Intelligence community ready to ‘go nuclear’ on Trump, senior source says


Gold Member
Sep 29, 2016
U.S. national security officials are reportedly ready to “go nuclear” after President Donald Trump’s latest attack on the intelligence community.

In a series of tweets on Tuesday and Wednesday, Trump insisted that the “real scandal” was not that former National Security Adviser Michael Flynn lied about his contact with Russia. Instead, the president blasted what he said were “un-American” leaks that led to Flynn’s ousting.
On Wednesday, former NSA intelligence analyst John Schindler provided some insight into the reaction of national security officials.

“Now we go nuclear,” he wrote on Twitter. “[Intelligence community] war going to new levels. Just got an [email from] senior [intelligence community] friend, it began: ‘He will die in jail.'”

“US intelligence is not the problem here,” Schindler added in another tweet. “The President’s collusion with Russian intelligence is. Many details, but the essence is simple.
Oh Goody! Revolution & A Military Coup!

I have to ask, has Lefty already picked out a new flag and a new name for the new country he is trying to create?

How about Libphuckistan?

Got Treason?
Can you imagine how much fun McCarthy would have in today's climate?

Americans should be more afraid of Lefty than the faux boogieman of Russia who actually is expanding its freedoms for its people.

If I go down, I'm taking you with me.
John Schindiers emails:

The emails sent to NWC, which Gawker obtained under a Freedom of Information Act request, refer to Schindler’s habit of calling himself a “spy”; detail his correspondence with an unnamed woman (who apparently received his penis photo); and, in a lengthy missive, accuse Schindler of staging “cyber warfare” against his online enemies, using “thuggish tactics” to silence NSA critics, and violating various federal laws.

Each of the messages is heavily redacted, and the identities of their senders obscured, due to the ongoing investigation into Schindler’s conduct. But the last email is detailed (and nutty) enough to earn a closer reading, so we’ve embedded it below. You can read the rest here. Let us know if anything sticks out.


The Crazy Emails That Took Down NSA Spook John Schindler
U.S. national security officials are reportedly ready to “go nuclear” after President Donald Trump’s latest attack on the intelligence community.

In a series of tweets on Tuesday and Wednesday, Trump insisted that the “real scandal” was not that former National Security Adviser Michael Flynn lied about his contact with Russia. Instead, the president blasted what he said were “un-American” leaks that led to Flynn’s ousting.
On Wednesday, former NSA intelligence analyst John Schindler provided some insight into the reaction of national security officials.

“Now we go nuclear,” he wrote on Twitter. “[Intelligence community] war going to new levels. Just got an [email from] senior [intelligence community] friend, it began: ‘He will die in jail.'”

“US intelligence is not the problem here,” Schindler added in another tweet. “The President’s collusion with Russian intelligence is. Many details, but the essence is simple.

The Intelligence Community are basically full of slugs, they consider themselves above all laws and exempt from criticism, they are mainly professional criminals and psychopaths, in-between there are some honourable and decent people, but the Rank and File are human slugs and the Intelligence Community swamp doesn't need draining it needs dynamiting, The Deep State needs destroying by any and all means.

They have committed illegal acts in numerous countries, are behind EVERY Colour Revolution and now they illegally want to overthrow the democratically elected President of The United States.

This is the same Intelligence Community that happily tortured people and happily and with relish did Extraordinary Renditions where against International Law people were kidnapped off the streets and transported in secret flights to CIA Sponsored Black Sites across the world so they could be TORTURED AGAINST International Law and ALL Geneva Conventions, nobody expects the Leftist morons to understand any of this though, they do not possess the intellectual capability to process it or they WOULDN'T be cheering on the same Intelligence Community that did the below:

Extraordinary rendition is the transfer—without legal process—of a detainee to the custody of a foreign government for purposes of detention and interrogation.

The below I chose deliberately, as it's from the Open Society Foundation, funded by the Leftists Sugar Daddy and Alternative "Messiah" George Soros:

20 Extraordinary Facts about CIA Extraordinary Rendition and Secret Detention

20 Extraordinary Facts about CIA Extraordinary Rendition and Secret Detention

Here's a Fact Sheet from another favourite of the Leftists, the ACLU about the same Intelligence Agencies that the Leftist Morons are now cheering on like the Useful Idiots the Left are:


Fact Sheet: Extraordinary Rendition

This is what happens during the um interrogations:

Enhanced interrogation techniques - Wikipedia

Another of the Leftist's favourites The UN, let's see what the UN Rules on Torture are:

United Nations Convention against Torture - Wikipedia

For the Leftist morons who won't know what a Black Site even is, the Black Site's that the CIA took kidnapped people to so they could be tortured, let's show the Leftist morons what Black Sites are:

Black site - Wikipedia
U.S. national security officials are reportedly ready to “go nuclear” after President Donald Trump’s latest attack on the intelligence community.

In a series of tweets on Tuesday and Wednesday, Trump insisted that the “real scandal” was not that former National Security Adviser Michael Flynn lied about his contact with Russia. Instead, the president blasted what he said were “un-American” leaks that led to Flynn’s ousting.
On Wednesday, former NSA intelligence analyst John Schindler provided some insight into the reaction of national security officials.

“Now we go nuclear,” he wrote on Twitter. “[Intelligence community] war going to new levels. Just got an [email from] senior [intelligence community] friend, it began: ‘He will die in jail.'”

“US intelligence is not the problem here,” Schindler added in another tweet. “The President’s collusion with Russian intelligence is. Many details, but the essence is simple.

John Schindiers emails:

The emails sent to NWC, which Gawker obtained under a Freedom of Information Act request, refer to Schindler’s habit of calling himself a “spy”; detail his correspondence with an unnamed woman (who apparently received his penis photo); and, in a lengthy missive, accuse Schindler of staging “cyber warfare” against his online enemies, using “thuggish tactics” to silence NSA critics, and violating various federal laws.

Each of the messages is heavily redacted, and the identities of their senders obscured, due to the ongoing investigation into Schindler’s conduct. But the last email is detailed (and nutty) enough to earn a closer reading, so we’ve embedded it below. You can read the rest here. Let us know if anything sticks out.

View attachment 112582

The Crazy Emails That Took Down NSA Spook John Schindler

John Schindler is a complete Moonbat, he was placed on leave when he sent pictures of his penis to a woman he was hoping to fuck, which she then posted on Twitter, Schindler without providing any evidence also said that various European Governments thought Obama was mentally ill and a Sociopath and asked whether Obama could be Impeached for being mentally ill.

Here's the nut Schindler's horsecrap about a "EU Diplomat" who asked could Obama be Impeached because he was mentally ill, it's John Schindler who is mentally ill.

John Schindler on Twitter

John Schindler's penis obscured, if you Google John Schindler Penis and hit Images you can get the unobscured picture which I can't post at this forum due to forum rules.


In 2014 John Schindler resigned in DISGRACE:

Navy professor resigns after racy photo inquiry

The Crazy Emails That Took Down NSA Spook John Schindler

Startling: A European Country Reportedly Believes Obama Is 'Mentally Unwell,' Asks About Impeachment
I hope so. The serial sex offender has impugned the whole agency's integrity.
Paybacks are a bitch.
“US intelligence is not the problem here,” “ThePresident’s collusion with Russian intelligence is.

That these scumbags make excuses for this type of behavior is preposterous.

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