Impeach Wray & Garland

Obama the magic kenyan wasn't pursued like Trump has been... can you name one crime Trump committed after 7 years of digging from NY to DC....
I'm betting you can't... but that doesn't tell you anything?... like maybe he has been unfairly treated?....

He wasn't pursued like Trump because his Administration wasn't as corrupt as Trump's.
Most corrupt ever.... he had joe for VP for crying out loud....LMAO


Again, says you. But you're a lying rambtard. So there's that. Meanwhile, according to reality, zero indictments in his administration.
17 requests to unseal the affidavit..... And Mr. transparency Garland says now no do not releases it.... Buuuaaaaaahahahahahaha
What's he hiding?... oh shit its gonna be bad....

Again, says you. But you're a lying rambtard. So there's that. Meanwhile, according to reality, zero indictments in his administration.
Biden for his VP and Hunter for his gofer... Buuuaaahahahaha not corrupt my ass....

Again, says you. But you're a lying rambtard. So there's that. Meanwhile, according to reality, zero indictments in his administration.
So how did a community activist get a 15 million dollar home on the whitest island in the USA?... and a home in Chicago Hawaii and a condo in DC?... all on the presidents salary... yeah right tard....
Yep Garland fucked up and he knows he fucked up....

It's pretty clear that Reinhart was chosen to be the scapegoat. The corrupt malfeasant asshole Garland is desperately hoping that all the blowback will hit Reinhart instead of himself.

At the very least, someone is going to be disbarred, and probably go to prison.
And he never will be he has a black suit of armour...
Do you have any facts at all aside from your race baiting?

You know IT IS possible that being black did not prevent Obama from going about his bussiness the right way. :rolleyes-41:
Do you have any facts at all aside from your race baiting?

You know IT IS possible that aside from being black Obama was also going about his bussiness the right way.
Obummer had Joe Biden for his VP and tag along for riches Hunter as well... are you kidding?....
Biden did nothing corrupt and Hunter wasn't a member of his administration.
Then why is Joe lying about talking business with his son?.... come on man... Obama and Joe did not get this filthy rich on their salaries....
Do you have any facts at all aside from your race baiting?

You know IT IS possible that being black did not prevent Obama from going about his bussiness the right way. :rolleyes-41:

Of course not. He never does. He just entertains the forum by making up bullshit.
So how did a community activist get a 15 million dollar home on the whitest island in the USA?... and a home in Chicago Hawaii and a condo in DC?... all on the presidents salary... yeah right tard....

You're demented, rambtard. Much of their income stems from all the books he and his wife published.
Of course not. He never does. He just entertains the forum by making up bullshit.
We have a ton of facts to point to Hunter's and Joe's crimes... even Joe himself bragging about blackmailing the president of Ukraine....
Should I dig up that video again?....

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