Iran's ties to Al Qaeda


Diamond Member
Mar 22, 2015
Obama has been refusing to address terrorism in the nuclear deal with Iran, where he wants to free up billions of dollars for the Iranian regime....

And this is in spite of the fact that Iran has known ties to Al Qaeda, who killed over 3,000 citizens on 9/11.
, and has been proven to be sheltering some of them.

Strange bedfellows -- Iran and al Qaeda -

As is well known, many of bin Laden's family and members of his inner circle fled Afghanistan for Pakistan after the fall of the Taliban in the winter of 2001, but what is less well known is that some also fled to neighboring Iran.

And we also know that Iran has actually been helping finance Al Qaeda....

Iran in Secret Deal to Aid Funding for al-Qaeda U.S. Says - Bloomberg Business

July 28 (Bloomberg) -- The U.S. accused the Iranian government of engaging in a “secret deal” to help move money and operatives for al-Qaeda in Afghanistan, Pakistan and Iraq.

The U.S. Treasury Department today identified six members of an alleged network led by Ezedin Abdel Aziz Khalil, a Syrian who has been operating as an “al-Qaeda facilitator” in Iran “under an agreement between al-Qaeda and the Iranian government.”

The network serves as “a core pipeline” for the terrorism group to move money and operatives from the Middle East to South Asia, including to Atiyah Abd al-Rahman in Pakistan’s tribal areas, the Treasury said. Previously, the U.S. identified al-Rahman, a Libyan, as No. 3 in al-Qaeda before Osama bin Laden’s death and second to Ayman al-Zawahiri since then.

“Iran is the leading state sponsor of terrorism in the world today,” David Cohen, the Treasury undersecretary for terrorism and financial intelligence, said in a statement. “By exposing Iran’s secret deal with al-Qaeda allowing it to funnel funds and operatives through its territory, we are illuminating yet another aspect of Iran’s unmatched support for terrorism.”

The U.S. government issued a prohibition of U.S. persons engaging in commercial and financial transactions with the identified members of the network.

Khalil, the network’s leader, is al-Qaeda’s representative in Iran and works with the Iranian government to arrange releases of al-Qaeda personnel from Iranian prisons, according to the Treasury. When those operatives are released from prison, Khalil facilitates their travel to Pakistan, the Treasury said in its statement.

$10,000 Each
Khalil has also collected funding from various donors and fundraisers throughout the Gulf and has moved that money to the al-Qaeda leadership in Afghanistan and Iraq, the Treasury said

He requires each new recruit to deliver $10,000 to al-Qaeda in Pakistan, the Treasury said.

Others in the network, according to the Treasury, are Umid Muhammadi, said to be a “key supporter” of al-Qaeda in Iraq, and Salim Hasan Khalifa Rashid al-Kuwari, who allegedly has provided hundreds of thousands of dollars to al-Qaeda through Iran from his base in Qatar. Also named are Abdallah Ghanim Mafuz Muslim al-Khawar in Qatar, who allegedly has facilitate recruits’ travel to Afghanistan, and Ali Hasan Ali al-Ajmi in Kuwait, who allegedly has raised funds from Persian Gulf sources for al-Qaeda, al-Qaeda in Iraq and the Taliban.

And now we are finding out the the records seized during the raid on Bin Laden's compound confirm the fact that Iran is helping fund Al Qaeda...

Is anyone out there surprised? Al quaeda and Iran have common cause------JIHAD ----against the Saudi king, against the USA and "the west" in general, against
da joooooos Sunnis and Shiites will continue to kill
each other as a side dish-------but the BIG JIHAD is
common cause
Wow a bombshell.

"The fact that leading members of al Qaeda were based in Iran from 2002 on was known to the U.S. government at the time."

"This was during the same time period in which senior administration officials under President George W. Bush were citing the alleged presence of al Qaeda members in Baghdad and a supposedly burgeoning alliance between al Qaeda and Iraq's leader Saddam Hussein as a key reason to go to war against Saddam...."
Wow a bombshell.

"The fact that leading members of al Qaeda were based in Iran from 2002 on was known to the U.S. government at the time."

"This was during the same time period in which senior administration officials under President George W. Bush were citing the alleged presence of al Qaeda members in Baghdad and a supposedly burgeoning alliance between al Qaeda and Iraq's leader Saddam Hussein as a key reason to go to war against Saddam...."

News to me------you got a citation (please) in support of your assertion that G.W stated that "al queda" is in
Baghdad in alliance with Hussein. I simply do not recall it -------if I ever heard something like that---I WOULD CERTAINLY recall it.
News to me------you got a citation (please) in support of your assertion that G.W stated that "al queda" is in
Baghdad in alliance with Hussein. I simply do not recall it

The quote is from the first link in the OP.

It specifically says "senior administration officials under President George W. Bush....." Not the President.
News to me------you got a citation (please) in support of your assertion that G.W stated that "al queda" is in
Baghdad in alliance with Hussein. I simply do not recall it

The quote is from the first link in the OP.

It specifically says "senior administration officials under President George W. Bush....." Not the President.

oh ok it was not issued as an official statement---more like a rumor. I would not have believed it a FACT----even if I had known about it----people say all kinds of "stuff"
Much more than a rumor. It's not unknown who said what either.

are you INSISTING that Saddam Hussein did have ties to
AL QUEIDA? I would not be entirely surprised if he did---
but I would not simply believe it because someone "said so"---
Saddam was a BAATHIST and a MASS MURDERER-----and his
agenda did overlap the agenda of Al Queida. There are all kinds of strange alliances in confict. Germany was not entirely
consistent with Japan and Italy ----but they were allies The US was not entirely tight with the USSR but we were allies. As to the fight to get rid of the mass murderer Saddam Hussein---supporter of international terrorism -----that you liked the guy is-----a reflection of your PROPENSITIES. You have a special affection for Papa and Baby Assad too?
“There's an old saying in Tennessee — I know it's in Texas, probably in Tennessee — that says, fool me once, shame on — shame on you. Fool me — you can't get fooled again.”

― George W. Bush "

What came to mind seeing the title of the thread. :)

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