You better warn the public!!!!!!Maybe. I used to think that Trump wasn't a fascist and all he wanted was his ego stroked. But Trumpsters seem to be doing their best to mimic the Nazi's march to power. Purging dissenters from the government. Using the power of the state to get revenge on political enemies. Going after a targeted minority with goon squads. Constantly talking about eliminating Democrats. And placing loyalty to their dear leader above all else.
And the real kicker is, none of you seem willing to push back if necessary. It's fine to say, "Trump won't be a Hitler". But if he goes in that direction, will you withdraw your support? Will you reject Trump if he does starts sending people to gulags? All I hear is, "he's not going to do that". But Trump is a complete wild card to me. I have no idea what he'll do and you fools seem dedicated to supporting him no matter how bad it gets. That's disturbing.
Yegods man, red alert!!!!