Intelligence community ready to ‘go nuclear’ on Trump, senior source says

I haven't heard of Glenn Carle but I'll add his article to the list of others I need to read, unlike a lot of people I will read articles from the Left as well as the Right.

That's great to hear, Eva. You'll note that one of the links I posted earlier in the thread was to a story about Evan McMullin that was posted on the alt-right's favorite media outlet (Breitbart).

I'll read that article also, I think Evan McMullin is the Mormon.

There's nothing wrong with Breitbart, they now even have a Breitbart Israel which it says Jerusalem, but a lot of the journalists are mainly in Tel Aviv and Haifa as well as in Jerusalem.

Breitbart Jerusalem Articles - Breitbart
You can't be fucking serious. Iran has an ex-president doing all he can to keep a shit treaty with them alive and that's no problem in your mind.

Did you read that on breitbart or infowars?

The last I saw, our ex-president was wind-surfing.
Why are you obsessed with Russia and not obsessed with either Iran or China?

Well, Eva, the simple answer to that is that Iran and China didn't interfere in our election, and don't appear to have co-opted our president.
You can't be fucking serious. Iran has an ex-president doing all he can to keep a shit treaty with them alive and that's no problem in your mind.

I think the two main threats the Western world faces, aside from Radical Islamic Terrorism are the madman in North Korea and the Ayatollah in Iran, whoever is the President of Iran only has limited actual powers, it's the Ayatollah and his Council that have all the actual power in Iran.
I haven't heard of Glenn Carle but I'll add his article to the list of others I need to read, unlike a lot of people I will read articles from the Left as well as the Right.

That's great to hear, Eva. You'll note that one of the links I posted earlier in the thread was to a story about Evan McMullin's concerns about Russia's influence on the Trump administration that was posted on the alt-right's favorite media outlet (Breitbart).
Nice reply Imelda, so your concern seems to have drifted from what obie said during the debate with Romney and now you are seriously concerned about Russia. With no evidence of any wrongdoing. Or a stupid reset button.
I think the two main threats the Western world faces, aside from Radical Islamic Terrorism are the madman in North Korea and the Ayatollah in Iran, whoever is the President of Iran only has limited actual powers, it's the Ayatollah and his Council that have all the actual power in Iran.

Eva, are you getting a check from Putin to post this kind of silly misinformation? If you aren't, you should be.

Because the idea that NK is one of the two greatest threats to the US, when that country can't even afford food or bullets for their guns, is simply absurd.

For the record, neither NK or Iran have invaded any of their neighbors in the last few years.
You can't be fucking serious. Iran has an ex-president doing all he can to keep a shit treaty with them alive and that's no problem in your mind.

Did you read that on breitbart or infowars?

The last I saw, our ex-president was wind-surfing.
I'm sure he was doing a bang up job. We've all seen his athletic prowess (snicker). Last I saw he was working in DC and keeping his less than manly army of OFA people in line.
Nice reply Imelda, so your concern seems to have drifted from what obie said during the debate with Romney and now you are seriously concerned about Russia. With no evidence of any wrongdoing. Or a stupid reset button.

If you don't think there are reasons to be seriously concerned about the Russian influence on our president, you aren't paying attention.

Here's a good place for you to start:

Kremlingate: What did President Trump know and when did he know it?
Why are you obsessed with Russia and not obsessed with either Iran or China?

Well, Eva, the simple answer to that is that Iran and China didn't interfere in our election, and don't appear to have co-opted our president.
You can't be fucking serious. Iran has an ex-president doing all he can to keep a shit treaty with them alive and that's no problem in your mind.

I think the two main threats the Western world faces, aside from Radical Islamic Terrorism are the madman in North Korea and the Ayatollah in Iran, whoever is the President of Iran only has limited actual powers, it's the Ayatollah and his Council that have all the actual power in Iran.

Are you getting a check from Putin to post this kind of silly misinformation?

Because the idea that NK is one of the two greatest threats to the US, when that country can't even afford food or bullets for their guns, is simply absurd.
JV team?
Enough with the flaming and derailing. This is not the school cafeteria.

Posts in this thread need to have material related to the topic.

So get on topic please.
It's pretty fun so far. Jump on in the water is warm.
What's wrong with Russia? It is not the Russians who are ratcheting up war mongering. Are you surprised that they are preparing for defending themselves against Globalist Imperialism?
Mr. De Fuck-a, you never cease to amaze my with your dumbfuckery.

The whole situation with North Korea is the most dangerous and also Iran, yet the Leftists ignore both North Korea and Iran and instead prefer the hysteria and increasing insanity of frothing at the mouth every five minutes about Russia and Putin.

The International Globablists have wanted WWIII for many years and have been poking The Bear for at least the past three years, and all of that pre-dates Donald Trump announcing he was running for American President.

The unthinkable happened, Trump won, he said the WORST thing EVER, that wouldn't it be better to reach out to Russia rather than trying to get into a war with them, which would become WWIII and almost certainly involve some nuclear weaponry.

Trump upset The International Globalists plans for WWIII, this is the crux of why they are going after him with their main tool in America The Shadow Government, or what many prefer to just call The Deep State.

Lucy, it was Donald Trump who made the situation more dangerous when he said that Japan should have nukes. NO ONE wants a war with Russia, I don't have any idea where you picked up that thought but keeping Russia caged is the purpose of the sanctions. Unleashing the bear is a stupid idea.

Trump isn't responsible for the madness that is North Korea, North Korea have been getting to this point before Trump even announced he was running for President.

Unlike Leftists, I keep well read on situations involving North Korea and Iran and also I add Nigeria and Somalia and Kenya because of Boko Haram and al-Shabaab, two organisations that most Leftists probably haven't a fucking clue about, Leftists in general being pretty clueless about ANYTHING that's not the Brainwashing Kool-Aid Drinking "Russia, Trump, Putin" mantra.

You're actually 100% correct until Trump waded in and said that he wanted to arm Japan.
Mr. De Fuck-a, maybe you cannot see further than your nose is. Trump has great insight, he prepares for the Chinese thus happened to mention to arm Japan. It is for offsetting the Chinese military might.
Think about it but do not strain your lonely brain cell. You are just street thugs for the Globalists, you do not know intricate diplomacy. You are morons and supposed not to think for yourselves. That's why they picked you for street fights.

Puhleeze Mr. deaf coon, Trump stirred the asian hornet nest with nothing but trouble by his statement. It was a serious breach from an uneducated slob.
What's wrong with Russia? It is not the Russians who are ratcheting up war mongering. Are you surprised that they are preparing for defending themselves against Globalist Imperialism?
Mr. De Fuck-a, you never cease to amaze my with your dumbfuckery.

The whole situation with North Korea is the most dangerous and also Iran, yet the Leftists ignore both North Korea and Iran and instead prefer the hysteria and increasing insanity of frothing at the mouth every five minutes about Russia and Putin.

The International Globablists have wanted WWIII for many years and have been poking The Bear for at least the past three years, and all of that pre-dates Donald Trump announcing he was running for American President.

The unthinkable happened, Trump won, he said the WORST thing EVER, that wouldn't it be better to reach out to Russia rather than trying to get into a war with them, which would become WWIII and almost certainly involve some nuclear weaponry.

Trump upset The International Globalists plans for WWIII, this is the crux of why they are going after him with their main tool in America The Shadow Government, or what many prefer to just call The Deep State.

Lucy, it was Donald Trump who made the situation more dangerous when he said that Japan should have nukes. NO ONE wants a war with Russia, I don't have any idea where you picked up that thought but keeping Russia caged is the purpose of the sanctions. Unleashing the bear is a stupid idea.

Trump isn't responsible for the madness that is North Korea, North Korea have been getting to this point before Trump even announced he was running for President.

Unlike Leftists, I keep well read on situations involving North Korea and Iran and also I add Nigeria and Somalia and Kenya because of Boko Haram and al-Shabaab, two organisations that most Leftists probably haven't a fucking clue about, Leftists in general being pretty clueless about ANYTHING that's not the Brainwashing Kool-Aid Drinking "Russia, Trump, Putin" mantra.

You're actually 100% correct until Trump waded in and said that he wanted to arm Japan.
Why shouldn't Japan arm? They've had 50 years of us coddling them and taking care of their every defensive need while they go off playing google eyes with cartoon characters...fuck, sounds like I'm describing the American left there, if the shoe fits. Anyway why shouldn't they arm up and start getting their snowflakes ready to fight?
You must be another clueless idiot who forgets they attacked and destroyed most of our naval capability killing 2,403 American servicemen early in the war.
Enough with the flaming and derailing. This is not the school cafeteria.

Posts in this thread need to have material related to the topic.

So get on topic please.
It's pretty fun so far. Jump on in the water is warm.

Caaaaaannnnnnnonnnn BAAAAALLLLL!

But seriously...let's try to keep the thread on track.....

It makes perfect sense for the Russians to be meddling. The sanctions are hurting them. Worse than a belly flop.
Time to remind the Intel Agencies that they work for the President...or they don't work...
Caaaaaannnnnnnonnnn BAAAAALLLLL!

But seriously...let's try to keep the thread on track.....

It makes perfect sense for the Russians to be meddling. The sanctions are hurting them. Worse than a belly flop.

Plus there's all that lovely, lucrative oil that Putin needs the Trump administration remove sanctions so he can profit on. Having Rexx Tillerson as our Sec State is just a big old smooch on Putin's mouth.
The whole situation with North Korea is the most dangerous and also Iran, yet the Leftists ignore both North Korea and Iran and instead prefer the hysteria and increasing insanity of frothing at the mouth every five minutes about Russia and Putin.

The International Globablists have wanted WWIII for many years and have been poking The Bear for at least the past three years, and all of that pre-dates Donald Trump announcing he was running for American President.

The unthinkable happened, Trump won, he said the WORST thing EVER, that wouldn't it be better to reach out to Russia rather than trying to get into a war with them, which would become WWIII and almost certainly involve some nuclear weaponry.

Trump upset The International Globalists plans for WWIII, this is the crux of why they are going after him with their main tool in America The Shadow Government, or what many prefer to just call The Deep State.

Lucy, it was Donald Trump who made the situation more dangerous when he said that Japan should have nukes. NO ONE wants a war with Russia, I don't have any idea where you picked up that thought but keeping Russia caged is the purpose of the sanctions. Unleashing the bear is a stupid idea.

Trump isn't responsible for the madness that is North Korea, North Korea have been getting to this point before Trump even announced he was running for President.

Unlike Leftists, I keep well read on situations involving North Korea and Iran and also I add Nigeria and Somalia and Kenya because of Boko Haram and al-Shabaab, two organisations that most Leftists probably haven't a fucking clue about, Leftists in general being pretty clueless about ANYTHING that's not the Brainwashing Kool-Aid Drinking "Russia, Trump, Putin" mantra.

You're actually 100% correct until Trump waded in and said that he wanted to arm Japan.
Mr. De Fuck-a, maybe you cannot see further than your nose is. Trump has great insight, he prepares for the Chinese thus happened to mention to arm Japan. It is for offsetting the Chinese military might.
Think about it but do not strain your lonely brain cell. You are just street thugs for the Globalists, you do not know intricate diplomacy. You are morons and supposed not to think for yourselves. That's why they picked you for street fights.

Puhleeze Mr. deaf coon, Trump stirred the asian hornet nest with nothing but trouble by his statement. It was a serious breach from an uneducated slob.
Mr. De Fuck-a, Divide et Impera. Arm the Japs so we wouldn't have to pay for their defense and also offsetting the Chinese world domination threat. It won't be fun when the Globalists realize the Chinese threat and unleash the mighty power of the U.S. military to subdue them. The U.S. military is the enforcing military arm of the Global Elite.
Like I said, street thugs are not picked for the job for their brains.
Time to remind the Intel Agencies that they work for the President...or they don't work...

They don't work for the president. They work for the other 324 million Americans.

That's your first mistake.

President Trump, also, works for us, rather than vice versa.

He's not a king, so maybe stop the groveling submissive act.
Spies Keep Intelligence From Donald Trump

"U.S. intelligence officials have withheld sensitive intelligence from PresidentDonald Trump because they are concerned it could be leaked or compromised"

The LEAKERS are worried Trump will leak classified information / Liberals who had their shit hacked, who even hired 3 Pakistanis who hacked their shit - are afraid TRUMP will compromise info.

:p Now THAT is funny as hell!
Enough with the flaming and derailing. This is not the school cafeteria.

Posts in this thread need to have material related to the topic.

So get on topic please.
It's pretty fun so far. Jump on in the water is warm.

Caaaaaannnnnnnonnnn BAAAAALLLLL!

But seriously...let's try to keep the thread on track.....

It makes perfect sense for the Russians to be meddling. The sanctions are hurting them. Worse than a belly flop.
The Russians are listening in on us! How do we know? Because we are listening in on them of course. That's a shocker.
Time to remind the Intel Agencies that they work for the President...or they don't work...

I agree...but these are also not typical times. The Agencies work for the President but some of them are also somewhat autonomous. And there is a complete lack of respect from Trump towards them that is public and loud. These folks are professionals, they take great pride in their jobs, and they've given their lives for it. What happens if your boss is in cahoots with a country that is attempting to cause trouble for us?

It's very troubling.

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