Garland and Wray set up "disinformation and threats task force" to manage election ahead of the actual act.

Executive Director of the Foundation For Freedom Online Mike Benz has explained whatever is branded as a misinformation narrative is also considered to be the result of a campaign – and so “any US civilian who clicks the retweet button to amplify said narrative is deemed to be participating in said ‘campaign’.”

How is this promoting online freedom?
Garland is up Obama's ass. Wray is up Christie's Ass. Neither is coming out. The lack of oxygen to their brains has turned them into dangerous, totalitarian idiots. MAGA
Garland is up Obama's ass. Wray is up Christie's Ass. Neither is coming out. The lack of oxygen to their brains has turned them into dangerous, totalitarian idiots. MAGA
MAGA is a dying philosophy. It jumped the shark.

Bullshit! It’s to combat MAGA lies.


You mean like the MAGA lie that Hunter Biden’s laptop was Russian disinformation?

Having Garland in charge of preventing Disinformation during the Election is like having a rat guard your cheese while you are away.
This is to apparently produce information and control you can count on. Very very timely, and those fence sitters can now be pulled to the correct side, finally. Long overdue governmental proactive election management. Garland and Wray Launch "Election Threats Task Force," Sparking Censorship Concerns for 2024
So..........I guess you didn't read the part of the Mueller report describing how the Russian government "interfered in the 2016 presidential election in sweeping and systematic fashion" and "violated U.S. criminal law".

FBI warns of efforts by China, Russia, Iran to influence election

Since Russia has a track record of supporting your Dear Leader you must be OK with whatever they do.
Executive Director of the Foundation For Freedom Online Mike Benz has explained whatever is branded as a misinformation narrative is also considered to be the result of a campaign – and so “any US civilian who clicks the retweet button to amplify said narrative is deemed to be participating in said ‘campaign’.”

How is this promoting online freedom?

"Online freedom"??? There is no such thing as "online freedom". You can't threaten someone's life online, or upload nude pictures of your ex, or tell someone to commit suicide, without being charged, and then there are violent porn images and kiddie porn.

Given that the ISIS used the internet to radicalize young Muslims all over the world, one would think you would have learned by now what a weapon the internet has been turned into by the forces which are seeking to undermine your government.

It would appear that those out to do harm to your elections know that the people they're trying to brainwash, don't have much that requires washing.
Executive Director of the Foundation For Freedom Online Mike Benz has explained whatever is branded as a misinformation narrative is also considered to be the result of a campaign – and so “any US civilian who clicks the retweet button to amplify said narrative is deemed to be participating in said ‘campaign’.”

How is this promoting online freedom?
"The Ministry of Peace concerns itself with war, the Ministry of Truth with lies, the Ministry of Love with torture and the Ministry of Plenty with starvation. These contradictions are not accidental, nor do they result from ordinary hypocrisy: they are deliberate exercises in doublethink."

The demented LEFT are using 1984 as an instruction manual.
Yes Merica is under attack. As they said in Viet Nam, desperate measures are needed to save it.

That's what posts from the Proud Boys said about the jurors in the election interference case. I'm not aware of any arrests being made.

There was a young woman who was recently convicted for talking someone into killing himself, online.

"The Ministry of Peace concerns itself with war, the Ministry of Truth with lies, the Ministry of Love with torture and the Ministry of Plenty with starvation. These contradictions are not accidental, nor do they result from ordinary hypocrisy: they are deliberate exercises in doublethink."

The demented LEFT are using 1984 as an instruction manual.

It's not the Democrats who are following the 1984 story line. But Trump has a lot more than a daily 2 minutes of hate. For Trump, it's all hate, all of the time.

Hate immigrants, hate gays, hate women. They don't vote for him. HATE THEM ALL!!!!
How come when it comes to ballot fraud we're told it's not significant enough to change the election outcome, yet when it comes to "dis/misinformation" the same doesn't apply?
Wray and Garland should be asked if the Hunter Laptop letter would fall under dis/misinformation.

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