
Are the protesters like Pelosi's political prisoners?
Nope....people wanted by the FBI for illegal breaking and entering, damaging of property, attacking law enforcement officers, public disturbance with intent to harm, etc., etc.
wrong again
holding people in jail for an inapropriate amount of time looks like political punishment
we are a much better country than the banana republic Democrats
What is ironic is liberals who could not have cared less about the riots that went on all through 2020 because they were done by people more likely to vote Democrat than Republican want an investigation into one that went on for a few hours on one day. Let's not pretend the reason the left wants this so badly is for any other reason than you think keeping it in the spotlight will help you in next years midterms. This is being investigated by law enforcement people have been arrested and will get there day in court the only thing a commission will do is give us another taxpayer funded partisan shit show where everyone spouts off there talking and pretends like they didn't already have their mind made up about this months ago.
That response is great display of stupid always nice to see another troll show up what’s better is they usually disappear as quick as they show up.
An accurate projection on your part, as I created this thread and merely pointed out the flaws in your responsive screed. Carry on.
Isn't it a bit ironic that the people who are STILL b****ing about losing the Civil War and the right to wave a Confederate Flag want everyone to "move on" regarding an investigation into the January 6th Insurrection? :20:

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No what's ironic is the party that allowed riots, looting and arson with virtually zero charges, and the few that were charged were released mostly with no bail, are holding people charged with trespassing with no bail in solitary confinement. Not only is it ironic, it's down right hypocritical. So GFY.

Reality check: PolitiFact - Quotes by 4 Democrats twisted to make it look like they endorsed riots

Now, anything to add regarding what the OP points to?

Yeah, it's still bullshit. And your links didn't disprove a damn thing I said. The Globe only looked at DC and the other was on the RNC which didn't address what I said either. So take your fucking propaganda and as I said, GFY. BTW those 4 commies did endorse the riots, kneepads even helped raise bail money to put them on the streets faster.

Your first sentence accurately describes your response. You made several generalized statements, the links respond to each statement accordingly, disproving them. The links clearly show that there were arrests, no Democrat endorsed or "allowed" riots to happen, no BLM official incited or endorsed or orchestrated any riot, and the rest of your statements were parroting of earlier Giuliani statements, which were categorically proven false. You are entitled to your opinion and beliefs, but documented facts and history take precedent and always will.

Now, since you repeat your accusations, I challenge you to provide PROOF....not opinion or an OP supposition and conjecture, but documentation as to who said what and when. If you can't, then repeating such drivel makes you a liar. Carry on.
Isn't it a bit ironic that the people who are STILL b****ing about losing the Civil War and the right to wave a Confederate Flag want everyone to "move on" regarding an investigation into the January 6th Insurrection? :20:

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No one is bitching about losing the Civil War. Intelligent people are bitching about the far-left trashing the significance and historic value of the Civil War to the development of the United States.

Where is your eagerness to investigate all the riots and INSURRECTION within Democrat-run cities from coast to coast? Where is your outrage about the lives lost, billions of dollars in damage, much too small and minority-owned businesses? Where is your outrage and demand for investigations into mayors and cities ALLOWING parts of their city to be still occupied by insurrectionists?

Where is your eagerness to investigate any and all connections between the murders, violence, destruction, and arson between these cities?

Should there not be investigations into these fine Liberals' insurection?

Your response is just a collection of 3rd propaganda tactics. Here's how I logically deconstructed this bilge when spewed by another poster:

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Isn't it a bit ironic that the people who are STILL b****ing about losing the Civil War and the right to wave a Confederate Flag want everyone to "move on" regarding an investigation into the January 6th Insurrection? :20:

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The democrats fought the Civil War, Bobby Byrd and the Clintons flew the Confederate Flag.

Isn't it a bit ironic that the people who are STILL b****ing about losing the Civil War and the right to wave a Confederate Flag want everyone to "move on" regarding an investigation into the January 6th Insurrection? :20:

Red is reserved for Mods.

No one is bitching about losing the Civil War. Intelligent people are bitching about the far-left trashing the significance and historic value of the Civil War to the development of the United States.

Where is your eagerness to investigate all the riots and INSURRECTION within Democrat-run cities from coast to coast? Where is your outrage about the lives lost, billions of dollars in damage, much too small and minority-owned businesses? Where is your outrage and demand for investigations into mayors and cities ALLOWING parts of their city to be still occupied by insurrectionists?

Where is your eagerness to investigate any and all connections between the murders, violence, destruction, and arson between these cities?

Should there not be investigations into these fine Liberals' insurection?

Your response is just a collection of 3rd propaganda tactics. Here's how I logically deconstructed this bilge when spewed by another poster:

Once again your ego forces you to prove that you've got nothing.

Thank you, thank you so much!
Are the protesters like Pelosi's political prisoners?
Nope....people wanted by the FBI for illegal breaking and entering, damaging of property, attacking law enforcement officers, public disturbance with intent to harm, etc., etc.
wrong again
holding people in jail for an inapropriate amount of time looks like political punishment
we are a much better country than the banana republic Democrats

If a bunch of bigot laden, intolerant extremist who want a gov't run by "my way, the highway or die" attitude is your idea of a better country, then I suggest you moved to Somalia.
Red is reserved for Mods.
Then why is it available to everyone?
Because the GOP majority in the Congress voted NOT to reinstate the 1994 Assault Weapons Ban when it sunsetted. The result was that the AR-15 flew off the shelves, and has been the weapon of choice for the majority of mass shooters in the last couple of years.

Red is reserved for Mods.
Then why is it available to everyone?
Because the GOP majority in the Congress voted NOT to reinstate the 1994 Assault Weapons Ban when it sunsetted. The result was that the AR-15 flew off the shelves, and has been the weapon of choice for the majority of mass shooters in the last couple of years.

And that's why red is reserved for mods?
Isn't it a bit ironic that the people who are STILL b****ing about losing the Civil War and the right to wave a Confederate Flag want everyone to "move on" regarding an investigation into the January 6th Insurrection? :20:

Red is reserved for Mods.
The democrats fought the Civil War, Bobby Byrd and the Clintons flew the Confederate Flag.

:icon_rolleyes: Oh lord, will they every learn?

Here's a homework assignment for you. Look up the following: "Nixon's Southern Strategy", "Dixiecrats"

Once you've honestly and thoroughly researched these, you'll understand why your statement has no bearing on the OP. Carry on.
Isn't it a bit ironic that the people who are STILL b****ing about losing the Civil War and the right to wave a Confederate Flag want everyone to "move on" regarding an investigation into the January 6th Insurrection? :20:

Red is reserved for Mods.

No one is bitching about losing the Civil War. Intelligent people are bitching about the far-left trashing the significance and historic value of the Civil War to the development of the United States.

Where is your eagerness to investigate all the riots and INSURRECTION within Democrat-run cities from coast to coast? Where is your outrage about the lives lost, billions of dollars in damage, much too small and minority-owned businesses? Where is your outrage and demand for investigations into mayors and cities ALLOWING parts of their city to be still occupied by insurrectionists?

Where is your eagerness to investigate any and all connections between the murders, violence, destruction, and arson between these cities?

Should there not be investigations into these fine Liberals' insurection?

Your response is just a collection of 3rd propaganda tactics. Here's how I logically deconstructed this bilge when spewed by another poster:

Once again your ego forces you to prove that you've got nothing.

Thank you, thank you so much!
So you didn't click on the links and read the responses to the similar bilge you posted. Not surprising, given that intellectual dishonesty and willful ignorance seems to be the cornerstone of the many who are up in arms about the OP. Carry on.
Red is reserved for Mods.
Then why is it available to everyone?
Because the GOP majority in the Congress voted NOT to reinstate the 1994 Assault Weapons Ban when it sunsetted. The result was that the AR-15 flew off the shelves, and has been the weapon of choice for the majority of mass shooters in the last couple of years.

And that's why red is reserved for mods?
It seems quite difficult for all those who cannot fault the OP or my subsequent responses to just concede a point. When they make it obvious that they are not about real honest and mature discussion, I just IA them as to not waste time and effort.
Red is reserved for Mods.
Then why is it available to everyone?
Because the GOP majority in the Congress voted NOT to reinstate the 1994 Assault Weapons Ban when it sunsetted. The result was that the AR-15 flew off the shelves, and has been the weapon of choice for the majority of mass shooters in the last couple of years.

And that's why red is reserved for mods?
It seems quite difficult for all those who cannot fault the OP or my subsequent responses to just concede a point. When they make it obvious that they are not about real honest and mature discussion, I just IA them as to not waste time and effort.
The op is nonsense from a brain damaged tRumpling.

I asked a completely separate question.
Red is reserved for Mods.
Then why is it available to everyone?
Because the GOP majority in the Congress voted NOT to reinstate the 1994 Assault Weapons Ban when it sunsetted. The result was that the AR-15 flew off the shelves, and has been the weapon of choice for the majority of mass shooters in the last couple of years.

The people killing others in a group are getting back. One day you will see someone getting back at fellow employees in a prison. Government employees are the most ignorant of many workers.
Are the protesters like Pelosi's political prisoners?
Nope....people wanted by the FBI for illegal breaking and entering, damaging of property, attacking law enforcement officers, public disturbance with intent to harm, etc., etc.
wrong again
holding people in jail for an inapropriate amount of time looks like political punishment
we are a much better country than the banana republic Democrats

If a bunch of bigot laden, intolerant extremist who want a gov't run by "my way, the highway or die" attitude is your idea of a better country, then I suggest you moved to Somalia.
The Democrat Party is based on hate, lying and stealing.
If you vote Democrats then you are endorsing their hate, racism and violence.
The Democrat Party is the happy home of racist and extemist such as: klan, nation of islam, la raza, black panthers, muslim brotherhood, blm, antifa......
They are a banana republic party.
Pelosi wants hearing like some sort of marxist wacko propagandist.
In the end the protesters will be venidacted from the election audits.
This is why the Dirty Democrats are crapping themselves over the audits.
Red is reserved for Mods.
Then why is it available to everyone?
Because the GOP majority in the Congress voted NOT to reinstate the 1994 Assault Weapons Ban when it sunsetted. The result was that the AR-15 flew off the shelves, and has been the weapon of choice for the majority of mass shooters in the last couple of years.

And that's why red is reserved for mods?
It seems quite difficult for all those who cannot fault the OP or my subsequent responses to just concede a point. When they make it obvious that they are not about real honest and mature discussion, I just IA them as to not waste time and effort.
The op is nonsense from a brain damaged tRumpling.

I asked a completely separate question.
Actually, the chronology of the posts shows that all you've been good for is being a right wing troll of no substance or worth. Adios.
Red is reserved for Mods.
Then why is it available to everyone?
Because the GOP majority in the Congress voted NOT to reinstate the 1994 Assault Weapons Ban when it sunsetted. The result was that the AR-15 flew off the shelves, and has been the weapon of choice for the majority of mass shooters in the last couple of years.

The people killing others in a group are getting back. One day you will see someone getting back at fellow employees in a prison. Government employees are the most ignorant of many workers.
Which has no relation to the January 6th insurrection. You don't justify that by labeling people stupid....willfully ignorant maybe, but not stupid.

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