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Then why is it available to everyone?
Because the GOP majority in the Congress voted NOT to reinstate the 1994 Assault Weapons Ban when it sunsetted. The result was that the AR-15 flew off the shelves, and has been the weapon of choice for the majority of mass shooters in the last couple of years.


Biden’s tweet ignores the Department of Justice’s National Institute of Justice (NIJ) report which showed the federal “assault weapons” ban had a negligible effect on crime at best.

The Washington Times quoted University of Pennsylvania professor Christopher Koper, author of the NIJ report, saying, “We cannot clearly credit the ban with any of the nation’s recent drop in gun violence. And, indeed, there has been no discernible reduction in the lethality and injuriousness of gun violence.”

Are the protesters like Pelosi's political prisoners?
Nope....people wanted by the FBI for illegal breaking and entering, damaging of property, attacking law enforcement officers, public disturbance with intent to harm, etc., etc.
wrong again
holding people in jail for an inapropriate amount of time looks like political punishment
we are a much better country than the banana republic Democrats

If a bunch of bigot laden, intolerant extremist who want a gov't run by "my way, the highway or die" attitude is your idea of a better country, then I suggest you moved to Somalia.
The Democrat Party is based on hate, lying and stealing.
If you vote Democrats then you are endorsing their hate, racism and violence.
The Democrat Party is the happy home of racist and extemist such as: klan, nation of islam, la raza, black panthers, muslim brotherhood, blm, antifa......
They are a banana republic party.
Pelosi wants hearing like some sort of marxist wacko propagandist.
In the end the protesters will be venidacted from the election audits.
This is why the Dirty Democrats are crapping themselves over the audits.
you stated that those incarcerated for their participation in the Jan. 6th insurrection were being held for an "inappropriate amount of time".

I asked for proof, and you've supplied none. Your ranting and raving about the Democratic party is nothing more than a revisionist smoke screen to cover you inability to back what you say. Like I said, if you approve the Jan. 6th insurrection, then go live in Somalia, as they have a gov't more to your liking. No one will stop you.
Red is reserved for Mods.
Then why is it available to everyone?
Because the GOP majority in the Congress voted NOT to reinstate the 1994 Assault Weapons Ban when it sunsetted. The result was that the AR-15 flew off the shelves, and has been the weapon of choice for the majority of mass shooters in the last couple of years.


Biden’s tweet ignores the Department of Justice’s National Institute of Justice (NIJ) report which showed the federal “assault weapons” ban had a negligible effect on crime at best.

The Washington Times quoted University of Pennsylvania professor Christopher Koper, author of the NIJ report, saying, “We cannot clearly credit the ban with any of the nation’s recent drop in gun violence. And, indeed, there has been no discernible reduction in the lethality and injuriousness of gun violence.”

Nice try, but Koper's final report is a mass of bet hedging on his conclusions. Case in point:

Koper, Jan. 14: The grandfathering provisions in the law meant that the effects of the law would occur only very gradually over time. It seems that those effects were still unfolding when the ban was lifted, and indeed they may not have been fully realized for several more years into the future even if the ban had been extended in 2004.

The evidence is too limited for any firm projections, but it does suggest that long term restrictions on these guns and magazines could potentially produce at least a small reduction in shootings.

Koper, 2004: Although the ban has been successful in reducing crimes with AWs [Assault Weapons], any benefits from this reduction are likely to have been outweighed by steady or rising use of non-banned semiautomatics with LCMs [large-capacity magazines], which are used in crime much more frequently than AWs. Therefore, we cannot clearly credit the ban with any of the nation’s recent drop in gun violence. And, indeed, there has been no discernible reduction in the lethality and injuriousness of gun violence, based on indicators like the percentage of gun crimes resulting in death or the share of gunfire incidents resulting in injury, as we might have expected had the ban reduced crimes with both AWs and LCMs.

Isn't it a bit ironic that the people who are STILL b****ing about losing the Civil War and the right to wave a Confederate Flag want everyone to "move on" regarding an investigation into the January 6th Insurrection? :20:

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Money for congress critters rather than making the lives of their constituents better.
So no accountability for Jan. 6th insurrection?
Like BLM in Portland trying to burn an inhabited Federal Courthouse to the ground?
I'm sure you have at least 1,000 excuses why that is not bad.
Oh lord, will they every learn?

Here's a homework assignment for you. Look up the following: "Nixon's Southern Strategy", "Dixiecrats"

Once you've honestly and thoroughly researched these, you'll understand why your statement has no bearing on the OP. Carry on.

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Isn't it a bit ironic that the people who are STILL b****ing about losing the Civil War and the right to wave a Confederate Flag want everyone to "move on" regarding an investigation into the January 6th Insurrection? :20:

Red is reserved for Mods.
Money for congress critters rather than making the lives of their constituents better.
So no accountability for Jan. 6th insurrection?
Like BLM in Portland trying to burn an inhabited Federal Courthouse to the ground?
I'm sure you have at least 1,000 excuses why that is not bad.
No excuses needed, as arrests were made in that instance, and the right wing bullhorn that BLM INTENDED that to happen has been debunked by local and federal authorities. Anything else?
Democrats exist, irony.
So you have no real response to the OP.
The title of the thread is "Irony". Since the drivel in the OP was complete nonsense I did my best.
So you have no real response to the OP, just smoke blowing. No surprising. Carry on.
Your OP is nonsense, do you understand that word?
Obviously, you don't understand that an "opinion" is not a fact, and abject denial or ridicule is NOT a logical, fact based discussion.
Oh lord, will they every learn?

Here's a homework assignment for you. Look up the following: "Nixon's Southern Strategy", "Dixiecrats"

Once you've honestly and thoroughly researched these, you'll understand why your statement has no bearing on the OP. Carry on.

Just as I can't logically or factually defend your say nothing, yet talk loud. I've no time to waste further on you. Adios.
Oh lord, will they every learn?

Here's a homework assignment for you. Look up the following: "Nixon's Southern Strategy", "Dixiecrats"

Once you've honestly and thoroughly researched these, you'll understand why your statement has no bearing on the OP. Carry on.

So Crusader Frank couldn't deal with reality, and you pick up the gauntlet with some idiotic videos. Geez, you guys are proving the OP valid with each post. Carry on.
Isn't it a bit ironic that the people who are STILL b****ing about losing the Civil War and the right to wave a Confederate Flag want everyone to "move on" regarding an investigation into the January 6th Insurrection? :20:

Red is reserved for Mods.
Money for congress critters rather than making the lives of their constituents better.
So no accountability for Jan. 6th insurrection?
Like BLM in Portland trying to burn an inhabited Federal Courthouse to the ground?
I'm sure you have at least 1,000 excuses why that is not bad.
No excuses needed, as arrests were made in that instance, and the right wing bullhorn that BLM INTENDED that to happen has been debunked by local and federal authorities. Anything else?
Arrests were made and they were immediately released.
Isn't it a bit ironic that the people who are STILL b****ing about losing the Civil War and the right to wave a Confederate Flag want everyone to "move on" regarding an investigation into the January 6th Insurrection? :20:

Red is reserved for Mods.
Money for congress critters rather than making the lives of their constituents better.
So no accountability for Jan. 6th insurrection?
Like BLM in Portland trying to burn an inhabited Federal Courthouse to the ground?
I'm sure you have at least 1,000 excuses why that is not bad.
No excuses needed, as arrests were made in that instance, and the right wing bullhorn that BLM INTENDED that to happen has been debunked by local and federal authorities. Anything else?
Arrests were made and they were immediately released.
Only those who were PROVEN not to be part of property damage or illegal occupation of a federal building or "rioting". There were arrests and incarcerations. Please look it up.
Isn't it a bit ironic that the people who are STILL b****ing about losing the Civil War and the right to wave a Confederate Flag want everyone to "move on" regarding an investigation into the January 6th Insurrection? :20:

Red is reserved for Mods.
Money for congress critters rather than making the lives of their constituents better.
So no accountability for Jan. 6th insurrection?
Like BLM in Portland trying to burn an inhabited Federal Courthouse to the ground?
I'm sure you have at least 1,000 excuses why that is not bad.
No excuses needed, as arrests were made in that instance, and the right wing bullhorn that BLM INTENDED that to happen has been debunked by local and federal authorities. Anything else?
Arrests were made and they were immediately released.
Only those who were PROVEN not to be part of property damage or illegal occupation of a federal building or "rioting". There were arrests and incarcerations. Please look it up.
I live in NY and since Andrew Cuomo's Criminal Reform, vandalism, assault and battery, etc... are punishable by a fine, not imprisonment.
Andrew Cuomo's Criminal Reform literally released 10s of thousands of violent criminals and the crime rate has since skyrocketed in NYC where the police have been ordered by DeBlasio to step down.
There are no laws to enforce.
Thousands of Liberal NYC residents have sold their multi-million dollars apartments in NYC and have built mansions in Nassau County and various cities in Florida.

You can save your liberal bullshit for your mentally ill friends.
The Civil War vs the Jan 6 altercation on the Capital? Surely you jest. The right to wave the Russian flag and to piss on the Stars and Stripes was affirmed by the Supreme court as a 1st Amendment right to free speech back in the 60's. Why would people be denied the 1st Amendment right to fly the Confederate flag if they so choose during a democrat administration? The motive for a guy named Stephen Paddock to shoot and kill about 58 people at a Country concert in Vegas, dubbed by the media as a Trump rally, is still a mystery to the Feds. Something ain't right about the alleged "insurrection" that seems to have been led by left wing political operatives.
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