I'm A Pessimist, But, Still......


Diamond Member
Oct 6, 2008
Brooklyn, NY
.....events of the last three years, and recently declassified sworn testimony weigh heavily toward this end:


1. OK.....I know that Saint Barr took two of the crooks out of the equation....
“Barr says he does not expect Obama or Biden will be investigated by prosecutor reviewing 2016 Russia probe”

I'll go with the wisdom of the best President in a hundred years....

"I have always figured that a half a loaf is better than none, and I know that in the democratic process you’re not going to always get everything you want. "
Ronald Reagan

2. But there may just be some cracks in the Democrat wall of corruption, in that it appears that pressure is building on Judge Sullivan, who clearly jettisoned both the law and logic, to maintain the bogus charges against Flynn, who is a proxy for the attack on Trump.
Law Professor Turley, and our poster Task, recommended a writ of mandamus, ordering Sullivan to do his job, and it has been filed.

3. Democrat Senator Whitehouse aimed to pressure the court to ignore the writ.....and the NYSun shines a spotlight on the situation:

"...Senator Sheldon Whitehouse? The Wall Street Journal has been all over the senator’s bullying (he threatened the Supreme Court with restructuring if it didn’t rule the way he wanted in a gun rights case). His personal attack on a federal appeals judge as she’s about to decide an important matter, though, cries out for more than newspaper editorials.

The judge is Neomi Rao. She rides of the District of Columbia Circuit of the United States Court of Appeals. She is one of three judges on the panel that will hear the emergency petition for a writ of mandamus filed by General Michael Flynn. The writ General Flynn is seeking would order the district judge hearing General Flynn’s case — Emmet Sullivan — to grant the motion of the United States to dismiss the charges altogether, ending the prosecution.

On Friday they issued their first order, giving Judge Sullivan 10 days to file a response to the petition. It also invited the United States, which is prosecuting the case, to respond, if it wants to, within the same ten-day period. "

4. ...there’s really no case or controversy left, that is, no reason for the judge not to grant the petition for a writ of mandamus. So how did Senator Whitehouse react? “Where you see Neomi Rao,” he tweetered Friday, “you can expect a lot of Trumpy dirt to follow. She’s a cartoon of a fake judge.” It was a shocking message on the eve of a judicial proceeding and from a member of the Judiciary Committee. "

Can justice be making a come-back????
Can justice be making a come-back????

Now, with Barr being AG...I highly doubt there will ever be any criminal charges brought up on those. Maybe, MCabe, Comey and Stryk. But looks more and more like Obama, Biden and Rice will get away with their crimes.

So you're a pessimist, too.

I've always said that the only places one finds justice are the dictionary and the cemetery.
.....events of the last three years, and recently declassified sworn testimony weigh heavily toward this end:

View attachment 339875

1. OK.....I know that Saint Barr took two of the crooks out of the equation....
“Barr says he does not expect Obama or Biden will be investigated by prosecutor reviewing 2016 Russia probe”

I'll go with the wisdom of the best President in a hundred years....

"I have always figured that a half a loaf is better than none, and I know that in the democratic process you’re not going to always get everything you want. "
Ronald Reagan

2. But there may just be some cracks in the Democrat wall of corruption, in that it appears that pressure is building on Judge Sullivan, who clearly jettisoned both the law and logic, to maintain the bogus charges against Flynn, who is a proxy for the attack on Trump.
Law Professor Turley, and our poster Task, recommended a writ of mandamus, ordering Sullivan to do his job, and it has been filed.

3. Democrat Senator Whitehouse aimed to pressure the court to ignore the writ.....and the NYSun shines a spotlight on the situation:

"...Senator Sheldon Whitehouse? The Wall Street Journal has been all over the senator’s bullying (he threatened the Supreme Court with restructuring if it didn’t rule the way he wanted in a gun rights case). His personal attack on a federal appeals judge as she’s about to decide an important matter, though, cries out for more than newspaper editorials.

The judge is Neomi Rao. She rides of the District of Columbia Circuit of the United States Court of Appeals. She is one of three judges on the panel that will hear the emergency petition for a writ of mandamus filed by General Michael Flynn. The writ General Flynn is seeking would order the district judge hearing General Flynn’s case — Emmet Sullivan — to grant the motion of the United States to dismiss the charges altogether, ending the prosecution.

On Friday they issued their first order, giving Judge Sullivan 10 days to file a response to the petition. It also invited the United States, which is prosecuting the case, to respond, if it wants to, within the same ten-day period. "

4. ...there’s really no case or controversy left, that is, no reason for the judge not to grant the petition for a writ of mandamus. So how did Senator Whitehouse react? “Where you see Neomi Rao,” he tweetered Friday, “you can expect a lot of Trumpy dirt to follow. She’s a cartoon of a fake judge.” It was a shocking message on the eve of a judicial proceeding and from a member of the Judiciary Committee. "

Can justice be making a come-back????
AG Barr admitted that he didnt want to have an effect on the 2020 election by putting the most corrupt 1/2 white president and his vice president behind bars, but allow the people to choose if they want a rapist like Joe Biden to be their president. But after the election, i wonder if the brown turd, and alzheimer candidate will then get their turn in the justice system...
Is Sullivan about to get the spanking he deserves????

And, if so, what does that presage for the other miscreants?

5. "It’s not as if Judge Rao were, say, the lone dissenter on the panel. As far as anyone can tell, the panel was unanimous. It didn’t hint, either, at where it’s going in the case, though it did mention the Federal Rules of Criminal Procedure, Rule 48 (a). That covers dismissal by the government. It says the “government may, with leave of court, dismiss an indictment, information, or complaint. The government may not dismiss the prosecution during trial without the defendant’s consent.”

In this case, though, the defendant and the prosecutors agree on dismissal. This owes to new information turned up by the Justice Department, suggesting that the general was railroaded. The three judges also referenced a precedent from the D.C. Circuit itself. The case, called United States v. Fokker Services, was decided four years ago by a panel of three towering circuit riders, David Sentelle, Laurence Silberman, and the circuit’s current chief judge, Sri Srinivasan."
The filth could have dropped the charges on Flynn a long time ago & these documents would have never been declassified.

Now it's too late. An avalanche of documents are coming...far beyond what we've seen so far. The filth can't stop themselves. If their TDS takes them straight into the grave then so be it.

They are blinded by their own hatred just like captain Ahab. The events are locked in and etched in stone...There will be prison and possibly executions!

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