Gaetz and Kennedy Wrong For Their Jobs!

What do you think I'm lying about? Do you honestly believe that because I'm not a Trumper that means that I'm a Democrat? Do you not see how utterly illogical that is? What I HAVE been saying over and over, for years now is that both parties are corrupt and controlled by the same globalist powers. I supported Ron Paul and voted for him twice, but apart from him there haven't been any presidential candidates worth voting for. I have never played the "lesser of two evils" game and I would never vote for someone who I think is a fraud and controlled opposition just because they have an R by their name.
I am not a Republican either, never have been.
I was a member of a party when I lived in Israel, but never in the USA.
I know a little about fascist and Nazis from my family.
It is both hilarious and insulting when you idiots start talking about fascist like you have any idea what it means.
I never was really a trump guy, but the way the Democrats treated him, as well as the way they govern convinced me that he is our guy.
I am not a Republican either, never have been.
I was a member of a party when I lived in Israel, but never in the USA.
I know a little about fascist and Nazis from my family.
It is both hilarious and insulting when you idiots start talking about fascist like you have any idea what it means.
I never was really a trump guy, but the way the Democrats treated him, as well as the way they govern convinced me that he is our guy.

I never even brought up the word "fascist", so either you're confusing me with someone else, or you're misunderstanding and misstating my position. I'm not one of those "TRuMp iS ThE NeXt hItLeR!" dupes. I've never said or thought that, it's not my position at all. What I have said is that he's controlled opposition. In other words, not genuine, playing a role. But I wasn't intending to get into that, I just wanted to reply to your comment about the word fascist, because I never mentioned that word at all.
I never even brought up the word "fascist", so either you're confusing me with someone else, or you're misunderstanding and misstating my position. I'm not one of those "TRuMp iS ThE NeXt hItLeR!" dupes. I've never said or thought that, it's not my position at all. What I have said is that he's controlled opposition. In other words, not genuine, playing a role. But I wasn't intending to get into that, I just wanted to reply to your comment about the word fascist, because I never mentioned that word at all.
Fair enough. I did indeed confuse you with that dblack guy.
I can agree, that it is always a good idea to watch elected officials like a hawk because they can easily go off the rails. That is never a good thing
Yeah, I know your denial lines. But you're ignoring the question - if he does do the shit people are worried bout, will you push back? Will you draw a line? It sounds like you're saying no. You're certainly not saying you will.
Boy, you make a lot of wild-ass assumptions. If Trump tries something to violate the Constitution everyone would push back. You are just so damned paranoid that you can't face the prospect that nothing like that is going to happen. Unlike liberals do, we believe in the rule of law and not the rule of lawfare.

Tell me, what kind of acts do you think he is going to try to pull? Internment reeducation camps for liberal journalists and entertainers?

If you cannot answer, you really are one pathetic individual. Your family must be so proud of you!
Link to these so-called facts or be the liberal air-headed liar we have all come to know and despise.
Bite me tori.

Everybody on this entire boards knows you are a blow-hard has been.
Gaetz's buddy went to jail, you think Gaetz is the type that doesn't participate.
Boy, you make a lot of wild-ass assumptions. If Trump tries something to violate the Constitution everyone would push back. You are just so damned paranoid that you can't face the prospect that nothing like that is going to happen. Unlike liberals do, we believe in the rule of law and not the rule of lawfare.

Tell me, what kind of acts do you think he is going to try to pull? Internment reeducation camps for liberal journalists and entertainers?

If you cannot answer, you really are one pathetic individual. Your family must be so proud of you!
WTF has that got to do with what I said? 2020 was two elections ago and has no impact on today because Biden will soon be gone.
Please go over your very words, which are self explainatory.

Who have they purged so far? Let's see your list! I have a long one for Biden-Harris and the first name is Trump's.

You just said the first name on Biden/Harris 2020 purge list was Trump.

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