If Trump Controls The Mail, He Controls Democracy


Diamond Member
Jul 14, 2011
Native America
The president is working overtime to turn the federal bureaucracy into a subsidiary of his campaign.

Neither snow nor rain nor heat nor gloom of night can slow the mail. But President Donald Trump can.

Late Friday, Trump’s handpicked new postmaster general, Louis DeJoy, announced sweeping organizational changes that promise to further undercut the U.S. Postal Service’s ability to perform a vital democratic function: the timely delivery of mail-in ballots. This comes during an election when as many as 80 million Americans are expected to vote by mail because of the risk of contracting COVID-19.

DeJoy, a major Republican fundraiser and Trump donor, reassigned or sidelined almost two dozen high-ranking USPS officials in a move to centralize his control of the agency, also instituting a hiring freeze and voluntary early retirements.

Rep. Gerry Connolly (D-Va.), chair of the House subcommittee responsible for oversight of the Postal Service, called the reorganization “deliberate sabotage” and an obvious attempt to interfere in the election.

“One way to suppress the vote ― and they’re experts in vote suppression — is to slow down the delivery of mail,” Connolly told CNN on Monday.

Enfeebling the Postal Service would be among the most concerning attempts to subvert the institutions of democracy by a far-right administration that has turned the executive branch into a political cudgel unlike any wielded by a president in modern times. Trump has never made a secret of his distaste for democracy. After his election, his then-senior strategist, Steve Bannon, described the objective of the new administration as the “deconstruction of the administrative state.” Coming from Bannon, an extremist who works with authoritarians around the world, these were baleful tidings.

Weaponizing the Postal Service for partisan politics should outrage and scare us all - regardless of political persuasion. The Postal Service is listed in the Constitution - and is a major part of our democratic foundation.

Article I, Section 8, Clause 7 of the United States Constitution, known as the Postal Clause or the Postal Power, empowers Congress "To establish Post Offices and Post Roads".[1]
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He is trying to keep the process fair and honest.
If anything, most would probably say the left is the side trying to weaponize the postal service.

For decades the left consistently accused the Republican party as the party of the rich.
When that was debunked, they have to fabricate new terms of hatred and division.

I am thrilled to see him take decisive steps to curb Leftist corruption.
You are likely frustrated because he is thwarting the lefts attempt to steal the election.

This is but another leftist scam to try to win in the face of losing in a fair system
America does not want the Bill of Socialist / marxist goods the left is selling.
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The president is working overtime to turn the federal bureaucracy into a subsidiary of his campaign.

Neither snow nor rain nor heat nor gloom of night can slow the mail. But President Donald Trump can.

Late Friday, Trump’s handpicked new postmaster general, Louis DeJoy, announced sweeping organizational changes that promise to further undercut the U.S. Postal Service’s ability to perform a vital democratic function: the timely delivery of mail-in ballots. This comes during an election when as many as 80 million Americans are expected to vote by mail because of the risk of contracting COVID-19.

DeJoy, a major Republican fundraiser and Trump donor, reassigned or sidelined almost two dozen high-ranking USPS officials in a move to centralize his control of the agency, also instituting a hiring freeze and voluntary early retirements.

Rep. Gerry Connolly (D-Va.), chair of the House subcommittee responsible for oversight of the Postal Service, called the reorganization “deliberate sabotage” and an obvious attempt to interfere in the election.

“One way to suppress the vote ― and they’re experts in vote suppression — is to slow down the delivery of mail,” Connolly told CNN on Monday.

Enfeebling the Postal Service would be among the most concerning attempts to subvert the institutions of democracy by a far-right administration that has turned the executive branch into a political cudgel unlike any wielded by a president in modern times. Trump has never made a secret of his distaste for democracy. After his election, his then-senior strategist, Steve Bannon, described the objective of the new administration as the “deconstruction of the administrative state.” Coming from Bannon, an extremist who works with authoritarians around the world, these were baleful tidings.

Weaponizing the Postal Service for partisan politics should outrage and scare us all - regardless of political persuasion. The Postal Service is listed in the Constitution - and it a major part of our democratic foundation.

Article I, Section 8, Clause 7 of the United States Constitution, known as the Postal Clause or the Postal Power, empowers Congress "To establish Post Offices and Post Roads".[1]
Oh listen to you caterwaul when the shoes on the other foot. LOL
Better get the knee pads out for your boy Harris LOL

He is trying to keep the process fair and honest.

If anything, most would probably say the left is the side trying to weaponize the postal service.

Please explain to us how Trump is "trying to keep the process fair and honest". Please provide "credible" proof.

Let me generalize like this.....I don't even need your "exact" proof. Common Sense is all that is required.

Democrats want open borders essentially - offering sanctuary to anyone who gets here ILLEGALLY
Then democrats have worked furiously to provide driver licenses to as many of those as possible (hmmm...driver license = voting)
Now Democrats are mailing millions of ballots to everyone. That is a recipe for disaster that would allow unscrupulous players
in California, newyork, Washington state etc to essentially hand pick the winners.

In addition, there are many actual cases of democrats cheating. But I'll make it easy for you and tell you that Search Engines have your answer.

Trump simply wants QUALIFIED AMERICANS to vote and to ensure the process is fair, honest and transparent.
The exact opposite of what the left wants.
The president is working overtime to turn the federal bureaucracy into a subsidiary of his campaign.

Neither snow nor rain nor heat nor gloom of night can slow the mail. But President Donald Trump can.

Late Friday, Trump’s handpicked new postmaster general, Louis DeJoy, announced sweeping organizational changes that promise to further undercut the U.S. Postal Service’s ability to perform a vital democratic function: the timely delivery of mail-in ballots. This comes during an election when as many as 80 million Americans are expected to vote by mail because of the risk of contracting COVID-19.

DeJoy, a major Republican fundraiser and Trump donor, reassigned or sidelined almost two dozen high-ranking USPS officials in a move to centralize his control of the agency, also instituting a hiring freeze and voluntary early retirements.

Rep. Gerry Connolly (D-Va.), chair of the House subcommittee responsible for oversight of the Postal Service, called the reorganization “deliberate sabotage” and an obvious attempt to interfere in the election.

“One way to suppress the vote ― and they’re experts in vote suppression — is to slow down the delivery of mail,” Connolly told CNN on Monday.

Enfeebling the Postal Service would be among the most concerning attempts to subvert the institutions of democracy by a far-right administration that has turned the executive branch into a political cudgel unlike any wielded by a president in modern times. Trump has never made a secret of his distaste for democracy. After his election, his then-senior strategist, Steve Bannon, described the objective of the new administration as the “deconstruction of the administrative state.” Coming from Bannon, an extremist who works with authoritarians around the world, these were baleful tidings.

Weaponizing the Postal Service for partisan politics should outrage and scare us all - regardless of political persuasion. The Postal Service is listed in the Constitution - and it a major part of our democratic foundation.

Article I, Section 8, Clause 7 of the United States Constitution, known as the Postal Clause or the Postal Power, empowers Congress "To establish Post Offices and Post Roads".[1]

An election by mail will never be fully trusted, by either side. It's a handy, ready-made excuse if the unfathomable happens and Trump wins again. Also, if he loses, he has a right to question it. You should have voting results on the same day, not sit for weeks waiting. That should only happen for recounts.

The global socialists and their big city pals won't quit. They have quite a narrow view of America instead of realizing the dangers posed by Communist, which shouldn't be entertained for a few easy dollars. America won't survive if they do. You will end up like Canada and your best talent will leave and work to help the enemy.

this wreaks of a Postal Workers Union propaganda placard.

The US Air Force is a strategic asset. Would you want postal workers protecting you? I sure as hell wouldn't.

The Postal Service is Americas longest running train wreck.
When I go into a Post office the longer the line gets, the fewer clerks you see working.
If the line gets too long....they all disappear. Lunch breaks for everyone.
Please explain to us how Trump is "trying to keep the process fair and honest". Please provide "credible" proof.

Please provide Credible Proof democrats are not trying to steal the election.
Please cover open borders, sanctuary cities, Drivers licenses for illegals etc.
Then explain how there is not opportunity for fraud with mail in ballots.
How so? Provide "credible" proof.
By supporting mail voting. Duh!

Yep, several Red and Blue states have been doing it for years - successfully.

Not on the scale being tried now. not even close

Duh, we're in the middle of a PANDEMIC. Would you rather people die from trying to vote in person? Trump is also going to make voting at the polls as long and painful as possible.

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