated for being domestic terror cells.
Oh, so it's all good now that the agency went rogue all on its own, huh?

Goddammit, are you an asshole!
The targeting of progressives stopped in March 2012, well before the election cycle. The targeting of conservatives lasted until it was outed this year (and is likely still underway).
Terrific work! They also targeted Zionist groups that opposed the US position on Israel.
Now, where are the lawsuits by progressive groups that supported most of the administration's agenda?

AGAIN again -- it's your job to prove they do not exist. That is your claim.

It would be easy enough to refute. Just like you did with the Zionist groups. So go ahead and post links to the lawsuits launched by progressive groups against thsi targeting.
I'll wait.

It ain't my point, so it ain't my job. It's yours. Get to work ya lazy fuck.
AGAIN again -- it's your job to prove they do not exist. That is your claim.

It would be easy enough to refute. Just like you did with the Zionist groups. So go ahead and post links to the lawsuits launched by progressive groups against thsi targeting.
I'll wait.

It ain't my point, so it ain't my job. It's yours. Get to work ya lazy fuck.

Translation: I desperately searched but can't find any mention of it. So I'll deflect.
You're one sorry sod for sure.
The targeting of progressives stopped in March 2012, well before the election cycle. The targeting of conservatives lasted until it was outed this year (and is likely still underway).

:link: ?

This is what I have:
>> Danny Werfel told reporters on Monday that after becoming acting IRS director in May, he found many improper words on the IRS's screening criteria. He admitted the targeting lasted even longer than previously known &#8212; till May 2012. << ("Buzzwords" link below)
Pretty shallow of you to think this spying didn't originate in Bush administration.

Pretty sad you all don't remember the scandal 10 years ago.
Former National Security Agency analyst Russ Tice, a Bush-era whistle-blower, recently made startling claims that the federal government’s wiretap endeavors targeted high-ranking government officials, including military officials, lawmakers and diplomats.

One of those target wound up being elected president. In appearance on “The Boiling Frogs Show” on Wednesday, Tice made the astonishing claim that the NSA had ordered wiretaps on phones connected to then-Democratic Senate hopeful Barack Obama in 2004, weeks prior to his breakout speech at the 2004 Democratic Convention in Boston.

“Now, here’s the big one,” Tice said. “I haven’t given you any names. This was in summer of 2004. One of the papers that I held in my hand was to wiretap a bunch of numbers associated with a 40-something-year-old wannabe senator for Illinois. You wouldn’t happen to know where that guy lives right now, would you? It’s a big white house in Washington, D.C. That’s who they went after, and that’s the president of the United States now.”

Bush-era whistleblower: Obama was NSA wiretap victim in 2004 | The Daily Caller

"Bush Lets U.S. Spy on Callers Without Courts "

"On wiretapping, Bush isn't listening to the Constitution"
On wiretapping, Bush isn't listening to the Constitution - The Boston Globe
It would be easy enough to refute. Just like you did with the Zionist groups. So go ahead and post links to the lawsuits launched by progressive groups against thsi targeting.
I'll wait.

It ain't my point, so it ain't my job. It's yours. Get to work ya lazy fuck.

Translation: I desperately searched but can't find any mention of it. So I'll deflect.
You're one sorry sod for sure.

I did no such search. It's not my point. You claimed a negative, and you can't prove it, or even admit you can't.

Last time I disproved one of your negatives it went like this:


- so be careful what you wish for. :eusa_shhh:
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Facts annoy the moron?

A reality check was in order since you wacky cons are convinced that Obama was unique in his surveillance program.

Bush and the evil GOP, BUILT the system.

Obama is using it responsibly, of course.
The whole IRS deal is another perfect example of how the right wing machine is the most america hating, anti-constitutional group of terrorists in the world.

The teabaggers, OWS, and progressive groups are targeted.

The right wing machine cherry picks just the teabaggers, claiming it's a conspiracy ordered by Obama.

Later Issa hides the reports until the hero Cummings releases the documents, blowing the lid off the fascist attacks and BS pulled by the right that the teabaggers were ordered to be investigated by a conservative republican.

How someone can be a right winger in this day and age is beyond me. They should be arrested for treason.
And you sit and jam your head up your Dear Leader's ass because the IRS overreach and impropriety was spread out.

Goddammit, are you an asshole.

It's not surprising to see you fully support anti-american, fascist right wing tactics to fabricate stories, then hide the truth in a childish attempt to smear the president.

That is downright terrorism.

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