Intolerant left attacks homeless woman guarding Trump's Hollywood star

These Hillary douche bags are such kind compassionate folks, aren't they?

. The police allowing this to go on is a sickening and fluid situation in this country. Listen to the cursing, and look at the thugs making the Demon-crats proud.
I pray that the real evilness in this nation will finally be revealed, and that this nation will change course. These types of events are showing who the real oppressor's are. To give power to these kinds of thugs by way of the office of the nations Presidency is just a huge mistake.
These Hillary douche bags are such kind compassionate folks, aren't they?

Isn't that democrats all day long? Gather up a mob and beat or kill anyone who disagrees with you. That's how they are. No counter to your argument, just violence. It's been the same for all of human history. Left wingers love killing, whether that be the unborn or someone who doesn't tow the line they are out to kill, maim or injure you. Socialism is great isn't it?
This woman deserves more accolades then Trump. I doubt he gives a damn about the homeless.
This woman deserves more accolades then Trump. I doubt he gives a damn about the homeless.
Trump cares about all Americans, he; unlike Obama doesn't see different factions of Americans. He doesn't divide by color gender nor creed like the media and the democrats.
This woman deserves more accolades then Trump. I doubt he gives a damn about the homeless.
Trump cares about all Americans, he; unlike Obama doesn't see different factions of Americans. He doesn't divide by color gender nor creed like the media and the democrats.

I don't think so Rambunctious.

I do believe many conservatives do - they just differ from liberals in the how (government vs private) - but I don't think Trump cares. I've seen nothing to indicate that nations millions of homeless people mean a thing to him.
Ya, but do you think Trump cares?
The people are like his customers. He is a businessman, if they are happy he is happy so yes....he cares. He cares a hell of a lot more than Hillary. She cares about power and only power. She already has millions now she craves power.
Ya, but do you think Trump cares?
The people are like his customers. He is a businessman, if they are happy he is happy so yes....he cares. He cares a hell of a lot more than Hillary. She cares about power and only power. She already has millions now she craves power.

Homeless people are never customers.

Can you find any examples where he has shown empathy or sympathy for the homeless?
I thought you people hated the homeless?
If you ever went to church you would see how silly your statement is. We are feeding the homeless every night what do you do?
I didin't relalize trump was a priest (or even a christian lol) what church does he belong too? Either way everyone knows christians are too busy buying megachurches and TV ads to fight the gays and abortion anyway

Donations to churches may get reused in a manner that would not be tax-deductible itself, as it would not be considered charitable. For instance, donations to the Knights of Columbus, a Catholic organization, are tax-deductible. Yet the organization gave almost $2 million to fund anti-gay campaigns by the National Organization for Marriage. If the “charitable” Catholics who gave that money had directly donated it to NOM, they would never have received a tax write-off.

However, if you donated to the Human Rights Campaign to counter campaigns funded by the Knights, that donation “can not be classified as tax deductible.” Only one funds given to the churches in this political campaign were counted as charitable.

It is not surprising that the most “giving” state is Utah, with a heavy population of Mormons who are required to give 10% of their income to the sect. Their total charitable giving is 10.6% of discretionary income — a substantial portion of which has to be going to the church as opposed to purely charitable purposes.

But neither Jacoby nor Donahue mentioned West Hollywood, a heavily Democratic city and one of the “gayest.” The survey shows residents there give 9% of their discretionary income to charity. I would think most of that went to purely charitable purposes as opposed to religious ones.

The Chronicle of Philanthrophy also made a point that conservatives ignored:

When religious giving isn’t counted, the geography of giving is very different. Some states in the Northeast would jump into the top 10 when secular gifts alone are counted. New York would vault from No. 18 to No. 2 in the rankings, and Pennsylvania would climb from No. 40 to No. 4.

They also noted:

A study by the Center on Philanthropy at Indiana University found that the residents of New Hampshire — which ranked dead last in both surveys by The Chronicle — weren’t stingy; they were simply nonbelievers.

“New Hampshire gives next to nothing to religious organizations,” says Patrick Rooney, the center’s leader, “but their secular giving is identical to the rest of country.”

Sometimes it helps to read the whole report, not just the sections that make you feel superior.
Are Conservatives Really More Charitable? Or Just More Religious? | Huffington Post

but dont let that stop you from voting for people who want to abolish food stamps, school lunch programs, homeless shelters and virtually every other program designed to help the poor

GOP vs. the Poor
At Kemp Forum, Republicans Continue Their War On Poor Americans
Missouri Republicans Are Waging a War Against the Poor, And They Are Winning As Veto Override Occurs
Why the GOP's war against welfare programs is both cruel and pointless
Ronald Reagan’s shameful legacy: Violence, the homeless, mental illness

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