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- Jun 6, 2007
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A new President should be given broad leeway to appoint people to his cabinet and key roles in his government, in part, because the American people elected that person and it is about respecting the choice of the American people. That being said each nominee for a post should be qualified in both ability and character for their respective job; two glaring problems I perceive from the list President Trump has so far announced.
Matt Gaetz for Attorney General. The problem I see is principally from a character standpoint; an Attorney General should have the utmost respect for the law. The person that holds that job should be a role model for obeying the law for if he or she has the character trait that disregards the law in a significant way how is such a person going to be optimally effective at getting the American people to obey the law which is a fundamental part of the job of the Attorney General. For me the fatal aspect of Mr. Gaetz resume is not that he used illicit drugs or he was behind parties where technically prostitutes were hired to attend, Mr. Gaetz travels in a fast social lane (this writer doesn't but a lot of Americans do and a persons personal life is personal that is their business). The Mount Mckinley problem that exists with Mr. Gaetz' record is that he did these illegal activities as a U.S. Congressman as a U.S. Congressman part of your sacred duty is to make laws for America which also means you should you should have a great respect for the rule of law which means you should be a law abiding citizen you should have a strong commitment to obeying the law, doing illicit drugs and knowingly utilizing prostitutes clearly shirks this ancillary obligation and I think blocks Mr. Gaetz from passing a basic litmus test for the job of Attorney General!
This is kind of throwing a curve ball but if Donald Trump's goal in appointing Matt Gaetz to the AG's job is to appoint a loyal person that would shut down the unfair criminal cases against him and make sure no others arise during his second term of Presidency, I have a good alternative candidate for Mr. Trump! But if Donald Trump's goal in appointing Gaetz is larger if he also wants an AG candidate who is going to do a massive hunt for people believed to be Deep State actors in the Department of Justice and do things like purge staff based on a political test, for instance, they aren't MAGA; and he wants an AG candidate that is going to bring DOJ prosecutions against President Trump's political enemies than I have no help for Mr. Trump. But if Donald Trump wants an AG candidate that he can trust to stop the current DOJ abuses against him and stop any future ones the candidate that fits this bill is Kellyanne Conway. She is wicked smart, has a first-rate legal mind I wouldn't be surprised if she graduated in the top twenty percent of her law school graduating class or had a better performance. With Kellyanne Conway as the Attorney General, America would have a great leader of the DOJ, a person up to the job, that would engender internal and external respect. In Matt Gaetz as the Attorney General, staff throughout the office wouldn't respect him it would be bad for internal morale, probably good people would leave and wouldn't come to the DOJ because of the perceived unqualified candidate in the AG's role!
The other unqualified candidate is Bobby Kennedy Jr. for Secretary of Health and Human Services. Mr. Kennedy is a good man with some good ideas and goals especially along the lines of the dangerousness of processed foods that has got to be part of the problem behind the overall not good health of the American people. But the Titanic size problem with Bobby Kennedy Jr. is his shortcoming in the intellect department; there is different kinds of intelligence. One kind of intelligence is to spot great ideas, great solutions, to broad based problem and Bobby has such intelligence. But there is another type of intelligence the ability to comprehend a lot of facts, recall such facts and make good decisions utilizing such facts; Bobby doesn't have such intelligence. During the campaign he used to talk about the number of America's children with serious health problems and cite figures on how much money America was spending on this problem; he was so wrong it was like listening to a homeless guy with mental health problems spout off basically nonsense. Bobby Kennedy doesn't have the intelligence ability to be this Secretary especially when Doanld Trump wants to drastically change this Department. Bobby neither has the ability to do an optimal job in making the decisions on how to change the Department and to sell those changes to Congress and the American people. The Republicans in Congress and in the White House should remember some very important facts and the meaning of those facts, yes Donald Trump won all seven battleground states in this year's elections but and this is a big but he only won five of them by less than three and a half percentage points. Meaning in four years it is readily foreseeable that the American people could hand the power in Washington back to the Democrats. The current Republican politicians in Washington have made it abundantly clear that they are going to cut and transform the Federal government, well it better be clearly responsible cutting and transforming because otherwise in approximately four years the Democrats will be repairing and replacing and you Republicans will look like humongous fools. Wisdom dictates that you need an extremely intelligent Secretary of Health and Human Services to do the super challenging and difficult task of deciding how to change this Department, you all shouldn't he putting into this job a man that will be in completely over his head on the first day he is in the job through every single day he remains in the job!
This last topic doesn't have to do with a person being unqualified to do the job he is selected to do it has to do with the point that if he does the new job he will leave a humongous hole in the country because he has stopped doing his current job. I am talking about Mike Huckabee and his selection to be the Ambassador to Israel; Mr. Huckabee is more than qualified to do the job he would do a great job and the people of Israel would be very happy with his appointment to the job. But the really big void this selection would leave is that Mike Huckabee currently hosts this great weekly program on TV which is impressively wholesome where he has great guests on that are great human beings doing virtuous work that are making a difference for good in the country and in the world. It is an inspiring and uplifting program that is good for America because it inspires virtue in America. For an older American like myself it reminds me a little of the Smothers Brothers program of the 1970's a very popular program in its time. What will happen is that if Mike stops doing this program it won't nearly be the same because it is a great program because of the spirit of Mike, it is the conveyance of the heart of Mike it is a display of what Mike this is good in America and he wants to promulgate. A lot of people could be a great Ambassador to Israel but only one person could be a great host of the great Mike Huckabee program this writer is one person hoping for a change on that nomination!
Matt Gaetz for Attorney General. The problem I see is principally from a character standpoint; an Attorney General should have the utmost respect for the law. The person that holds that job should be a role model for obeying the law for if he or she has the character trait that disregards the law in a significant way how is such a person going to be optimally effective at getting the American people to obey the law which is a fundamental part of the job of the Attorney General. For me the fatal aspect of Mr. Gaetz resume is not that he used illicit drugs or he was behind parties where technically prostitutes were hired to attend, Mr. Gaetz travels in a fast social lane (this writer doesn't but a lot of Americans do and a persons personal life is personal that is their business). The Mount Mckinley problem that exists with Mr. Gaetz' record is that he did these illegal activities as a U.S. Congressman as a U.S. Congressman part of your sacred duty is to make laws for America which also means you should you should have a great respect for the rule of law which means you should be a law abiding citizen you should have a strong commitment to obeying the law, doing illicit drugs and knowingly utilizing prostitutes clearly shirks this ancillary obligation and I think blocks Mr. Gaetz from passing a basic litmus test for the job of Attorney General!
This is kind of throwing a curve ball but if Donald Trump's goal in appointing Matt Gaetz to the AG's job is to appoint a loyal person that would shut down the unfair criminal cases against him and make sure no others arise during his second term of Presidency, I have a good alternative candidate for Mr. Trump! But if Donald Trump's goal in appointing Gaetz is larger if he also wants an AG candidate who is going to do a massive hunt for people believed to be Deep State actors in the Department of Justice and do things like purge staff based on a political test, for instance, they aren't MAGA; and he wants an AG candidate that is going to bring DOJ prosecutions against President Trump's political enemies than I have no help for Mr. Trump. But if Donald Trump wants an AG candidate that he can trust to stop the current DOJ abuses against him and stop any future ones the candidate that fits this bill is Kellyanne Conway. She is wicked smart, has a first-rate legal mind I wouldn't be surprised if she graduated in the top twenty percent of her law school graduating class or had a better performance. With Kellyanne Conway as the Attorney General, America would have a great leader of the DOJ, a person up to the job, that would engender internal and external respect. In Matt Gaetz as the Attorney General, staff throughout the office wouldn't respect him it would be bad for internal morale, probably good people would leave and wouldn't come to the DOJ because of the perceived unqualified candidate in the AG's role!
The other unqualified candidate is Bobby Kennedy Jr. for Secretary of Health and Human Services. Mr. Kennedy is a good man with some good ideas and goals especially along the lines of the dangerousness of processed foods that has got to be part of the problem behind the overall not good health of the American people. But the Titanic size problem with Bobby Kennedy Jr. is his shortcoming in the intellect department; there is different kinds of intelligence. One kind of intelligence is to spot great ideas, great solutions, to broad based problem and Bobby has such intelligence. But there is another type of intelligence the ability to comprehend a lot of facts, recall such facts and make good decisions utilizing such facts; Bobby doesn't have such intelligence. During the campaign he used to talk about the number of America's children with serious health problems and cite figures on how much money America was spending on this problem; he was so wrong it was like listening to a homeless guy with mental health problems spout off basically nonsense. Bobby Kennedy doesn't have the intelligence ability to be this Secretary especially when Doanld Trump wants to drastically change this Department. Bobby neither has the ability to do an optimal job in making the decisions on how to change the Department and to sell those changes to Congress and the American people. The Republicans in Congress and in the White House should remember some very important facts and the meaning of those facts, yes Donald Trump won all seven battleground states in this year's elections but and this is a big but he only won five of them by less than three and a half percentage points. Meaning in four years it is readily foreseeable that the American people could hand the power in Washington back to the Democrats. The current Republican politicians in Washington have made it abundantly clear that they are going to cut and transform the Federal government, well it better be clearly responsible cutting and transforming because otherwise in approximately four years the Democrats will be repairing and replacing and you Republicans will look like humongous fools. Wisdom dictates that you need an extremely intelligent Secretary of Health and Human Services to do the super challenging and difficult task of deciding how to change this Department, you all shouldn't he putting into this job a man that will be in completely over his head on the first day he is in the job through every single day he remains in the job!
This last topic doesn't have to do with a person being unqualified to do the job he is selected to do it has to do with the point that if he does the new job he will leave a humongous hole in the country because he has stopped doing his current job. I am talking about Mike Huckabee and his selection to be the Ambassador to Israel; Mr. Huckabee is more than qualified to do the job he would do a great job and the people of Israel would be very happy with his appointment to the job. But the really big void this selection would leave is that Mike Huckabee currently hosts this great weekly program on TV which is impressively wholesome where he has great guests on that are great human beings doing virtuous work that are making a difference for good in the country and in the world. It is an inspiring and uplifting program that is good for America because it inspires virtue in America. For an older American like myself it reminds me a little of the Smothers Brothers program of the 1970's a very popular program in its time. What will happen is that if Mike stops doing this program it won't nearly be the same because it is a great program because of the spirit of Mike, it is the conveyance of the heart of Mike it is a display of what Mike this is good in America and he wants to promulgate. A lot of people could be a great Ambassador to Israel but only one person could be a great host of the great Mike Huckabee program this writer is one person hoping for a change on that nomination!