Inspiration for the Day.


Platinum Member
Nov 29, 2008
Glory to glory for the Lord's people. Stand on it and walk in faith no matter what. The good Lord gave us a nation and evil attempted to fully take it over. That evil cabal will not an cannot withstand the storm of TRUTH. Things are not always as they appear to our flesh. We were made a promise and I still believe with all my heart that promise is being fulfilled. Do not rely on the precepts of your own fleshly/earthly mind and the precepts of the flesh. Even when you consider what appears to be lost to evil powers and principalities as our Lord Jesus Christ (Anointed with Jehovah's Salvation with us) has all the Keys to both heaven and hell. Do not trust in lies of those who would rob you through a forceful government amid their coercion who would sell their own mother if they thought it would make them a buck or two.

I have seen the Lord's people walking in peace in the Valley hand in hand as the river from heaven flowed into to it so I know this is what will come to pass. "As he died to make men holy let us die to make him free". As Paul stated, "I die daily". Every morning Paul got up and reminded himself to walk to the Spirit and not to his own carnal mind.

Glory, glory, hallelujah! Glory, glory, hallelujah! Our God is marching on. * Many modern recordings of the Battle Hymn of the Republic use the lyric "As He died to make men holy, let us live to make men free" as opposed to the lyric originally written by Julia Ward Howe: "let us die to make men free."
- sure, just not in our neighborhood ... we have better things to do.

* modern gospel, family first, organized scriptural religion.
Glory, glory, hallelujah! Glory, glory, hallelujah! Our God is marching on. * Many modern recordings of the Battle Hymn of the Republic use the lyric "As He died to make men holy, let us live to make men free" as opposed to the lyric originally written by Julia Ward Howe: "let us die to make men free."
- sure, just not in our neighborhood ... we have better things to do.

* modern gospel, family first, organized scriptural religion.
WE can do both. We can live to the Spirit and die to the flesh. We can speak the truth given to us and the truth sets humans free when they can hear it and see it.
Glory, glory, hallelujah! Glory, glory, hallelujah! Our God is marching on. * Many modern recordings of the Battle Hymn of the Republic use the lyric "As He died to make men holy, let us live to make men free" as opposed to the lyric originally written by Julia Ward Howe: "let us die to make men free."
- sure, just not in our neighborhood ... we have better things to do.

* modern gospel, family first, organized scriptural religion.
WE can do both. We can live to the Spirit and die to the flesh. We can speak the truth given to us and the truth sets humans free when they can hear it and see it.
WE can do both. We can live to the Spirit and die to the flesh. We can speak the truth given to us and the truth sets humans free when they can hear it and see it.
sure -

and is that your 4th century christian bible ...

lets not bother with details. the true 1st century. crucifixion.
The good Lord chooses the foolish things. Pay attention to what happens at 00:53. Does anyone recall the CWA during 1994?


God chooses the foolish things. He gave us a president that loves this country; that those who would force people into slavery hate with a passion. Here in this clip you will see why their hatred has been been pushed so hard by MSM. Good always rules over evil, it must. The enemy takes things by force, lies and deception. Love prevails through truth. The false prophets/propagandist will not and cannot stand for their masters have planned evil against the children of God. Keep in mind and heart who all fell away and those who were willing to capitulate and give away the liberty of this nation for their own greed and their lack of faith that God is and has always been in control. They cannot steal your faith but you could willingly give it away.

Fear porn about everything. Even misdirected concepts about the Word in the Bible even by many who have studied it because they use the precepts of carnal humans instead of depending on patience and the Holy Spirit to show them what those Words mean. The kingdom of heaven is in you. It was put there by breath when you were created to be a living soul in a human body.

That great apocalypse happens within you and those old ways of error are destroyed for that new path towards glory can begin. We do not fight flesh and blood but powers and principalities of darkness.

Pray for president Trump and his family that they be kept safe for evil ones still think they have a chance of turning around the fact that they lose.

God chooses the foolish things. He gave us a president that loves this country; that those who would force people into slavery hate with a passion. Here in this clip you will see why their hatred has been been pushed so hard by MSM. Good always rules over evil, it must. The enemy takes things by force, lies and deception. Love prevails through truth. The false prophets/propagandist will not and cannot stand for their masters have planned evil against the children of God. Keep in mind and heart who all fell away and those who were willing to capitulate and give away the liberty of this nation for their own greed and their lack of faith that God is and has always been in control. They cannot steal your faith but you could willingly give it away.

Fear porn about everything. Even misdirected concepts about the Word in the Bible even by many who have studied it because they use the precepts of carnal humans instead of depending on patience and the Holy Spirit to show them what those Words mean. The kingdom of heaven is in you. It was put there by breath when you were created to be a living soul in a human body.

That great apocalypse happens within you and those old ways of error are destroyed for that new path towards glory can begin. We do not fight flesh and blood but powers and principalities of darkness.

Pray for president Trump and his family that they be kept safe for evil ones still think they have a chance of turning around the fact that they lose.

God chooses the foolish things. He gave us a president that loves this country; that those who would force people into slavery hate with a passion.
think twice sweety, the one making the choice is the one that wrote it ...
God chooses the foolish things. He gave us a president that loves this country; that those who would force people into slavery hate with a passion. Here in this clip you will see why their hatred has been been pushed so hard by MSM. Good always rules over evil, it must. The enemy takes things by force, lies and deception. Love prevails through truth. The false prophets/propagandist will not and cannot stand for their masters have planned evil against the children of God. Keep in mind and heart who all fell away and those who were willing to capitulate and give away the liberty of this nation for their own greed and their lack of faith that God is and has always been in control. They cannot steal your faith but you could willingly give it away.

Fear porn about everything. Even misdirected concepts about the Word in the Bible even by many who have studied it because they use the precepts of carnal humans instead of depending on patience and the Holy Spirit to show them what those Words mean. The kingdom of heaven is in you. It was put there by breath when you were created to be a living soul in a human body.

That great apocalypse happens within you and those old ways of error are destroyed for that new path towards glory can begin. We do not fight flesh and blood but powers and principalities of darkness.

Pray for president Trump and his family that they be kept safe for evil ones still think they have a chance of turning around the fact that they lose.

God chooses the foolish things. He gave us a president that loves this country; that those who would force people into slavery hate with a passion.
think twice sweety, the one making the choice is the one that wrote it ...

I do understand that you are lacking in the knowledge of the Holy Spirit that inspired the writing. I do not hold that against you but I would ask that you reserve judgment in saying that 'you know' that is was not inspired by the Holy portion within those who did the writing even for those who were not aware of what they were writing down.

As for me I do have the knowledge of the Words as I do know where many of them came from and that is not a place of this world yet it is now in the world.

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