IRS targeted Occupy, Zionist, Progressives


Facts annoy the moron?

A reality check was in order since you wacky cons are convinced that Obama was unique in his surveillance program.

Bush and the evil GOP, BUILT the system.

Obama is using it responsibly, of course.

shit stain bush did not keep track of U.S. citizens obama has misused what Bush started.
Just like fast and the furious. under Bush they had a gun running program and stopped it Obama started a new one and used it for his anti gun agenda.

Facts annoy the moron?

A reality check was in order since you wacky cons are convinced that Obama was unique in his surveillance program.

Bush and the evil GOP, BUILT the system.

Obama is using it responsibly, of course.

Oh I doubt any of them use it "responsibly". The existence of such a system is irreconcilable with the Fourth Amendment, regardless who's running it.

"The makers of our Constitution undertook to secure conditions favorable to the pursuit of happiness. They recognized the significance of man's spiritual nature, of his feelings and of his intellect. They knew that only part of the pain, pleasure and satisfactions of life are to be found in material things. They sought to protect Americans in their beliefs, their thoughts, their emotions and their sensations. They conferred against the government, the right to be let alone—the most comprehensive of rights and the right most valued by civilized men." -- Louis Brandeis, SCOTUS, Olmstead v. United States (1928)

With all these groups clearly not being social help organizations and instead just being political partisan hackgroups, the IRS seems justified in further investigating them.
Sssssoooooooo now that we find out that it's not just teatards that have tried to attain fraudulent status and some "Left-wing" groups were "Targeted" too...

Can you people shut up maybe just a little?
It ain't my point, so it ain't my job. It's yours. Get to work ya lazy fuck.

Translation: I desperately searched but can't find any mention of it. So I'll deflect.
You're one sorry sod for sure.

I did no such search. It's not my point. You claimed a negative, and you can't prove it, or even admit you can't.

Last time I disproved one of your negatives it went like this:


- so be careful what you wish for. :eusa_shhh:

I remember that now. You could never produce an actual action photograph of someone swinging a bat in the way you suggested. Every "example' was stylized, posed, or made up.
I had forgotten that, honestly. The fact that you remember indicates how butt hurt you must be still.
It wont get any better here. You can easily disprove my statement, as you did with the article from the Yated. Yet you won't. No, I' wrong. Not you wont. You can't. If you could have you would have posted it and crowed that you had somehow beaten me. The very fact that you aren't posting and doing that, giving up a chance to get back at me for humiliatiing you in the earlier thread, tells me you have nothing.

Facts annoy the moron?

A reality check was in order since you wacky cons are convinced that Obama was unique in his surveillance program.

Bush and the evil GOP, BUILT the system.

Obama is using it responsibly, of course.

Please detail spying on Americans under Bush.
Oh yeah, you can't.
But even if it were so, I thought Obama was elected to reverse the failed policies of Bush. So what gives?

Facts annoy the moron?

A reality check was in order since you wacky cons are convinced that Obama was unique in his surveillance program.

Bush and the evil GOP, BUILT the system.

Obama is using it responsibly, of course.

Please detail spying on Americans under Bush.
Oh yeah, you can't.
But even if it were so, I thought Obama was elected to reverse the failed policies of Bush. So what gives?

It seems that neither side of this "controversy" understands the REAL situation.

I am sure you are about to prove you are on of those who doesn't get it.

After Citizens United was made OK by SCOTUS, 10's of thousand of applications for 501 C4
TAX EXEMPT status poured into the IRS.

The office that deals with this has a small staff.

They came up with a way to sift through the applications to find the ones that might NOT QUALIFY.

ie POLITICAL Organizations.

by LAW 501 C4 cannot spend a majority of their funds on POLITICS.

so they looked for obvious signs like TEA PARTY and Progressive.

Scandal? no

Efficient government, yes.

lead by a Republican. yes

IN the END,
they all got 501 status except ONE liberal group.

what was the outrage all about again?

Oh right,
the GOP trying to be relevant.

That's nice. Can you explain why the IRS started targeting groups for extra scrutiny before there was an increase in applications? Did they have a time machine that allowed them to take a trip back from the future and make their job harder by giving themselves extra work to further slow down the approval of new applications?

By the way, since the IRS has decided the best way to deal with this is to allow groups that do not receive approval within 120 days to self certify doesn't that mean you are defending something so bad that the IRS actually adopted rules to make sure it never happens again? They actually decided it makes more sense to look at the groups that have a lot of money than to try and audit groups that only form because they want to do things on a local level, yet you continue to defend them because they are part of the Holy Government.
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Yes, I've only made 3 threads concerning the FBI labeling the "End the Federal Reserve Movement" aka the "Occupy Wall Street" movement as terrorists.

The better question is:

Why is the IRS targeting anyone at all?

Because the law requires they make a determination about whether or not a group filing for 501(g)(3) status is primarily engaged in political speech.

No it does not. The law requires 501(c)(3) organizations to spend most of its money on social welfare objectives. It does not require the IRS to pre certify that spending anymore than the law allows people who do not pay taxes not to go to prison.
It is wrong, even if you don't think it is surprising.

You DON'T get it, do you?

501C4 organizations are tax-exempt. Donations to them are tax-exempt.

They CANNOT have partisan politics and the election of specific candidates as part of their general agenda.

Its the IRS's job to make sure groups who apply for 501c4 status are not overtly politically partisan!!!!

Do you want the IRS to just hand over tax-exempt status to ANYONE who applies for it, no questions asked?????????
It seems that neither side of this "controversy" understands the REAL situation.

.......(wall of babbling text).....

Oh right,
the GOP trying to be relevant.

It seems that neither you, nor either side understands the "controversy."

The problem is that the IRS is targeting ANYONE at all, regardless of party.

The problem is many fail to understand it’s the IRS’s job to ‘target,’ they’re supposed to look for individuals or organizations trying to get out of paying their taxes illegally, such as organizations claiming 503(c)(4) tax exempt status which don’t meet the qualifications.

One assumes as a taxpayer you want to be assured everyone else is paying what he owes, yes?

How were these groups, which had not yet earned any money, not paying their taxes?
Now, how many Zionist, Occupy or other groups have come forward with stories about how they were targeted, given extensive questionnaires, etc? None.
This also looks like a cover up.

So..... if a "targeted" group doesn't "come forward" with a story about it (that you know about) -- it didn't happen.

Good to know how things work on your planet -- unless 'everybody knows', it's not valid.

Considering the fact that every single Democrat and progessive has been trying to defend the IRS by claiming this was apolitical, don't you think they would have found at least one person to come forward and complain about the IRS, even if it was a lie?
"No one" has huh? You can prove this negative then?

Could it be because the issue was framed by Issa disingenuously as a conservative witch hunt? Ya think??

And if it's literally true that "nobody" is bringing this up-- where did this thread come from?


Associated Press


The Internal Revenue Service's screening of groups seeking tax-exempt status was broader and lasted longer than has been previously disclosed, the new head of the agency acknowledged Monday. Terms including "Israel," `'Progressive" and "Occupy" were used by agency workers to help pick groups for closer examination, according to an internal IRS document obtained by The Associated Press.

... Democrats on the House Ways and Means Committee released one of the lists, dated November 2010, that the IRS has provided to congressional investigators. That 16-page document shows that the terms "Progressive" and "Tea Party" were both on that list, as well as "Medical Marijuana" and "Healthcare legislation."<< (Seattle Times)

More: These Liberal Buzzwords 'Targeted' by IRS Debunk the Conservative Conspiracy

You're proving my point, not disproving it. The reports about Zionist groups being targeted came out weeks ago. And not one representative from any of those groups has written about it, or appeared anywhere to talk about it. Yet we have many conservative groups that did. Why? Did they just decide to suck it up and not complain? Really? Of course not.
The addition of basically liberal groups to the list looks like an attempt to paint the incident as the result of bungling vs political calculation. The difference is that people who bungle keep their jobs. People who use the IRS for political ends don't.

Again (i.e. still) -- where is your proof of this negative?


Here's an article dated from three weeks ago...

>> IRS Targeted Pro – Israel Groups First
Wednesday, June 05, 2013
By Dovid Lamed
A year before the IRS tax exempt unit in Cincinnati began targeting applications from conservative political action groups for tax exempt status to extended delays and overly invasive scrutiny, it was using the same tactics against American Jewish groups, with the explicit intention of withholding tax exempt status from those supporting Israel in general, and any Jewish presence in the West Bank and Yerushalayim in particular.

... After Z Street filed a federal lawsuit against the IRS in 2010. Its lawyer found that at least five other American Jewish organizations had been audited by the IRS. Some of the groups had no Zionist connections, yet they were still asked very intrusive questions about the religious beliefs of their members and their attitudes towards Israel. <<

Again, your preconceptions of what "nobody complained about" comes from that ::cough cough:: "liberal" media and its Darrell Issa circus.

You do understand that most people consider Zionists to be conservatives, don't you?
Again (i.e. still) -- where is your proof of this negative?


Here's an article dated from three weeks ago...

>> IRS Targeted Pro &#8211; Israel Groups First
Wednesday, June 05, 2013
By Dovid Lamed
A year before the IRS tax exempt unit in Cincinnati began targeting applications from conservative political action groups for tax exempt status to extended delays and overly invasive scrutiny, it was using the same tactics against American Jewish groups, with the explicit intention of withholding tax exempt status from those supporting Israel in general, and any Jewish presence in the West Bank and Yerushalayim in particular.

... After Z Street filed a federal lawsuit against the IRS in 2010. Its lawyer found that at least five other American Jewish organizations had been audited by the IRS. Some of the groups had no Zionist connections, yet they were still asked very intrusive questions about the religious beliefs of their members and their attitudes towards Israel. <<
Terrific work! They also targeted Zionist groups that opposed the US position on Israel.
Now, where are the lawsuits by progressive groups that supported most of the administration's agenda?

AGAIN again -- it's your job to prove they do not exist. That is your claim.

No it isn't, we claim there is no proof they exist. Since you are at odds with that position, prove us wrong.
The whole IRS deal is another perfect example of how the right wing machine is the most america hating, anti-constitutional group of terrorists in the world.

The teabaggers, OWS, and progressive groups are targeted.

The right wing machine cherry picks just the teabaggers, claiming it's a conspiracy ordered by Obama.

Later Issa hides the reports until the hero Cummings releases the documents, blowing the lid off the fascist attacks and BS pulled by the right that the teabaggers were ordered to be investigated by a conservative republican.

How someone can be a right winger in this day and age is beyond me. They should be arrested for treason.
And you sit and jam your head up your Dear Leader's ass because the IRS overreach and impropriety was spread out.

Goddammit, are you an asshole.

It's not surprising to see you fully support anti-american, fascist right wing tactics to fabricate stories, then hide the truth in a childish attempt to smear the president.

That is downright terrorism.
Not surprising that you support an anti-American fascistic police state.

Goddamn asshole.

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