Interesting article on muslims in america

Again, you are projecting bull shit on a thread. tea bagger stuff!

tell me specifically what I have said that is not true. Give me the quotes and then explain why you think they are not true.

Otherwise STFU and go away.

The first thing you said that was not true is that the Koran requires female circumcision.

Hard to identify the first falsehood Red has posted.

There have been so many.

name one, and give us the specific quote.

Your first falsehood upon opening this thread was in the title: "Interesting article on muslims in America"

You presented a chain email full of falsehoods that was at least 10 years old ONLY that sure as hell wasn't an article, putz! That was your very first falsehood for this thread and further falsehoods have cascaded over your low threshold of honesty since that starting point.

article = "a distinct portion of any writing...." Websters New Collegiate Dictionary.

Nothing I have posted is untrue. Your postings however-------------------------------:bs1:
tell me specifically what I have said that is not true. Give me the quotes and then explain why you think they are not true.

Otherwise STFU and go away.

The first thing you said that was not true is that the Koran requires female circumcision.

Hard to identify the first falsehood Red has posted.

There have been so many.

name one, and give us the specific quote.

Your first falsehood upon opening this thread was in the title: "Interesting article on muslims in America"

You presented a chain email full of falsehoods that was at least 10 years old ONLY that sure as hell wasn't an article, putz! That was your very first falsehood for this thread and further falsehoods have cascaded over your low threshold of honesty since that starting point.

article = "a distinct portion of any writing...." Websters New Collegiate Dictionary.

Nothing I have posted is untrue. Your postings however-------------------------------:bs1:

Your main untruth is that all Muslims somehow are forced to be fundamentalist extremists. That is one of the funniest lies ever told on this board.
All you are saying is that American muslims cannot comply with the requirements of their religion.

Do all your Muslim friends comply with the 'requirements' of Islam?

Most do, but some don't. Are you saying that all muslims living in the US do not comply with muslim doctrine?

You have Muslim friends that kill apostates? That sexually mutilate their female children?

That's really not pertinent, no one has ever said that all muslims are part of the radical terrorist groups. What I am trying to get through you thick head is that the teachings of Islam and the Koran advocate the activities that we consider as terrorism, murder, subjugation of women, and murder of gays.

What's missing is the outrage of the "good" muslims to condemn the radicals who do these things in the name of Islam.
Radical Islam is akin to Nazism, as practiced by Hitlers' Germany. The Left abhors Nazi Germany, as most of us do, but they can't or won't recognize the dangers of radical Islam.

As has been stated, only a handful of American Muslims are speaking out against the acts of radical Islam. Millions of Muslims are silent. One has to wonder if their silence, means concurrence.

You lie.
Again, you are projecting bull shit on a thread. tea bagger stuff!

Do you realize what those cites actually say? They say that Christians and Jews can practice their religions as long as they comply with sharia law. Sharia law in is direct conflict with every religion except islam. So, once again, you are wrong.

tell me specifically what I have said that is not true. Give me the quotes and then explain why you think they are not true.

Otherwise STFU and go away.

The first thing you said that was not true is that the Koran requires female circumcision.

Hard to identify the first falsehood Red has posted.

There have been so many.

name one, and give us the specific quote.

Tell us how your so-called Muslim friends can be Muslims if they don't follow every line of the Koran to the letter.
The first thing you said that was not true is that the Koran requires female circumcision.

Hard to identify the first falsehood Red has posted.

There have been so many.

name one, and give us the specific quote.

Your first falsehood upon opening this thread was in the title: "Interesting article on muslims in America"

You presented a chain email full of falsehoods that was at least 10 years old ONLY that sure as hell wasn't an article, putz! That was your very first falsehood for this thread and further falsehoods have cascaded over your low threshold of honesty since that starting point.

article = "a distinct portion of any writing...." Websters New Collegiate Dictionary.

Nothing I have posted is untrue. Your postings however-------------------------------:bs1:

Your main untruth is that all Muslims somehow are forced to be fundamentalist extremists. That is one of the funniest lies ever told on this board.

I never said that. I said that the teachings of Islam, when taken literally from the koran, support the radicals, not the moderates.

BTW, how many Syrian refugees are you willing to put up in your spare bedroom?
The first thing you said that was not true is that the Koran requires female circumcision.

Hard to identify the first falsehood Red has posted.

There have been so many.

He claims he has many Muslims friends in the US but he also claims you can't be a Muslim unless you're a terrorist.

So I guess he has many Muslim terrorist friends in the US.

And if he is friends with terrorists in the United States- then he is an accomplice to terrorism- and a traitor to the Untied States.

the teachings of Islam and whether they are compatible with US law. Clearly they are not.

Is that what your Muslim friends told you?

I doubt he has Muslim 'friends' but if he does I guarantee they are the best evidence disproving everything he's claiming in this thread.
Again, you are projecting bull shit on a thread. tea bagger stuff!

tell me specifically what I have said that is not true. Give me the quotes and then explain why you think they are not true.

Otherwise STFU and go away.

The first thing you said that was not true is that the Koran requires female circumcision.

Hard to identify the first falsehood Red has posted.

There have been so many.

name one, and give us the specific quote.

Tell us how your so-called Muslim friends can be Muslims if they don't follow every line of the Koran to the letter.

that's a question for them, not me.
Hard to identify the first falsehood Red has posted.

There have been so many.

name one, and give us the specific quote.

Your first falsehood upon opening this thread was in the title: "Interesting article on muslims in America"

You presented a chain email full of falsehoods that was at least 10 years old ONLY that sure as hell wasn't an article, putz! That was your very first falsehood for this thread and further falsehoods have cascaded over your low threshold of honesty since that starting point.

article = "a distinct portion of any writing...." Websters New Collegiate Dictionary.

Nothing I have posted is untrue. Your postings however-------------------------------:bs1:

Your main untruth is that all Muslims somehow are forced to be fundamentalist extremists. That is one of the funniest lies ever told on this board.

I never said that. I said that the teachings of Islam, when taken literally from the koran, support the radicals, not the moderates.

BTW, how many Syrian refugees are you willing to put up in your spare bedroom?

So now you concede I was right.
tell me specifically what I have said that is not true. Give me the quotes and then explain why you think they are not true.

Otherwise STFU and go away.

The first thing you said that was not true is that the Koran requires female circumcision.

Hard to identify the first falsehood Red has posted.

There have been so many.

name one, and give us the specific quote.

Tell us how your so-called Muslim friends can be Muslims if they don't follow every line of the Koran to the letter.

that's a question for them, not me.

So you concede that Muslims can be Americans and Muslims, no differently than Christians or Jews or atheists etc.
Hard to identify the first falsehood Red has posted.

There have been so many.

He claims he has many Muslims friends in the US but he also claims you can't be a Muslim unless you're a terrorist.

So I guess he has many Muslim terrorist friends in the US.

And if he is friends with terrorists in the United States- then he is an accomplice to terrorism- and a traitor to the Untied States.

the teachings of Islam and whether they are compatible with US law. Clearly they are not.

Is that what your Muslim friends told you?

I doubt he has Muslim 'friends' but if he does I guarantee they are the best evidence disproving everything he's claiming in this thread.

what specifically do you think I have claimed?

I said that not all muslims are terrorists or support terrorism
I said that muslims have served in the US armed forces and died for the USA
I said that the Koran, when taken literally, supports terrorism
I said that there is no way to separate the terrorists from the "good" refugees
I said that good muslims in the US have not spoken out against the radicals
I said the Ft Hood shooter and the San Bernardino shooters murdered in the name of Islam

Which of those do you think are not true?
What do we do in the US when religious practices conflict with the law?

The US does not have a system of law that is based on a religion. US law allows for the practice of all religions as long as those practices do not violate civil law. Beheading for instance is illegal, stoning is illegal, genital mutilation of little girls is illegal. BUT, those 3 practices are legal under sharia law.

Do you get it now?

So a Muslim in America simply has to comply with our laws like anyone else.

Like Kim Davis does, for instance, no matter what she might think her religion entitles her to do...

Yes, they do. But in order to comply with American law they must reject the parts of the Koran that require them to follow sharia law. Said another way, a muslim can only be a law abiding American if he/she rejects Islamic teachings.

this is not complicated, except for a biased, prejudiced mind like yours.

How is that any different than Christians rejecting the parts of the Bible that require the application of Mosaic law? Or Jews rejecting portions of their law?

For example, in capital punishment:
Sekila - stoning
    • his was performed by pushing a person off a height of at least 2 stories. If the person didn't die, then the executioners (the witnesses) brought a rock that was so large that it took both of them to lift it; this was placed on the condemned person to crush them.[citation needed]
  • Serefah - burning
    • This was done by melting lead, and pouring it down the throat of the condemned person.
  • Hereg - decapitation
    • This is also known as "being put to the sword" (beheading).
  • Chenek - strangulation
    • A rope was wound around the condemned person's neck, and the executioners (the witnesses) pulled from either side to strangle the condemned person.
Capital sins separated by the four types of capital punishment
The following is a list by Maimonides in his Mishneh Torah (Hilchoth Sanhedrin Chapter 15) of which crimes carry a capital punishment.

Punishment by Sekila (stoning)
See also: Stoning § In Judaism
  • Intercourse between a man and his mother.
  • Intercourse between a man and his father's wife (not necessarily his mother).
  • Intercourse between a man and his daughter in law.
  • Intercourse with another man's wife from the first stage of marriage.
  • Intercourse between two men.
  • Bestiality.
  • Cursing the name of God in God's name.
  • Idol Worship.
  • Giving one's progeny to Molech (child sacrifice).
  • Necromantic Sorcery.
  • Pythonic Sorcery.
  • Attempting to convince another to worship idols.
  • Instigating a community to worship idols.
  • Witchcraft.
  • Violating the Sabbath.
  • Cursing one's own parent.
  • A stubborn and rebellious son.
Punishment by Serefah (burning)
  • The daughter of a priest who completed the second stage of marriage commits adultery.
  • Intercourse between a man and his daughter.
  • Intercourse between a man and his daughter's daughter.
  • Intercourse between a man and his son's daughter.
  • Intercourse between a man and his wife's daughter (not necessarily his own daughter).
  • Intercourse between a man and his wife's daughter's daughter.
  • Intercourse between a man and his wife's son's daughter.
  • Intercourse between a man and his mother in law.
  • Intercourse between a man and his mother in law's mother.
  • Intercourse between a man and his father in law's mother.
Punishment by Hereg (beheading)
  • Unlawful premeditated murder.
  • Being a member of a city that has gone astray.
Punishment by Chenek (strangulation)
  • Committing adultery with another man's wife, where it doesn't fall under the above criteria.
  • Wounding one's own parent.
  • Kidnapping another member of Israel.
  • Prophesizing falsely.
  • Prophesizing in the name of other deities.
  • A sage who is guilty of insubordination in front of the grand court in the Chamber of the Hewn Stone.

Christians are not under the OT LAW. That was done away with when Jesus came died and rose again.

lol. So who are those Christians who cite the Bible on homosexuality being an abomination, using the verse from Deuteronomy?

Who are the Christians who call the Bible the infallible word of God? I don't hear them excluding the Old Testament from that pronouncement.
The first thing you said that was not true is that the Koran requires female circumcision.

Hard to identify the first falsehood Red has posted.

There have been so many.

name one, and give us the specific quote.

Tell us how your so-called Muslim friends can be Muslims if they don't follow every line of the Koran to the letter.

that's a question for them, not me.

So you concede that Muslims can be Americans and Muslims, no differently than Christians or Jews or atheists etc.

Only if they do not follow the strict teachings of Islam. Can they be good muslims without following the Koran? Ask them.

Christians, Jews, and Atheists are not told that they must destroy anyone who does not share their beliefs, muslims are told that.
He claims he has many Muslims friends in the US but he also claims you can't be a Muslim unless you're a terrorist.

So I guess he has many Muslim terrorist friends in the US.

And if he is friends with terrorists in the United States- then he is an accomplice to terrorism- and a traitor to the Untied States.

the teachings of Islam and whether they are compatible with US law. Clearly they are not.

Is that what your Muslim friends told you?

I doubt he has Muslim 'friends' but if he does I guarantee they are the best evidence disproving everything he's claiming in this thread.

what specifically do you think I have claimed?

I said that not all muslims are terrorists or support terrorism
I said that muslims have served in the US armed forces and died for the USA
I said that the Koran, when taken literally, supports terrorism
I said that there is no way to separate the terrorists from the "good" refugees
I said that good muslims in the US have not spoken out against the radicals
I said the Ft Hood shooter and the San Bernardino shooters murdered in the name of Islam

Which of those do you think are not true?

So now you're throwing your own 'article' under the bus?


Can a good Muslim be a good American?

This question was forwarded to a friend who worked in Saudi Arabia for 20 years. The following is his reply:

Theologically - no. Because his allegiance is to Allah, The moon god of Arabia.

Religiously - no. Because no other religion is accepted by His Allah except Islam. (Quran,2:256)(Koran)

Scripturally - no. Because his allegiance is to the five Pillars of Islam and the Quran.

Geographically - no. Because his allegiance is to Mecca, to which he turns in prayer five times a day.

Socially - no. Because his allegiance to Islam forbids him to make friends with Christians or Jews.
The US does not have a system of law that is based on a religion. US law allows for the practice of all religions as long as those practices do not violate civil law. Beheading for instance is illegal, stoning is illegal, genital mutilation of little girls is illegal. BUT, those 3 practices are legal under sharia law.

Do you get it now?

So a Muslim in America simply has to comply with our laws like anyone else.

Like Kim Davis does, for instance, no matter what she might think her religion entitles her to do...

Yes, they do. But in order to comply with American law they must reject the parts of the Koran that require them to follow sharia law. Said another way, a muslim can only be a law abiding American if he/she rejects Islamic teachings.

this is not complicated, except for a biased, prejudiced mind like yours.

How is that any different than Christians rejecting the parts of the Bible that require the application of Mosaic law? Or Jews rejecting portions of their law?

For example, in capital punishment:
Sekila - stoning
    • his was performed by pushing a person off a height of at least 2 stories. If the person didn't die, then the executioners (the witnesses) brought a rock that was so large that it took both of them to lift it; this was placed on the condemned person to crush them.[citation needed]
  • Serefah - burning
    • This was done by melting lead, and pouring it down the throat of the condemned person.
  • Hereg - decapitation
    • This is also known as "being put to the sword" (beheading).
  • Chenek - strangulation
    • A rope was wound around the condemned person's neck, and the executioners (the witnesses) pulled from either side to strangle the condemned person.
Capital sins separated by the four types of capital punishment
The following is a list by Maimonides in his Mishneh Torah (Hilchoth Sanhedrin Chapter 15) of which crimes carry a capital punishment.

Punishment by Sekila (stoning)
See also: Stoning § In Judaism
  • Intercourse between a man and his mother.
  • Intercourse between a man and his father's wife (not necessarily his mother).
  • Intercourse between a man and his daughter in law.
  • Intercourse with another man's wife from the first stage of marriage.
  • Intercourse between two men.
  • Bestiality.
  • Cursing the name of God in God's name.
  • Idol Worship.
  • Giving one's progeny to Molech (child sacrifice).
  • Necromantic Sorcery.
  • Pythonic Sorcery.
  • Attempting to convince another to worship idols.
  • Instigating a community to worship idols.
  • Witchcraft.
  • Violating the Sabbath.
  • Cursing one's own parent.
  • A stubborn and rebellious son.
Punishment by Serefah (burning)
  • The daughter of a priest who completed the second stage of marriage commits adultery.
  • Intercourse between a man and his daughter.
  • Intercourse between a man and his daughter's daughter.
  • Intercourse between a man and his son's daughter.
  • Intercourse between a man and his wife's daughter (not necessarily his own daughter).
  • Intercourse between a man and his wife's daughter's daughter.
  • Intercourse between a man and his wife's son's daughter.
  • Intercourse between a man and his mother in law.
  • Intercourse between a man and his mother in law's mother.
  • Intercourse between a man and his father in law's mother.
Punishment by Hereg (beheading)
  • Unlawful premeditated murder.
  • Being a member of a city that has gone astray.
Punishment by Chenek (strangulation)
  • Committing adultery with another man's wife, where it doesn't fall under the above criteria.
  • Wounding one's own parent.
  • Kidnapping another member of Israel.
  • Prophesizing falsely.
  • Prophesizing in the name of other deities.
  • A sage who is guilty of insubordination in front of the grand court in the Chamber of the Hewn Stone.

Christians are not under the OT LAW. That was done away with when Jesus came died and rose again.

lol. So who are those Christians who cite the Bible on homosexuality being an abomination, using the verse from Deuteronomy?

Who are the Christians who call the Bible the infallible word of God? I don't hear them excluding the Old Testament from that pronouncement.

Muslims share those views on homosexuality. They throw gays off the tops of buildings or behead them. Christians consider them sinners, but don't kill them.

that's the difference, dude.
Hard to identify the first falsehood Red has posted.

There have been so many.

name one, and give us the specific quote.

Tell us how your so-called Muslim friends can be Muslims if they don't follow every line of the Koran to the letter.

that's a question for them, not me.

So you concede that Muslims can be Americans and Muslims, no differently than Christians or Jews or atheists etc.

Only if they do not follow the strict teachings of Islam. Can they be good muslims without following the Koran? Ask them.

Christians, Jews, and Atheists are not told that they must destroy anyone who does not share their beliefs, muslims are told that.

Again, now you're arguing against your own OP.
And if he is friends with terrorists in the United States- then he is an accomplice to terrorism- and a traitor to the Untied States.

the teachings of Islam and whether they are compatible with US law. Clearly they are not.

Is that what your Muslim friends told you?

I doubt he has Muslim 'friends' but if he does I guarantee they are the best evidence disproving everything he's claiming in this thread.

what specifically do you think I have claimed?

I said that not all muslims are terrorists or support terrorism
I said that muslims have served in the US armed forces and died for the USA
I said that the Koran, when taken literally, supports terrorism
I said that there is no way to separate the terrorists from the "good" refugees
I said that good muslims in the US have not spoken out against the radicals
I said the Ft Hood shooter and the San Bernardino shooters murdered in the name of Islam

Which of those do you think are not true?

So now you're throwing your own 'article' under the bus?


Can a good Muslim be a good American?

This question was forwarded to a friend who worked in Saudi Arabia for 20 years. The following is his reply:

Theologically - no. Because his allegiance is to Allah, The moon god of Arabia.

Religiously - no. Because no other religion is accepted by His Allah except Islam. (Quran,2:256)(Koran)

Scripturally - no. Because his allegiance is to the five Pillars of Islam and the Quran.

Geographically - no. Because his allegiance is to Mecca, to which he turns in prayer five times a day.

Socially - no. Because his allegiance to Islam forbids him to make friends with Christians or Jews.

there are no contradictions, your reading comprehension skills are meager at best.
So a Muslim in America simply has to comply with our laws like anyone else.

Like Kim Davis does, for instance, no matter what she might think her religion entitles her to do...

Yes, they do. But in order to comply with American law they must reject the parts of the Koran that require them to follow sharia law. Said another way, a muslim can only be a law abiding American if he/she rejects Islamic teachings.

this is not complicated, except for a biased, prejudiced mind like yours.

How is that any different than Christians rejecting the parts of the Bible that require the application of Mosaic law? Or Jews rejecting portions of their law?

For example, in capital punishment:
Sekila - stoning
    • his was performed by pushing a person off a height of at least 2 stories. If the person didn't die, then the executioners (the witnesses) brought a rock that was so large that it took both of them to lift it; this was placed on the condemned person to crush them.[citation needed]
  • Serefah - burning
    • This was done by melting lead, and pouring it down the throat of the condemned person.
  • Hereg - decapitation
    • This is also known as "being put to the sword" (beheading).
  • Chenek - strangulation
    • A rope was wound around the condemned person's neck, and the executioners (the witnesses) pulled from either side to strangle the condemned person.
Capital sins separated by the four types of capital punishment
The following is a list by Maimonides in his Mishneh Torah (Hilchoth Sanhedrin Chapter 15) of which crimes carry a capital punishment.

Punishment by Sekila (stoning)
See also: Stoning § In Judaism
  • Intercourse between a man and his mother.
  • Intercourse between a man and his father's wife (not necessarily his mother).
  • Intercourse between a man and his daughter in law.
  • Intercourse with another man's wife from the first stage of marriage.
  • Intercourse between two men.
  • Bestiality.
  • Cursing the name of God in God's name.
  • Idol Worship.
  • Giving one's progeny to Molech (child sacrifice).
  • Necromantic Sorcery.
  • Pythonic Sorcery.
  • Attempting to convince another to worship idols.
  • Instigating a community to worship idols.
  • Witchcraft.
  • Violating the Sabbath.
  • Cursing one's own parent.
  • A stubborn and rebellious son.
Punishment by Serefah (burning)
  • The daughter of a priest who completed the second stage of marriage commits adultery.
  • Intercourse between a man and his daughter.
  • Intercourse between a man and his daughter's daughter.
  • Intercourse between a man and his son's daughter.
  • Intercourse between a man and his wife's daughter (not necessarily his own daughter).
  • Intercourse between a man and his wife's daughter's daughter.
  • Intercourse between a man and his wife's son's daughter.
  • Intercourse between a man and his mother in law.
  • Intercourse between a man and his mother in law's mother.
  • Intercourse between a man and his father in law's mother.
Punishment by Hereg (beheading)
  • Unlawful premeditated murder.
  • Being a member of a city that has gone astray.
Punishment by Chenek (strangulation)
  • Committing adultery with another man's wife, where it doesn't fall under the above criteria.
  • Wounding one's own parent.
  • Kidnapping another member of Israel.
  • Prophesizing falsely.
  • Prophesizing in the name of other deities.
  • A sage who is guilty of insubordination in front of the grand court in the Chamber of the Hewn Stone.

Christians are not under the OT LAW. That was done away with when Jesus came died and rose again.

lol. So who are those Christians who cite the Bible on homosexuality being an abomination, using the verse from Deuteronomy?

Who are the Christians who call the Bible the infallible word of God? I don't hear them excluding the Old Testament from that pronouncement.

Muslims share those views on homosexuality. They throw gays off the tops of buildings or behead them. Christians consider them sinners, but don't kill them.

that's the difference, dude.

All Muslims throw gays off buildings? Do your Muslim friends do that? Do your Muslim friends support that?
the teachings of Islam and whether they are compatible with US law. Clearly they are not.

Is that what your Muslim friends told you?

I doubt he has Muslim 'friends' but if he does I guarantee they are the best evidence disproving everything he's claiming in this thread.

what specifically do you think I have claimed?

I said that not all muslims are terrorists or support terrorism
I said that muslims have served in the US armed forces and died for the USA
I said that the Koran, when taken literally, supports terrorism
I said that there is no way to separate the terrorists from the "good" refugees
I said that good muslims in the US have not spoken out against the radicals
I said the Ft Hood shooter and the San Bernardino shooters murdered in the name of Islam

Which of those do you think are not true?

So now you're throwing your own 'article' under the bus?


Can a good Muslim be a good American?

This question was forwarded to a friend who worked in Saudi Arabia for 20 years. The following is his reply:

Theologically - no. Because his allegiance is to Allah, The moon god of Arabia.

Religiously - no. Because no other religion is accepted by His Allah except Islam. (Quran,2:256)(Koran)

Scripturally - no. Because his allegiance is to the five Pillars of Islam and the Quran.

Geographically - no. Because his allegiance is to Mecca, to which he turns in prayer five times a day.

Socially - no. Because his allegiance to Islam forbids him to make friends with Christians or Jews.

there are no contradictions, your reading comprehension skills are meager at best.

The contradictions are clear.
Do all your Muslim friends comply with the 'requirements' of Islam?

Most do, but some don't. Are you saying that all muslims living in the US do not comply with muslim doctrine?

You have Muslim friends that kill apostates? That sexually mutilate their female children?

That's really not pertinent, no one has ever said that all muslims are part of the radical terrorist groups. What I am trying to get through you thick head is that the teachings of Islam and the Koran advocate the activities that we consider as terrorism, murder, subjugation of women, and murder of gays.

What's missing is the outrage of the "good" muslims to condemn the radicals who do these things in the name of Islam.
Radical Islam is akin to Nazism, as practiced by Hitlers' Germany. The Left abhors Nazi Germany, as most of us do, but they can't or won't recognize the dangers of radical Islam.

As has been stated, only a handful of American Muslims are speaking out against the acts of radical Islam. Millions of Muslims are silent. One has to wonder if their silence, means concurrence.

You lie.
Can you identify the lie, or is that too difficult for you?
Yes, they do. But in order to comply with American law they must reject the parts of the Koran that require them to follow sharia law. Said another way, a muslim can only be a law abiding American if he/she rejects Islamic teachings.

this is not complicated, except for a biased, prejudiced mind like yours.

How is that any different than Christians rejecting the parts of the Bible that require the application of Mosaic law? Or Jews rejecting portions of their law?

For example, in capital punishment:
Sekila - stoning
    • his was performed by pushing a person off a height of at least 2 stories. If the person didn't die, then the executioners (the witnesses) brought a rock that was so large that it took both of them to lift it; this was placed on the condemned person to crush them.[citation needed]
  • Serefah - burning
    • This was done by melting lead, and pouring it down the throat of the condemned person.
  • Hereg - decapitation
    • This is also known as "being put to the sword" (beheading).
  • Chenek - strangulation
    • A rope was wound around the condemned person's neck, and the executioners (the witnesses) pulled from either side to strangle the condemned person.
Capital sins separated by the four types of capital punishment
The following is a list by Maimonides in his Mishneh Torah (Hilchoth Sanhedrin Chapter 15) of which crimes carry a capital punishment.

Punishment by Sekila (stoning)
See also: Stoning § In Judaism
  • Intercourse between a man and his mother.
  • Intercourse between a man and his father's wife (not necessarily his mother).
  • Intercourse between a man and his daughter in law.
  • Intercourse with another man's wife from the first stage of marriage.
  • Intercourse between two men.
  • Bestiality.
  • Cursing the name of God in God's name.
  • Idol Worship.
  • Giving one's progeny to Molech (child sacrifice).
  • Necromantic Sorcery.
  • Pythonic Sorcery.
  • Attempting to convince another to worship idols.
  • Instigating a community to worship idols.
  • Witchcraft.
  • Violating the Sabbath.
  • Cursing one's own parent.
  • A stubborn and rebellious son.
Punishment by Serefah (burning)
  • The daughter of a priest who completed the second stage of marriage commits adultery.
  • Intercourse between a man and his daughter.
  • Intercourse between a man and his daughter's daughter.
  • Intercourse between a man and his son's daughter.
  • Intercourse between a man and his wife's daughter (not necessarily his own daughter).
  • Intercourse between a man and his wife's daughter's daughter.
  • Intercourse between a man and his wife's son's daughter.
  • Intercourse between a man and his mother in law.
  • Intercourse between a man and his mother in law's mother.
  • Intercourse between a man and his father in law's mother.
Punishment by Hereg (beheading)
  • Unlawful premeditated murder.
  • Being a member of a city that has gone astray.
Punishment by Chenek (strangulation)
  • Committing adultery with another man's wife, where it doesn't fall under the above criteria.
  • Wounding one's own parent.
  • Kidnapping another member of Israel.
  • Prophesizing falsely.
  • Prophesizing in the name of other deities.
  • A sage who is guilty of insubordination in front of the grand court in the Chamber of the Hewn Stone.

Christians are not under the OT LAW. That was done away with when Jesus came died and rose again.

lol. So who are those Christians who cite the Bible on homosexuality being an abomination, using the verse from Deuteronomy?

Who are the Christians who call the Bible the infallible word of God? I don't hear them excluding the Old Testament from that pronouncement.

Muslims share those views on homosexuality. They throw gays off the tops of buildings or behead them. Christians consider them sinners, but don't kill them.

that's the difference, dude.

All Muslims throw gays off buildings? Do your Muslim friends do that? Do your Muslim friends support that?

Islam is the only religion that does that. That's the point, idiot.

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